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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Beautiful work Chuck. I really like the look of the curved planking. You've made it tough for the rest of us not to do it this way. Bob
  2. After doing the stern, it was almost a relief to get back to planking the lower hull. I've now done the lower segment on the starboard side through the rough sanding. I started with the garboard strake and then worked from top and bottom until the area was filled in. The final strake required some shaping and fitting, but generally the work went fairly smoothly. Before moving on to the port side, I will drill and fill for the treenails on this side ( there are well over a thousand holes to be done on each side and I want to break up that task). Bob
  3. Thanks so much Grant, Tim, Druxey and Maury for the nice comments and also to the "likes". Druxey, I did try card patterns. My problems seemed to result mostly from the compound (3 dimensional) curves to the parts. I'm not entirely sure whether these are inherent or at least partially the result of prior work on my part. Bob
  4. Well, I've done the square tuck stern and it was as troublesome as I feared it would be. Definitely the hardest part of the work to date. I went through a good part of a sheet of 1/8" boxwood to make the framing (my trash can was delighted with all of the treats it received ), but I finally said "enough". The result is "OK", but not great. The planking was tricky, but easier. Once I was at it, I decided to go ahead and complete the area by tree nailing and putting on a coat of Wipe-on Poly. I then added the stern post, because I prefer to do the lower planking with it in place. Lastly, I added the molding at the bottom of the counter above the tuck framing. All in all, I'm just glad to be back at the lower planking. Bob
  5. Thanks so much to all for the generous comments and the "likes". Always appreciated. Dirk, Augie and Rusty: I wish that I shared your confidence about the stern work, but I'll give it my best shot. Jeff: Funny you should say that. I actually spiled the lower planking on my Fair American. I tried the edge bending here after seeing Chuck's work and talking to him. Bob
  6. Really nice work Joel. I built this some years ago when the Feldman series first appeared and remember it as an enjoyable build, using the Lumberyard mini-kit. I only get to see it from time to time now, as it is at my daughter's home in the Chicago area. Bob
  7. It's looking simply beautiful Augie. You continue to exceed yourself as this model progresses. Bob
  8. I've now done the upper belt of the lower planking on the starboard side. All of the same procedures were used as on the port side. As on the port side , the planking is only rough sanded at this point. Usually the second version of any work goes faster and easier, but for whatever reason that was not the case here. In any event, it's time to face up to doing the square tuck stern. Although Chuck has made it look easy on his model, it just doesn't look easy at all when I look at the necessary work ahead of me. We shall see. Bob
  9. That is simply an incredible piece of work Grant. I share the awe and envy of all who have commented here. Bob
  10. Congrats Ed on completing a beautiful model. You have every reason to be proud of the work that you've done. I'm really looking forward to seeing your Syren build. Bob
  11. Thanks so much Nigel, Grant, George, Nils and David for the nice comments and also to all of the "likes". As always your support and encouragement are appreciated. Bob
  12. Lower hull planking progresses. Chuck says that Cheerful can be planked without spiling by edge bending the planks (and has proved it beautifully on his own model). Well, so far, so good. I have now done the upper belt of the port side lower planking. While it doesn't look anywhere as good as Chuck's, I'm reasonably satisfied. Each plank was first tapered, then bent, then edge beveled where necessary for a tight fit. I followed the butt pattern shown in the plans.I must admit that it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, and I went back to my old methods of plank bending, using water and heat, rather than the method used and shown by Chuck. In any event, it's now on to the same work on the starboard side. Bob
  13. Thanks so much Erik. It seems most of your questions have now been answered by the new offerings from Crown. It appears that it will be easier to get what you need to do Cheerful.. Bob
  14. Thanks so much Terry, Jason and the "likes. Terry, I ordered strip sizes called out in Chuck's practicum and a couple of others that I thought I might need. The quantities were rough estimates and I expect to need more of some sizes as I go along. In addition to the strips, I also ordered some sheets of various thicknesses that seemed like they would be necessary or useful. I also had some sizes of strip and sheet on hand from previous projects. I'm afraid that I didn't save the order sheet to be able to tell you exactly what I got. Bob
  15. Thanks so much Augie, Druxey, George and the "likes". You're so right Druxey. I'm afraid that I had a case of foolish overconfidence this time. Bob
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