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Everything posted by michael20

  1. Wow Popeye, I have this model of the connie and I was looking at the stick on wooden deck sheets that they have for this kit,but after seeing what you have done so far on this build I think I'll reconsider that move. Great job man. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  2. Your PT Boat is really coming along there Tim. When you drilled the hole for your antenna did you vice that and use a drill press or did you use a pin vice and go slow, it turned out superb. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  3. Looking great Tim. I hope you bring it to the next meeting. Happy Modeling and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Marty G.
  4. There is a article in Ship Modeler's Shop Notes II published by the NRG that details how to make a made mast and the article was written by a man named John M. Bobbitt . I'm sure you can procure the info you are looking for there. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  5. Looking Great Tim, Are you going to bring it to the meeting? Would love to see the updates in person. Happy Modeling. Marty G.
  6. Thank you Ryland, I've been itching to put some pictures out here on MSW. Happy modeling. Marty G.
  7. Hey Ryland, You are on a roll now, Once you get the hull planked the rest of the build will roll on. My biggest problem was finally figuring out the rigging, even though the drawings were great I got stumped where there are only four belay pins to tie to and several other lines that needed to be tied off somewhere...Thank god for the other builds going on and plenty of pictures to study, I think I have mine close to right. I'll be bringing it to our meeting Saturday. I hope you would be willing to help a poor computer illiterate post some pictures here on MSW. You have done a great job Ryland and I will be ribbing you a bit until you finnish this one. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  8. I wanna see it, I wanna see it. I've been looking at this kit to build but I wanted to see some builds of it first. I am looking forward to seeing your build. As time goes on I'm sure plenty of other aftermarket details will be offered for this kit. Good luck. Happy modeling, Martin G.
  9. Great build Keith, I have this kit on the shelf in my modelroom, I love the detail and the effort you put forth on it, those handpainted details look splendid to me, It is a great kit and you did a fine job on her. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  10. Spectacular work and great detail, I will be looking foreward to future updates. Happy Modeling, Martin G.
  11. Very fine workmanship, This is one model that I would love to have in my shipyard. I will be watching your progress with great interest so keep the pictures coming. Happy Modeling, Martin G.
  12. Hi Charley, I have been looking at getting this kit for a long time and I am a plastic model builder also, I will be watching your build with enthusiasm. Good luck and happy modeling. Marty G.
  13. Kimberly, Modeling for me has always been a thing that I could do that no one could say you were doing it right or wrong, a place of relaxation and the only person you had to satisfy was yourself. you will find that the more you do it the more you will learn and you will find there are several ways to do things. As for the painting part, you don't like how something turns out just simply paint over it, that has always worked for me. Keep going, you are doing a fine job. Happy Modeling Marty G.
  14. Thanks Ryland for posting those pictures, Some great models and the history to go with them. I am so jealous. Hee Hee.... With practice I hope to be that good of a modeler someday. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  15. Hello Sherry, I remember when you started this build and I haven't checked your build out for a while as I have been moving my household to a new location. Now that I am settled you have soldiered on quite well. Simply AWESOME craftsmanship. I will definitely be looking for future updates. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  16. Man McSpuds, Great start on your Syren . I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress.
  17. Hey Rwiederrich , I believe that you use whatever medium you can to achieve the end result also, I have scratchbuilt several parts for my HMS Hunter model which I have yet to post on MSW. I will be watching for future updates to your build... Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  18. Hi Jerry, I was parusing MSW and ran across your build log, Fantastic work on your Victory. I will be looking forward to seeing more. You are certainly moving right along. Happy modeling, Martin G.
  19. Looking great Tim. I hope you bring it to show and tell at the next club meeting. Happy modeling. Martin G.
  20. That is one very fine ship Alex, keep those posts coming. I'll be watching with anticipation. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  21. Stunning work , I love to see all the inner structures of these wooden beauties. Thank you for sharing your work. I will be looking foreward to future posts. Happy modeling Martin G.
  22. Hi Jay, Your Connie is sure looking great, I'll be looking forward to your future updates. In the meantime, Enjoy your vacation.... Happy Modelling, Marty G.
  23. Hi Jason, What a fantastic job you have done on this kit. Watching your build of this makes me want get started on mine. Happy modeling.... Martin G.
  24. Hey Ryland, Your progress on your longboat is simply stunning. Are you going to bring it to the meeting Saturday for show and tell? I was going to bring my Hunter model and see about getting some constructive criticism on my sail making . Great model, looking at how great it looks I think I'll have to put one on my wish list. Happy modeling. Marty G.
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