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Everything posted by captainscott

  1. Well I must be the worlds slowest builder:) but I refuse to surrender!! Been trying to teach myself how to solder and here is some rigging I finally finished. I love this site it helps keep me motivated and building. One step at a time and maybe one day I'll have a finished model. Thanks Scott
  2. Hey you should check out rcgroups.com They have plenty of good information
  3. Hello everybody, I bought a new book on the Kriegstein Collection. What beautiful models, I love the book.
  4. Hey Jim, it looks great and thanks for explaining everything so clearly. It definitely helps me follow along better.
  5. Thanks for all the nice comments everybody. I'm learning thats all I can say. It's been fun and its pushing me to learn new things. My next learning curve is with the house and riggin, I did some work trying to build the riggin out wood but I am not happy with it. I bought brass today and having never tried to solder it will be a challenge ! Wish me luck I will need it! Yes Michael that is the wheelhouse of my ship, My work shop!!! Plus you're cutter is great I really like it ! I sail on april 27 San Diego- Yokosuka Japan 21 days so I should have some time to work on it.
  6. Glad you like the pictures, This is my Dads first boat, he bought sometime in the late 40s-early 50s and in the other picture he got in the 1964 so you can see what a nicer boat the daddy's girl was.
  7. Thanks Michael and Tarjack, Michael your cutter is great some of best metal work I have ever seen! Tarjack I don't know what to say, I mean I am speechless, Scott
  8. Well here is where I am now, fiberglassed with 1 oz , I'm pretty happy how it turned out. Better than I was expecting, Now I need to get motivatived with the cabin and riggin. Thanks Scott
  9. My planking is sad, good thing for wood filler!! I wish I could find the picture of it but my first learning curve was don't drop it! Right after I finished gluing the keel, the next day I dropped it and it broke in half. No way I could see to fix so I had to start again. Second learning curve (read the planking tutorial first!) I'm hesitant to post these pictures but here it is flaws and all! Thanks Scott
  10. I am trying to bring the log up to date. Just a couple of picture to show how I got where I am now in the build.Keel, frames and planking. Thanks Scott
  11. Your inlay is unblievable!! What skill, would you mind putting more detail on how you accomplished that? That is beautiful work, what a master piece. I am awestruck, that is very very impressive.
  12. Hello everybody, My Dad was a shrimper from South Carolina all his life. I grew up shrimping, along with my brother and sisters. My brother and I worked as deckhands since childhood. I started going very young,I made my first ocean voyage at age 4 and have been working boats ever since.We grew up in a small town McClellanville,SC and I still live right outside of there. My Dad had this boat built in 1978 at Desco Marine, St. Augustine Fla. I remember all of us going down and picking her up. My Dad was so proud of her, it was his life. It was a big step up from his old boat, I will never forget thinking we actullay have a fridge!! Thanks, no more luggin ice to the cooler every day. Many a day draggin and heading shrimp. I've headed more than I care to remember. We worked the boat all over the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico,I went full time at 15 and got my first Captains License at 18 (100 ton Master Near Coastal) I am a true Hawsepiper (Unlimted Masters all Oceans)and have spent my life at sea. Right now I am the Captain of a small cargo ship MV Coastal Venture that I run all over. After finding this site(which I think is great) I decided to try and build her. I found plans on the internet and scaled them up to 1-24 scale. It's my first build and I have learned plenty, Its been fun so far and I am hoping for a decent model. This site can be very intimidating to someone new at building. There is such talent on here, the craftsmanship is unbelievable. Such talent, way beyond anything I could attempt. I was hesitant to start a build log but I am fascinated with the builds going on. There are so many Masters on here, Chuck,the Kingfisher, Dans build, and many more, way too many to name. I do want to thank them all for posting, as I have progressed and learned by their skill. So I do hope somebody will enjoy my little attempt at scratch building. I cut all the bulkheads out of 1/4 birch ply and the planking is Balsa. Plenty of new skills to learn but I am trying. I've been working on it off and on for a year. I finished fiberglassing the hull and I think it turned out ok. Now for the rigging and the cabin! The first picture is when my Dads boat was launched, the second on the rail at Fernandina Beach Fla., The third blessing of the Fleet and last but not least, Thats my Dad on the left, me at 16 I think and Capatin David Cook, after spending all day scraping and painting. Thanks captain Scott White
  13. Hey Augie your Syren looks fantastic! Man you guys on here do unbelievable work!
  14. Thanks everybody, I really like the instruction book. There are plenty of pictures and tips, plus being able to ask Chuck is a big bonus. I've bought a few things from Model Expo and very pleased, they are a great company. Scott
  15. I've been looking over the build logs and this seems to be a very impressive kit.Anybody have any comments with there experience building it. The instruction book is 130 pages is it laid out well? I might have to bite the bullet and buy for my next build. It sure looks like a sweet kit and its on sale right now! Thanks Scott
  16. Thanks for posting, your Victory looks great, nice work!
  17. Looks like a very nice kit. Have fun with the build.
  18. Wow what a great build. Very impressive, the pictures are awesome! Thanks for posting. Scott
  19. Hello, glad to see your log back up. Thanks again for the email/scans,love the pictures. Scott
  20. Hello, looking forward to following your restoration/build log! Scott
  21. What a beautiful ship, very nice work. Looking forward to seeing more.Thanks
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