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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. Hello! I just found this build. OUTSTANDING WORK, and GREAT SAVE on the false keel! I'm impressed! Anyway, the kit now lists for $399.00 on Model Expo. It is a current listing. Bill
  2. Heinz, Your English is much better than my German! And, you are doing an exceptional job with the Victory. Given that I have a goal to purchase this kit, that goal is still far off from reality. Bill
  3. You are never too old to venture into this hobby! I have a good friend over on FSM who is 90 years old and builds some of the most impressive models I have ever seen. It is a real pleasure to see his works, especially his newer models. If you are tempted to build this model, go for it! Bill
  4. Rob, I just found this build. Great work so far given your learning curve! Impressive! What happened to Y.T.? Bill
  5. Your paint job is spectacular! I have read of techniques like yours but have never seen it in photos. I will follow from hear! Bill
  6. I agree! The photos are fantastic. They will definitely help me with the Potosi! Bill
  7. Finally!!! An accurate model of HMS Beagle! The Mamoli kit is simply a carbon copy of the old Revell plastic model, which is a modified HMS Bounty. Occre did a great job in designing this kit. That said . . . You are doing a commendable job on your second ship, but it will need some touching up of the paint on your quarter galleries. I am very impressed with your hull and deck planking! Bill
  8. Far better indeed! I wondered how I would tackle this problem with their Cap Horn/Potosi kit. Now I know. Are these commercially available? Bill
  9. Ian, Looking great! Any luck yet with the railing? Bill
  10. As John Tilley used to say, you are truly making a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Well done! Bill
  11. Corporate service to the customer isn't what it used to be. Oh well. Perhaps I could loan you the part for your brother to copy. Let me know. We can keep that idea as a standby. Bill
  12. Ian, I did not see your response until today. Anyway, the part number in the Cap Horn kit is part 75 for the curved railing at the stern. The other two railings for the poop are 73 and 74. I recommend that you contact Heller and ask for the Cap Horn part. It is in production while Preussen is not. Bill
  13. Ian, I will check on that detail issue for you. I also found Heller's website, which is up and running. According to their online catalog, Cap Horn has been reissued but Preussen has not. Given that they are virtually the same kits except for the one mast, that railing should be available to you. I have copied their "Legal Notice for you, including their email address: Legal notice Heller Hobby GmbH Erlenbacher Str. 3 42477 Radevormwald Germany Telefon: +49 2195-92773-0 Fax: +49 2195-92773-29 E-Mail: info@heller.fr Managing Director: Heinz Engstfeld Ust-Id. Nr.: DE327404132 Amtsgericht Köln HRB 100034
  14. Chris, Your work is amazing, especially for a beginner! Please don't get discouraged; you are building masterpieces. I can't wait to see the entire collection together, even the Queen Mary . . . Bill
  15. Beautiful work! I am impressed! I especially love what you did with the lower hull plating. Great job so far! I once ordered the Heller 1/150 Cap Horn only to discover that no such ship existed. The kit is heavily based on their Preussen except that she depicts a five masted barque. The Flying P-Line did have a near sister to Preussen that was one of only a very small number of such barques named Potosi, so I have been building her as that ship. Your work is inspiring me to proceed with the conversion! Again, WELL DONE!!! Thanks! Bill
  16. Chris, I am glad to see that you found her! Do you have the entire Airfix series of liners yet? Bill
  17. I have read all three and agree somewhat, However, in the HMS Shannon v. USS Chesapeake battle, both ships were very similarly and evenly matched, except that Shannon and her crew had years of training and experience under Captain Broke, a gunnery expert, while USS Chesapeake was under Captain Lawrence, who had never sailed with or drilled his crew. Many of the crew were also new to the ship. As would be expected, Shannon won that battle in close to 15 minutes.
  18. Theodore Roosevelt also wrote an excellent book on the War of 1812 in which he directly refutes William James' findings while simultaneously not chastising the British. His is a much more mature and adult work. I recommend it highly. Bill
  19. Excellent work so far! Your skill is most impressive. I was once in a discussion with John Tilley about this model. He remarked that this model is based on research at the MGM Studios library and bore no resemblance to any real ships and was hugely inaccurate. He also stated that that high stern castle could not stand. Yet, I have found references to show similar designs, and the kit components such as cannons, gun carriages, etc. are indeed accurate. I don't know if this model represents any particular ship but I believe it depicts many design characteristics of the period. Bill
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