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Everything posted by dafi

  1. And what does one do, if one has a bunch of hungry marines waiting for food and sitting in front of the gun room? Of course, one should take precautions. Preparations include getting the equipment ready ... ... and the arms too ... ... and to dress the guards. Ok I missed the epaulets ... ... but I shortened the tails according to the 1803 regulations. Just the officers had long tails, thanks to Foxy for that detail! Larger than life :-) And very important: place them in front of the gun room ... ... for that the Haute Volée can stay in peace and quiet. And the long tails of the to red men in the background clearly show. Yes, we are officers :-) Cheers, DAniel
  2. And always remember: There is not such a thing as one specific length of the plank, as the butts always had to be atop the deck beams, which had different distances! XXXDAn
  3. Makes sense, as the waves would slam it close and not open, which facilitates emergency closing. I already respected this for the etch parts on my Vic :-) Cheers and thanks, Daniel
  4. For that there will be no mutiny because of the empty plates, here is the proposal for the menu, according to historical sources: First Course 
Hors D'Oeuvres 

Second Course
 Consommé Olga
 Cream of Barley

 Third Course 
Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers

 Fourth Course 
Filet Mignons Lili
 Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise Vegetable Marrow Farci 

Fifth Course 
Lamb, Mint Sauce
 Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
 Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes Green Pea
 Creamed Carrots 
Boiled Rice 
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes

