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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi. Another couple of photos. First side planks in position and glued. The supports are working a treat as the angles of the bulwark's are spot on. The shape of the boat is such that the planks just lie without forcing them into place. Floor frames and side frames will be added after transom has been fixed. Regards Antony. Extra supports will now be added to support the upper planks when I attach them.
  2. Hi. This is just going to be a fun build while getting the drawings for the Gondola done. The design comes from a district called Mandalay. In centra Burma. The only thing I have is the video. As you can see by the video it's a very long boat that is quite simple. The model will be 100cm in length and made from anything wooden I can lay my hands on. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_9oJErubzfY I have made a building frame as the boat has a curved base from bow to stern and also a curve across the section. Have just put a Pdf file of my drawings. Myitkyina.pdf Jig above is cheap plywood. Bow support and clamping above. Stern support and clamp above. Shot from above to show the length of the boat. The floor just laid on the jig. I will try and build this as the video shows with internal supports and joint covers. The reason why the scale... I can purchase a plastic model car engine and mount it on rear bulkhead. With the extended shaft and propeller. As I have said... It's a fun build... Regards Antony.
  3. Hi Fernando. Nice job of the planking. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi. I have just receved my order of modellng rope. Pleased with the products and service. A few photos says more then a string of text so here are the photos. That' the best with the focus I can get on the camera. www.modellbau-takelgarn.de is the trader I got it from. I have no connection with the above business/Trader. Just someone selling a quality product. It's A lot better than I can made it 🙄 Regards Antony.
  5. Hi. Thanks for the well wishes. I have been informed that the plans from http://www.veniceboats.com/eng-models-gondolas.htm And http://www.veniceboats.com/eng-designs-boats-gondola.htm They are of good quality and I will not be disappointed. So I will be ordering a set today. There is also a copyright issue with the download photos. I will remove the drawings after I receve the purchased plans. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi. This is a build with a big difference. The boat is NOT symmetrical. http://myrarobinson.info/venice/ten-things-you-never-knew-about-gondolas Text below from this web page. Gondolas are asymmetrical. If you stand in front and look down the length of the boat, you’ll see that there’s a distinct curve. This is to allow for the weight and balance of a single oarsman standing at the back, helping to make it more manoeuvrable. The boat is 11 metres long, and often has to be helped around corners by the gondolier putting his foot against the wall of a building to push. “Traffic jams” are not uncommon on some of the narrower secondary canals. More info on Wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gondola The picture bellow is from https://www.luxrest-venice.com/en/blog/201610/venetian_gondola_meaning_its_iron_prow There are places to purchase plans from.. But I have not had much luck with purchasing plans online.. So have found some very poor drawings and will take it from there.. The Model is to be approx. 1 meter in length and the main timber will be Cherry. I will be using other woods ad decoration as I have no intention of painting the Gondola. I have started making my own drawings in Illustrator and its a nightmare with no centrelines and bulwarks are all different heights and shapes. Will post my drawings here in Pdf format when I get on my main PC. There are a few area's that I cannot figure out at the moment. Like the hole next to where the gondolier stands. its use or purpose. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony. EDIT: DRAWING REMOVED TO PROTECT COPYRIGHT - ADMIN
  7. Hi Ian. That one nice looking build you have going on there. Very clean workmanship. Planking is first class and no exceptions. Repair work looks ... I cannot see the repair.. Well done. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Jim and David. Thank you for your kind words. Hello Nils. Egyptian cotton 400 mesh. The spars are bamboo skewers with half cut away. And one applied each side of the sails. And no crew for this ship. All on holiday in USA. Most of the ship is out of my head.. with what I think it should look like. And thanks for all the likes. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi. A long overdue update. As you can see it complete. So I will just load up the pictures. If there are any questions then please ask. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Greenstone. Most in the Avos kit. Who will be distributing it in Europe?. Kind regards Antony.
  11. Hi Jeff. Nice job again on the fixes. The lighting looks real good. Will make a nice visual detail in the evenings. On the point of the full size replica Backer is correct. I have walked and been around the ship... it's a mock up. Large sheet panels on the sides. Looks like they interlock quite well. All the best. Antony.
  12. Hi. I cannot find any reference to 3D printing Rigging blocks. Having no idea on where to start. I downloaded Tinkercad and went through the tutorials one by one. Not sure on tinkercad .. maybe I need to try another CAD package like sketchup. At this stage I am open to any advice. Once I get the design I can easily get them 3D printed. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Nils. Have followed this master piece from the start and it's been a real eye opener on methods and skills. I have learnt so much from this wonderful build. Regards Antony.
  14. Wow super build. Excellent workmanship throughout. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi MD. Making a real nice progress. Love the natural wood colour scheme. You could always put a mirror at the closed end. Will add loads more depth to the display. Bathroom mirror is quite thin and none breakable. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Nils. Fantastic work on the sails. You are a dab hand at the sewing machine. You were lucky that there were not any more damage than what happened. I put it down to a sturdy building. Wishing you well. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Fernando. Grats on becoming a grandad. It's wonderful is it not. Very nice progress on the Lucia. Will you be painting your hull.?? If you are going to paint the hull then the second planking is not required. Just spend more time on the smoothing on the lines. Or just plank down to the deck level. And fill and smooth the rest. Will be starting on a much enlarged version of this ship when the Junk is finished. Wishing you well grandad. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi Fernando. Yea I got my front seat booked and it's smack in the middle. Wishing you a smooth build. Congratulations on your newest family members. Yes im'e a grandad ant it feels great. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Phil. This is nice to see . A model being constructed with a step by step for beginners to follow along.😁 A good choice of kit for the reasons you have stated. Looking forward to you starting your build. Regards Antony.
  20. Hello JW. Welcome to MSW. There are a lot of ladies here who make very splendid model ships and boats. That is a nice looking model you have there. There are several modelers here that have built Korean ships. Wishing you well Regards Antony.
  21. Hi Chuck. This kit has got to be one of your best sellers. Someone needs to compare a quality cross section like this with one of those from the East. I know of someone who bought a expensive one from EBay and it turned out to be rubbish and the quality of the wood was very poor. Most things did not fit as expected. So I will be waiting on Chuck to release the kit. I love my cross sections. You are a real artist when it comes to model ship design. Regards Antony.
  22. Hi Popeye. Looks like a lot of fun. Nice building jig. Looking for more on your M&M build. Regards Antony.
  23. Hi. Yes I gotta agree with. The treenails look very nice. A lot of work but the results mean you will not be hiding the deck under coils of rope and other bits scattered around the deck. Regards Antony.
  24. Hi. Making a nice job of the hull. As Thunder said it' "Not a easy Bow to plank." Gonna follow along on your build as it's a nice ship model. No you got that bit wrong. Should be" I corrected my learning errors" Regards Antony.
  25. Hi E&T. There is no way they have been able to resurch like you have... Shame on Occre. I don't what else to say. Gutted. Regards Antony.
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