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Everything posted by noel_colledge

  1. Well done on a great model Mark. I wonder how many of those lost parts and tools you will find during your deep clean??
  2. Looking forward to watch you engineer this one Keith, your skills have definitely been honed over your !ast two models. If anyone can make wood look like metal, my money is on you.
  3. If you are submerging small parts into a liquid for a period of time, are you not potentially exposing the carving to expansion and swelling / distortion of delicate areas.. I have no experience in this area, so would be interested in hearing of greater experience in this area and how it may affect t different carving woods.
  4. Well done on the completion, she looks fab
  5. Hope you have managed to recruit the same carpenters and painters, save you the time of training new ones.
  6. I think this build is even better than Altair, and that was exquisite also Well done Keith
  7. Hey buddy, Just something additional on the filler blocks reply on post #27, you don't need fancy tools to do this, although not ideal you can use Bass wood or Balsa which is readily available and easy to cut with a knife or small saw. Glue multiple pieces in square and then fair around the bow with files and sandpaper. This will give you a finished shape and something to guide the planks. As mentioned already you will still need to size and bend correctly but you can at least draw the lines on the filler blocks between bulk heads so you know where you are supposed to be
  8. I am pretty sure I saw some posts by archjofo on his incredible build as to how he prepares very thin leather, might be worth a scout.
  9. It happened on mine to begin with as well, but I added a piece of timber at the front to act as a lead in to the actual planking to take away the snatch, and took very fine cuts and it works well. it may also be your blades are slightly out of alignment with each other
  10. On post 432 you mention "Battens: My thicknesser can’t make 0.4mm blanks -only 1.3 minimum. Never mind." if you have a dead flat piece of wood or metal the width of you thicknesser, you can double sided tape your wood to this sled and reduce the thickness of your timber to less than 1.3 mm by passing it through on the sled.
  11. Take a look at some of the dog grooming tables, heavy duty hydraulic ones can be purchased for around £250 new in the uk
  12. It is still possible to export to .stl files, It is in the export drop down menu for the file, you just have to scroll down the menu box a little. The most frustrating thing I find about the free version is not being able to save as a .pdf file anymore. Took me ages to find out how to get around this and actually print a file
  13. There are web sites you can either purchase or are free for some items such as thingiverse but they are generic and not always accurate to a period. Using other sites such as hero forge you are able to design a figure that resembles a sailor, but it is biased towards fantasy so clothing is an issue. You are able to pose however you want for the situation though, and the cost of the .stl file is not that much. One of the biggest issues especially on the slicer Citubox is determining what size to print, you can scale of course, but if drawing full size a calculation needs to be undertaken to determine how much to reduce by. The best option still is to draw out your requirements on a 3d cad program or blender and print away once you have gone through the pain barrier of learning the programs which is where I am currently
  14. Thank you for sharing this Bitao, it is a wonderful piece
  15. Mate, you are a monster, you have wasted no time in getting stated. You must spend hours in your shop. I am retired and still can't find the time to work that fast Looking forward to watching your progress on this build as well. Regards
  16. This might brand me as a heretic on your build, but have you considered resin printing the grate as a solution to making in timber? Regards Noel
  17. Hi Vaddoc. Have you considered Liberon's Bison wax for the finish on the hull. Looks great by the way
  18. Bostin achievement buddy. Congratulations on completing this in only 1 year Superb skills
  19. Hi GL I am intrigued. Can I ask what made you go down the route of laminating the planking rather than just double planking to get the same effect? From my experience Mahogany can be very brittle when trying to form as it is without the added issues of a glue layer holding it back Best regards Noel
  20. Outstanding work at this scale Giampieroricci. What I also find amazing is you only started this 12 months ago.
  21. I would say Azalea but you are right about the match.
  22. Hi Allan Yes it is quite a coup, the project is certainly gathering a bit of momentum now for the mini seriesI I am looking forward to the podcasts, there are some interesting topics proposed judging by the intro Best Regards
  23. This is bound to be of an interest to many out there. It has no connection to myself. This guy is looking to ultimately produce a mini series on the life of Nelson and Lady Hamilton. From the 1st May he is starting a pod cast with special interest to maritime Britain during this period. He has a taster podcast out currently explaining things better than I can. You can find the links via his website below. Sounds interesting https://trafalgar.tv
  24. Perhaps Siggi, you just need to recruit a new crew of specialist painters, your last ones seem to have abandoned you to do all the work since December. Maybe you paid too little in their bonus packages. You have covered their work excellently though I must say. Noel
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