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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Ken and the "likes". Like everything else I do, Ken, this is low tech, seat of the pants. Basically I line out the area, clamp the piece in a vise and try to file to the lines. I will check it with a small square as I work my way around. It seems to come out square enough to work. Bob
  2. Beautifully done Rich and a terrific accomplishment. Every minute without the case, however, is a minute of danger. Bob
  3. Work continues on the fore mast yards and rigging. I have been doing the topsail and lower yards. The lower is now done and mounted and the rigging begun. The attached photos show the progression of work on the lower yard. It follows my usual scheme of starting with a round dowel, then cutting and filing a square section. adding wood strip to build up the square section, then filing that eight sided, then tapering and shaping the yard and finally adding the cleats. After completion of that work, the yard was prepared for mounting by painting it black, adding the foot ropes, the various blocks and lines attached to the yard and the studdingsail boom brackets and booms. Quite a tangle when it got done. The lower yard has now been mounted and I've begun running the rigging lines, but won't do photos until I've done the topsail yard, which is now in process. Bob
  4. Thanks so much Nigel. It's good to hear from you again. I'm sorry both about your lost buyer and your inability to devote time or attention to modeling. We miss you. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Nenad, Thomas and the "likes". It's easier to keep moving forward Thomas, when model building is basically your day job. The joy of retirement. Bob
  6. Thanks so much John, Nils and the "likes". John, having seen a good deal of your work, I have no doubt that you will do at least as well as me. Nils,It's not even close to done. I'm only on the first of the three masts -- and less than half done with that one. I'm thinking of months, not weeks. Bob
  7. I've begun on the fore mast running rigging by making and mounting the topgallant and royal yards and adding their rigging to the extent that I'm going to do it. It's my intention to do the yard rigging ( trusses, parrels, halliards, foot ropes, lifts, braces) and certain of the sail rigging ( clews, sheets, but no bunt, leech or reef lines). This has been my practice for quite a while and is entirely arbitrary, based upon my feelings about appearance and feasibility. I am also not doing any of the headsail and staysail rigging on this build. These first two yards, like the previously done spritsail and sprit topsail yards, are relatively simple, since they are round in section throughout. I added the cleats, foot ropes (on the topgallant), clew and sheet blocks, lift blocks (on the topgallant), halliard ties, one end of the parrels and brace pendants (on the topgallant) before mounting the yards on their pins on the mast. I then added blocks for the lifts at the mastheads and various blocks for the braces at the main topgallant mast, main topmast stay and fore top. I then ran the lifts, clews, halliards and royal sheets and tied off those that are belayed in the fore top. Rope coils were added for each belayed line. Lastly, I ran the braces, but didn't tie them off at this point. I'm now in the process of making the topsail yard and lower yard. Bob
  8. Thanks so much Augie, Nils Joe and Sjors for the nice comments and also the "likes". Bob
  9. I've now made, mounted and rigged the spritsail and sprit topsail yards. The yards themselves were easy, since they are round in section throughout and only required tapering before adding the yard and arm cleats. I pre- rigged the yards by adding the halliard block, parrel, lifts and braces before mounting them on the pins previously set in the bowsprit and jibboom. The parrels were then completed and the halliards and lifts were led through their respective blocks/thimbles and back to the bow pinrail, where they were tied off and separate rope coils added.The braces were led back through the the blocks under the fore top (an incredibly fiddly job), but won't be tied off until sometime during the fore mast rigging. The last task was to complete the rigging of the jibboom and flying jibboom guys by leading them through eyebolts on the yards back to blocks and tackles at the bows that were tied off on the pinrail and coils added. Next will be the foremast yards and rigging. Bob
  10. Thanks so much Nils, Nigel, Thomas, Sjors and Martin for the very nice comments and also the "likes". Martin, I have no patience at all -- just persistence, like all of us have. Bob
  11. Thanks so much Rusty. Your continuing interest is always appreciated. Thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  12. Thanks so muchTim, Dirk, Tom, Grant and Patrick for the generous comments and also to the "likes". BTW, in looking at the photos, i see that portions of the masts and jibboom/flying jibboom look very white. This is a product of bad photography. They are golden oak and match the rest of the masts. Bob
  13. A really lovely looking build Gary. I don't think any of us ever does a build without thinking it could have been better. Don't get too caught up in that kind of thinking. Bob
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