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About donrobinson

  • Birthday 11/09/1956

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    Prince Albert Saskatchewan Canada

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  1. David, I was so busy talking about myself I forgot to mention your build. It is looking great! Your ship's boat looks very nice, job well done. I have made a ships boat using MarisStella's method before, shaping the plug was not a problem for me but cleaning out the interior was a bit of a challenge. This time I plan on giving the plug some heavy coats of varathane then wrapped in plastic wrap to help with the removal of the plug.
  2. Hello David, I am glad to hear you and Zoran have been communicating with each other he really is a nice guy and always there to help. I am surprised he still talks to me as I am constantly asking questions and certainly must be a real pain at times. I just received my kit yesterday, it does have the 3D parts. I have not gone through the box very well as of yet but are the wooden pieces for the transom laser cut or something that needs to be scratch built? I will not be starting my Ontario for a week or two as I am the final stages of the Lady Nelson which I want to complete first. I'll be watching here closely for all your updates though. Have a Good Day
  3. Great investigative work! I can see these books are invaluable. Thanks
  4. Good to see you got an answer David. I hate it when you ask a question and it ends up the answer is right in front of you! LOL The question about the stays, are the second stays that you mention not called the preventer stays? Which were quite common on ships of that era. I believe most ships had these, at least the English ones. Lennarth Petersson shows these in his book.
  5. Nice work David, hopefully your troubles are over and it's a smoother ride from here on in. I am getting this kit very soon so I'll see how it all goes for me.
  6. Hey all, just to put a finish to this project I will show the final product and save you the boredom of the entire build. Any questions please ask and I do apologise for the delay. Thanks for having look Take Care
  7. Great build Glenn, congratulations! I am currently building her and have many of the same changes planned for her, most of the laser cut wood is terrible and needs to be replaced as you have mentioned. I wish I could have seen this sooner as I would have egged you on to show more especially the additional rigging. Thanks for showing what you did as it has given me some ideas and new techniques to utilise.
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