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Posts posted by Cabbie

  1. Yee hah

    A little modelling to update.

    After separating all the pieces and doing a dry fit, only one bulkhead needed a shim  to

    bring it up to the right height, then I made a build board to hold and glued it all together.




    But one thing that is going to be hard to handle is the planking timber.

    The 1st planking is limewood, which I have never seen before, and is very

    hard and 2.2mm thick. it is meant to 2mm.




    The second planking is mahogany .35 to .4mms thick and meant to be .5.

    Modellers shipyard told me that the 2nd planking was mahogany, before I Bought it, but their

    picture advertised shows a browner timber. Which I like the look of better.

    (PS no complaints from me about it)


    Yes, I know that I am meant to be keeping this build simple, but

    I am going to thin down the lime wood to 1.5mm thick, which will still be hard work to use.

    Then I am going to cut my own 2nd planking from some Kauri that I have, of which

    I like the color much better. it will be .8mm thick. That will allow me to cut wider planks for

    spiling if need be.


    The mahogany that is left I am going to put on the deck, and the rudder.

    Anyway that is the plan, we will see what happens

    Cheers Chris


  2. Good Morning Don

    Thanks for looking in, yes all is well, just too busy at work and other things.

    Maybe at Christmas I can put a few days together and plan some items, and get organized.

    Its not so much the doing, but the, what and how.


    Hello Scott

    Thanks for the compliment. I keep telling myself that one day I will master

    the art of miniature carving and do them myself (LOL)

    The hull seems to be surviving ok, no movement or cracks.

    The Endeavour will be finished, just don't want to mess it up.

    Hooroo Chris

  3. Scare Bleu, yes i know starting another one. As stated I my Endeavour log

    I am very time poor at the moment, but I need to do something.

    Something, I can just sit down and model with, and not spend time sorting out what and how to do.

    A couple of pics




    it will be done as the kit is, except after looking around it appears, a binnacle needs to be added.

    Cheers Chris

  4. YO, Howdy folks, yes I am still alive.

    The poor Endeavour has been sitting on the desk feeling sad and lonely,

    and that is not about to change.


    The trouble that has developed, is that this build as I am doing it, is too involved, and

    takes too much thinking time, and because i am fiddling with it,

    changing timbers, and trying to do as accurate as possible, it

    is taking time I don't have at the moment.


    Therefore, it is on hold until I can put in more than an hour or so, here

    and there.. The time thing is not going to get better, because i am thinking about

    a change in how I work, that will make even less time available next year.

    That and all the other life things, that seem to be need to be done these days.


    I have done a little bit of construction, and made some hinges for the rudder,



    But because I need to do something,

    I am going to partake of that time honored tradition, of model ship builders, and


    start another one. Build log coming soon.

    Hooroo Chris



  5. Howdy Hof, looking good, that is a big effort, stripping the first deck back and putting another on on.

    It looks like it will be worth the effort.


    What sort of glue are you using? When i did mine i used a fast setting Sellys white pva,

    i would put it on, then clean off the excess glue, and keep an eye on it while it was setting

    to make sure it stayed down. If it needed pushing down, the glue would grab if it wasn't dry.

    While I was doing that i would get the next one ready.

    The glue usually set in about 5 mins.


    Hooroo Chris

  6. Good Evening Hof

    Time does get by before you know, its months later.

    I was just thinking, its time to get on with it. I have done a little bit lately, been

    making the rudder hinges and soldering them. I think they are going to look

    pretty good. I need to get the deck furniture sorted out and start making it.


    One thing that has been taking time lately, apart from all sorts of things around home,

    is that i have a new kitchen designing software, and I have

    been learning to use it. That and all the usual one person, small business, book work.


    Looking forward to seeing some pics of the new deck .

    Cheers Chris

  7. Howdy Hof Good to hear from you

    Things have been very slow in the shipyard lately, too many other things to do.


    "So, all good "Aficionados" no problem with this, I think my Endeavour will be not 100% accurate, (Definitely not), more of an "Object de art)"


    With you 100% on this, mine is just my beginners copy, more or less of the replica.

    I have decided to ditch the cast carvings, and i have reduced the side vertical planks back to 1,

    that will be how it stays until i can do something else in the future.


    Thanks  for the compliment on the stern, I like how it looks.


    I have got myself organized to do more work and will post a little update soon,

    doing the rudder and hinges.

     Cheers Chris

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