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Everything posted by AntonyUK

  1. Hi. Well i have finished the Turtle ship. Thanks to all that contributed to the design and the build. It was FUN and lots of learning. Photos... The crews Head.(Toilet) Decorations. around the ship.. Holes in the roof for thrusting the lance up into anyone on the roof. Another view of the roof. The Bow area. View of Bow with anchor in place. The Rudder (Note its not balanced ??) Pegs in main beams that support the deck. Stern area with top structure removed. Mid section with top structure removed. Close up of the oars for sculling.( interesting method they used. 3 or 4 oars men with one master oars man.) Another internal view. Stern view with top structure removed. Bow anchor. Anchor winch. Captains cabin with private Head (toilet) to the side. That about concludes the build for me... Thanks for all the likes and wonderful comments. Regards Antony. OGH.. the extra photo.. Close up of the oars.
  2. Hi. I made this kit some time ago. It's a nice build. Have fun. Regards Antony.
  3. Hello Eric. This is going to be a complete change for you building a plank on bulkhead model. The good thing about this kit is that there is a lot of excellent builds here on MSW. Will follow along from the beginning with this build. Regards Antony.
  4. Hi Mike. Nice work on the deck planking. I like the neatness of the scuppers. Yea it's Worth checking everything before doing it. Keep up the good work. Regards Antony.
  5. Hi Tim. Yea nice bending jig. And your base board is the right width allowing you to place the model on her side to do the planking. (Never thought about doing this before) And a very good start on the planking. Because you graphite'ed the joints does this mean you are not painting the hull?. Now you have the first 4 planks in place it's time to think about getting the planks to lay with out the lateral curve. Some nice tutorials on MSW. Worth a look. The idea is to lay the planks without too much lateral bending. Image taken from http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php All the best with your build Tim. Regards Antony.
  6. Hi Tim. Welcome to MSW. First tip is to read through other build logs here on MSW. There are plenty of them and all the best tips and methods have been used. I like your building frame.. Nice and sturdy. Regards Antony.
  7. Hi Ronkami. Nice progress on the Niagara. Easy mistake to make even when you spend time reading other build logs and double checking..That the way we all learn. Regards Antony.
  8. Hi Nils. Just catching up on your build.. wow thats amazing work with still more detail. I like the finished deck pumps and drains. The swivel guns are also looking good.. Regards Antony.
  9. Hi Kevin. Off course we do. Wood plastic metal it's all modellng no matter how you look at it. Wow that's kinda delicate just to look at but very nice. Make a detailed drawing of the framework just in case someone gets clumsy. Then you can easy make a new framework out of brass tube. Regards Antony.
  10. Hi Hennie. That is one nice look ship. I like the way you planking is still visible under the black paint.. just like the real thing. That's a huge lantern. Keep up the good work. Regards Antony.
  11. USS Constitution by Model Shipways scale 1/76 Hi. Ebay UK has a Constitution by model shipways with 4 days to go. No its not me or any body I know selling it but its a bargain Current bid is £160 with a £230 Buy it now. That's a real good price. No I have enough to complete before committing myself to another one. Cornwall Model Boats are selling this kit for £494.95. That's a good savings for someone wanting this kit. Regards Antony.
  12. Hi Ronkamin. Welcome to MSW. It's a nice model to build and there are some very good build logs on MSW. Worth reading and noting parts that need curfull attention. You are off to a good start.. not to late to grab a front seat on this build. Regards Antony.
  13. Hi Hugh. Now that is what I call dry fitting. Cats have gotta have fun...even at the owners expense. Watch out for the sheer (curvature) as you assemble the decks. It sure looks like it's ment to be there. Looking good so far. Regards Antony.
  14. Hello Rony. Yea I got your name correct this time 😁 Your modellng skills are very good and your work is very clean and tidy. Resulting in a model to be proud off. Regards Antony.
  15. Hi Zuko. Welcome to MSW. Nice choice of kit. Read up on planking techiques. Take your time with the planking and it will make a nice display model. Those masts are enormous in height. Regards Antony.
  16. Hi Dave. Excellent choice of wood throughout the build. Model ship's don't need painting if you choose your timbers types like you have done. Your work is very neat and clean..not a fuzzy edge to be seen anywhere. Regards Antony.
  17. Hi Xander. Welcome to MSW. Looking forward to your build. Please show the contents of the box as this can be useful to others. Good luck with your build. Regards Antony.
  18. Hi. Its been a few months since I last posted on this build log. Sorry. Life and another model got in the way.. Started work on the build again last week. Made and installed the locking pins for the main cross beams. Added the simple decorations around the ship. Cannons have been placed in the withdrawn position. The sculling oars have been completed but not yet placed on the model. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX8MFCfGPnM Link shows there method of Sculling. Even the oar shape. After some more research I have decided not to add the spikes on the roof. I know that most photos and drawings have them on. but I think that the enemy would have walked around then and also they would have been able to hold onto the spikes to stop them falling overboard. My thoughts at that they has holes in the roof and the lancers would thrust there lances up through the holes killing the enemy. Research shows that most solders aboard were either Bowmen or Lancers. So what else is a lancer supposed to do with a roof on ?? The enemy ships were bigger and higher than the Korean ships. So holes only it is. Right or wrong. Another thought has crossed my mind that it would be much safer to display. Also I believe that the Koreans would not have used there sails for battle. Sculling oars only so the mast slots in the top of the roof have been added and the mast and sails removed. Will take a few photos when I get some sunlight... Not much of that in the UK at the moment. Thanks for looking in. Regards Antony.
  19. Hi Hugh. Welcome to MAW. Nice kit you have there. Will follow along as you build this boat. Glad to see that you have been reading up on other kit builds as this can help you to overcome errors that the kit has. Regards Antony.
  20. Hi Nils. Nice find with the lantern. Looks as if it was made for the Chebec. As expected you have excelled your self with the standard of your build. Love the balustrade with bell-arch for the quarter deck truly Outstanding. Regards Antony.
  21. Hi E&T Thanks for going to the trouble of finding a link that works. Looks very inteesting. Just gotta wait until it gets here in the UK. Regards Antony.
  22. Hello E&T. Wow that's incredible and now being asked to be a technical advisor for a TV show. A tot of extra rum for you. btw. The video will not show as it is locked for viewing in the UK. Still following along with the build and it just better and better as the ship grows and develops. Regards Antony.
  23. Hello. What a wonderful ship. very nice lines to the hull. you have made a excellent presentation of this kit. Здравствуйте. какой чудесный корабль. очень хорошие линии к корпусу. вы сделали отличную презентацию этого набора. This has made me very interested in Master Korabel as a kit manufacturer just amazing the quality of this kit compared with other European manufacturers Это заставило меня очень заинтересовать Master Korabel как производителя набора, просто удивительного качества этого набора по сравнению с другими европейскими производителями Regards Antony. С уважением Antony.
  24. Hi Jolie. Nice model. Neat planking and the deck funature looks spot on. Most of the build done...Just the rigging to complete. Regards Antony.
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