 Sixth Course
 Punch Romaine

 Seventh Course
 Roast Squab & Cress

 Eighth Course
 Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette 

Ninth Course 
Pate de Foie Gras

 Tenth Course
 Waldorf Pudding 
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
 Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs
 French Ice Cream *dream* XXXDAn
  5. Simply a dream! Thank you for sharing with us all, Daniel
  6. Even a better source is Bray´s album in NMM Shows chest everywhere and being seated on :-)
  7. Thank you guys for the feedbacks and the open eyes! @ Frank: Thank you, the scissors already are working their way through the compliment :-) @ Izzy: Beches still will be hanged on the inboard side - but still missing the beam ... @ all: was the out side fixed on the hull or was it hanged too? @ Izzy and Jan: Thank you for the nice pictures of the handles. I actually decided on the wooden handles, as the rope ones were too invisible. Will be a nice detail on the show chests. Actually the pictures of Bray show plenty of chests used for people sitting around. Cheers, Daniel
  8. This too was described by Nares Seamanship in ca. 1860. Possibly this is the source of the Victory being equipped with the left hand breech ropes. Further research did not yet find earlier sources so far. So I personally find it doubtful for the use in 1805 on Victory. Has anybody further hints? XXXDAn
  9. Thank you all, very appreciated! And the birthday party continious. On Modellmarine, Germany´s best known daily Marine-Blog there is a short introduction into anchor handling:-) http://www.modellmarine.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4238:hms-victory-ankerhandhabung-auf-einem-linienschiff-1100-von-daniel-fischer&catid=491:daniel-fischer Please find the Google translation here: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.modellmarine.de/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D4238:hms-victory-ankerhandhabung-auf-einem-linienschiff-1100-von-daniel-fischer%26catid%3D491:daniel-fischer&usg=ALkJrhg8ngeoPyT-nnQFrEo3I02RztiPnQ Part 2 probably on Thursday :-) Heep-Heep-Hurrayh, DAniel
  10. Also it is a question of scale :-) Both are for larger scales. XXXDAn
  11. "It looks quite cosy, this way." ... and dark and stifling and humid and oppressive and smelly and loud and claustrophobic and ...
  12. Ok, time to take a seat :-) In NMM is documented, that the marines were positioned in front of the gunroom on two deckers. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/86584.html ZAZ6793 The Trafagar Companion localises them on the Vic in front of the wardroom, means the middle deck. I checked and found that if all 120 marines were positioned just there, it would fill the area up to the mainmast. As the marines were also used to keep an eye upon the sailors, I split the group and positioned half of them in font of the gunroom, so the lower deck could be observed too. And suddenly it gets packed :-) Now just missing the food, not that the good mood tilts ;-) XXXDAn
  13. Some small thoughts about the life in between the guns. First about the personal belongings of the sailors. Classically one thinks of the sailors chests. But in clearing for action maneuvering 800 chests into the hold? Logistically not the easiest task. Masefield reports that only officers were allowed a chest, for the sailors it was just a bag/kit. A small trial shows, that only about 8 chests fit in the space but about 20 hammocks were positioned in this area ... ... so 1 man 1 chest is impossible and confirms Masefield. Also 800 bags are more easily cleared. In the empty space in between the chests still are missing some barrels of the ready to use provisions. Then the thoughts about the benches: how to store them when not in use - as contemporary drawings show them with fix legs - and where did the mess store the things of daily use? Personal conclusion is to skip the benches and use the chests for stuff of daily use and for sitting - also shown in contemporary sources. Masefield also reports that sometimes the sea bags were stowed in the orlop, possibly in the area of the carpenters walk and access being restricted to two times a day. I think could have worked for two deckers, but from breeding my own little maggots I have seen the space it takes - for my own taste a bit too much for a three decker with double the compliment. Space taken, that could otherwise been very useful especially on long voyages. That is why I decided to test fit 20 bags in the area of each mess and it is easily fitted in between the hanging knees where there are no hammocks anyway. And the stage is set :-) XXXDAn
  14. ...hihihihihihi... As a starter just something, most of you should know: http://nygeschichte.blogspot.de/2014/06/lunch-atop-skyscraper-building-search.html By the way a very interesting german site about the picture where it was taken and the story about. But back to my own roost. Then there were three ... ... seen by the german Assembly Act it already is a mob, but I needed more ... ... so knocked off some heads and limbs, twisted bodies ... ... and reassembled them. Some got some coattails ... ... and all a nice washing in 50 shades of dirty-white. And all these basically out of the three basic models :-) In the meantime my small shipyard worker and his lovely assistant were on the quest for the perfect sea chest ... ... and looks like the quest was successful by the sparkle in her eyes :-) XXXDAn
  15. So, the public already took place ... ... and is wondering what to come ... ... and also my little seed of maggots looks like is ready to be harvested :-) Ok, let´s clean the stage up :-) XXXDAn
  16. Here is a picture of a gun run in being loaded :-) RE: ... to Victory and beyond! ... some thought about the run out and secured guns ... RE: ... to Victory and beyond! ... and some discussion about a carronade sliding backwards: RE: Carronaden XXXDAn PS: Do not mind the preventer breeching lines on the 32 pounders as seen on todays Vic and described by Goodwin. So far the discussion did not reveal any robust prooves for it ... PPS: Anybody having an idea?
  17. I can see the guy having finished calking and realizing that the tie is stuck within the seams ... ... as long as it keeps it watertight ;-) XXXDAn
  18. Lovely work, please do double check the size of the entry port. I always have the feeling, that it is far too narrow on the Caldercraft kit, especially to be seen in relation with the quite large canopy! Check the plans at NMM or McKay for best reference :-) Cheers, DAniel
  19. Keep it simple :-) #53 Great work you do. Cheers, Daniel
  20. Happy birthday dear Vicci! Today 250 years ago, dear little Vic was taken out of the dock :-) I had the honor to prepare the laudatory speech for the german daily magazine Modellmarine.de http://www.modellmarine.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4236:07-mai-1765-250-geburtstag-der-hms-victory&catid=364:jahrestag Please find here the google translation :-) https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.modellmarine.de/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D4236:07-mai-1765-250-geburtstag-der-hms-victory%26catid%3D364:jahrestag&usg=ALkJrhiPT4Bvw0qW2hY2O1ROJDRrkda-DQ Cheers and all the best for the future to our dear Vicci, Daniel
  21. The trick is, that there are two rings being used: The eyebolt in the hull (usually vertical) and a ring 90° turned (usually horizontal) to which the breech or tackles are fixed ... So what do you represent? The eyebolt or the ring ;-) XXXDan
  22. "A couple of before and after shots." "I think the modified version looks better." As I said - worth the pain! Improvements look wonderful :-) XXXDAn
  23. This brings me back to my dilemma - all sources so far bring me back to Goodwin ... ... and my desperate search for contemporary sources. Thank you, Daniel
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