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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks guys for the comments and "likes". Mike, after seeing yours, I'll be happy to have mine come out as well. Had the pleasure of spending some time with Chuck, and seeing his work, and I'm eager to get back at it. Bob
  2. Mike, great to have met you yesterday and to have seen your Cheerful in person. It will make following along even more enjoyable. Bob
  3. Joe, I will be following along. I built the Morgan some years ago and remember it as a fun and interesting build. Enjoy. Bob
  4. Thanks so much guys for the comments and the "likes". Progress will slow for a bit as we will be away for about a week. Bob
  5. Making my way through the tedious, but necessary, early steps. I first rough faired the hull using various sanding sticks. Then I added the gunport framing, trying to be careful to maintain a smooth flowing line. Next, I cut the forward most ports in the filler pieces at the bow and faired the gun ports. Lastly, I "finished" fairing the hull. I expect to need some minor adjustments when I begin the hull planking. Next up will be the stern framing. Bob
  6. I'm with Mobbsie, Grant. Your idea of a mistake looks like perfection to the rest of us. Bob
  7. Thanks to all for the interest. It's very nice to have a lot of old friends along. Bob
  8. Thanks guys for the good wishes and welcome aboard. Chuck, I really don't want to catch you -- so I guess that you're going to have to work faster. Bob
  9. Tim, it's good to have an understanding wife. Mine has put up with my "eccentricities" for 53 years. Bob
  10. This will be my version of Chuck's Cheerful. In addition to Chuck's prototype build log, there are already a couple of other logs started, and I'm sure there will be many more. It should be fun to work along with the others. While waiting for the lantern parts that I needed to complete Essex, I decided to jump the gun and begin Cheerful. Since I lack power tools, and am reluctant to cut all of the framing by hand, I chose to use Chuck's laser cut bulkhead and former set. They are as near to perfect as you can get. The ply is uniform and the fit is precise. It was a simple matter to assemble the structure. Being a creature of habit, I added bracing at the bulkhead-former joints, as I've always done. Chuck didn't do this, and I'm sure that it wasn't necessary. Before adding the bulkheads, but after adding the rabbet strip, I assembled and added the boxwood stem and keel. I will be doing the hull planking and fixtures and furniture in boxwood and the decking in holly. I obtained the boxwood from Crown Timberyard, and it looks great. I chose not to get the offered package, because it is entirely composed of wood sheets from which the strips must be cut. Once again, my lack of tools caused me to get the wood mostly in milled strips, with some sheets. I'm now starting to fair the hull. Bob
  11. Thanks so much Remco, Janos, Timmo and the "likes". Remco, we work on a "one in, one out" rule that holds down the overcrowding (I still have 9 in the house ). As soon as Essex goes in her case (now being made), an existing model will be shipped to one of my daughters. BTW, I will probably be starting my Cheerful log later today. Bob
  12. She is a beauty Ben. As I know from my Essex figurehead, some things are just better left to people with a real talent for doing them. Bob
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