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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. Hi Steve, yes i do have the AOTS. I was thinking that it would be good to be able to look at these sorts drawings as well. Chris
  2. I think it would be safe to that the Endeavour's rigging would be similar to what is shown in the book. Thanks Chris
  3. Can someone please tell me what book this image is taken from. it has very clear, precise drawing in it, and I want to buy the book. Image removed by me now that i know where it comes from Thanks Chris
  4. Looking good Biz Clean the blocking up and you will have a very nice ship too work on. Cheers Chris
  5. Morning Dash Looking at the tiller pic, I think that there is a metal cap on top of the rudder post to which the brace is attached to. I wonder if they added any more hinging under the canopy to make it stronger. I was just thinking too, I wonder if they hid a steel bar inside the laminated timber? Also that pic also shows a very clear view of the inside of the stern which will help for our models.
  6. Hi Dash This page has a closer in shot and other pics, also a little model if the rudder and wheel assembly https://traveltoeat.com/hm-bark-endeavour-australian-national-maritime-museum-sydney/
  7. HI Dash I kept this one, of the rudder. https://www.flickr.com/photos/49614558@N02/5672239356/in/album-72157626613240438/ And this album Of The Endeavour in dry dock has a couple looking up. https://www.flickr.com/photos/endeavourvoyages/sets/72157634081735926 I think you are right about the brace it looks like it on the drawing. I opened the image in photo viewer and enlarged it and the brace line is there. It doesn't seem to show the tiller support you are asking about though. Something else about that drawing it has 2 steps in the gunwales, so i don't know if any ones knows what's correct. Chris
  8. Here is a couple of photos showing the setup on the replica https://www.flickr.com/photos/endeavourvoyages/10322467525/in/photostream/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/endeavourvoyages/10322645013/in/photostream/
  9. Thanks Pat, Yes very nice to work with, soaks and bends easy. It is a bit dull at the moment, but with some poly later it will come up very nice. Cheers Chris
  10. Good Morning Ian i have been a bit remiss in not looking at your log for a while, that is some mighty fine work you have been doing. The anchor stock jig worked a treat, and your work is so neat and tidy. In fact, I reckon you must be hiding something from us, a background your keeping secret, you have the ideas and the workmanship of someone much more experienced. She is going to be a real beauty when finished. I was thinking along the same lines with my wales, and putting a black stain on them for a bit of variety. it will be good to see what the ebony miniwax is like. The only problem with mine is that they are a soft wood and won't take the stain even. Keep the good work coming Cheers Chris
  11. Howdy Hof I have been plodding along a bit, time has been a bit of a battle, as well as the planking. But others seem to think that once you get past it the fun things start to happen I think that sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves, to get things done and to do it at a certain standard, and that takes the fun out of it. So I decided a while back just to let it happen as it does, and that it will finish as it does. Though I will keep looking to learn, and improve the skills. I had to replace some bow planks that I sanded through, It was probably worse thinking about, than actually doing it. But on the deck a bit of well placed cargo might do the job for you. Someone around here has a saying that if you treat each little part as model itself, you will do thousands of models, that is what I am doing now taking it bit by bit and not looking at the bigger picture too much. Enough talk, a couple of pics of where I'm up to. Its a bit hard to see the 2nd layer Kauri planks, but trust me they are there. Cheers Chris
  12. Hi Dash have a look in here https://www.flickr.com/photos/endeavourvoyages/albums/with/72157634081735926 Only 3729 photos, but the Albany to Port Lincoln album has a few not quite complete pics Chris And a few photos here http://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Endeavour/Photos%20HMB%20Endeavor.htm PS, if someone could remove the people it would be much better for us
  13. Yes Don I agree as well, Dave, it looks as though you have a great assembly line set up, producing very consistent looking chains. And yes the pics look real good showing up your work. Chris
  14. Very nice dash The lines, the colours, and the brown stuff on the hull, are all combining to make her very enjoyable to look at. Cheers Chris
  15. Great looking work Pat They are going to look very neat and even on the ship. Chris
  16. I was thinking that you had gone past gluing the deck down. It is looking very good . Cheers Chris
  17. I also added strips of timber along each side at the top of the bulkhead, to help hold it straight,and the bulkheads square. They were also good to help hold the deck down when gluing it.
  18. Good Morning Stripehunter and welcome to MSW. My first ship was the Swift 1805, and i think that it was very challenging for a first ship, but a great ship to learn with. BUT, do not be anxious to finish, you probably won't be happy with it. There are a lot of things you need to learn, to do ship modelling, so you might as well start learning how to do them now. Look around this site it has all the resources you need. So take a deep breath and relax so you can enjoy ship modelling. It will be finished when it is finished. Cheers Chris
  19. Hi Dave If i get down on my knees and beg, will you pass this information on to me later? Oh and did I say your model is looking absolutely brilliant. Thanks Chris
  20. Very nice work Dave You have been a very busy chap. The chains look very straight and neat and with the deck furniture she is coming along real well. Hooroo Chris
  21. Good evening mark Not too sure what 2nd planking you are thinking of. I am going to put a second layer above the wales, there are some ugly gaps in the 1st layer and because i have caulked I can't fill them, wouldn't look right. We were talking treenailing above and I don't know if it is a worth while exercise and whether I would do a good enough job of it. Cheers Chris
  22. Hi Pat I haven't done the deck planks, I'm thinking that I will leave them as well. The Jarrah on the hull will go fairly dark when varnished, and I don't know if the treenailing will show up that much, for something that will be a lot of work. Besides I like how it looks now (that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) Thanks Chris
  23. HI Ian and Dave thanks for looking in and the likes. You really want me to suffer don't you, Dave At this stage I am all chicken and not treenailing, a lot of those planks are only 3.5mm wide and less and i don,t know if I will do it well enough, but will take another look at it later. Next i am marking all the ports, channels and other bits before 2nd planking. Its a kink I have I have to plan it out before I start and I want to make the spaces for ports as I go. Though how the little ones that are only 3.2mm X 6.4mm will look I don't know. Cheers Chris
  24. Good Morning all Update time again, I have finally finished planking under the wales. it has been given a fairly good sand, but will need a lot better. I think i will leave it, at this stage and move up above the wales, because as in my usual style I will probably knock it around during more work One thing I do know in doing what I have done is, that I have a deep appreciation for the work that the masters are doing. it involves so much concentration and workmanship to keep the work up to the standard that they do. Anyway a few pics, it is a bit nqr, but i am happy with it.
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