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Everything posted by Gerhardvienna

  1. As I`ve startet yesterday with the rudder, I made some progress today. The blade is brass plated now, tomorrow I will prepare it with some filler and then paint it black. Although the original rudder seems to be raw metal, I prefer to have some paint on it. Thank you all again for your interest, maybe critics or comments, and all your nice likes! Regards Gerhard
  2. Hi Elijah She does! I just hope i can make her shine so good! Hello everyone! Thank you all for your interest& many likes! Today I found some time for the first step if the rudder making. It consists of a piece of brass tube 6 x 4 mm, a brass bar of 4 mm dia., and some 1 mm brass wire at the moment, even more brass will follow. The bar is soldred into the tube, 1 mm Brass wire was soldered to the tube from outside, and then all was covered with 3mm balsa wood. The rudder then was grinded to shape, and will be coated with 0,1 mm brass sheet. Regards Gerhard
  3. Absolutley correct! there can not be too much details. Regards Gerhard
  4. Hi Nenad I always must remind me of the scale you are doing this! Unbelievable to do it on that small things! Regards Gerhard
  5. Hi Pawel Great - Greater - The Greatest! I`v taken a look into the other forum from your link, just speechless........... Regards Gerhard
  6. Thank you all again for your kindness! Back with overworked plans, the prop and rudder seem to be correct now, as I have redrawn this section Fell free to use or download the pics for further projects......... Regards Gerhard
  7. Hi Grant Lookin good! But there is a scratch at starboardside to the bow I would fill a bit with wood and filler. To see in Pic "49 Side underplanking 2" in the right low corner. You will have less trouble with the visible planks then! Regards Gerhard
  8. Back again, and almost done with my kitchen renovation. Just a few days more and that is completed! By taking a good look at the plans I discovered two things to change. The propellershaft is too long, it will be in the final version just about 75 mm instaed of 98 mm lopng. And the form of the rudder is not good the way it is drawn at the plans. The turning point would be much too far in front of the propeller, and the form of the blade is unnessesary large. I marked the things to change on the photo! Regards, Thank you all for watching & following& your kind likes......... Gerhard
  9. Hi Antony Simply PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards Gerhard
  10. Great work Bob! I dont like it, I love it! And YES; Sometimes WE win.................... Regards Gerhard
  11. Lookin`good friend! You are on a good way! Regards Gerhard
  12. Hi Nenad This will be a learning thing for me too! I`ve never made such a shining finish, all boats I ever made were grey fleet or historic, no glossy paint on them! Hello Kees Beautiful made botlegger there, I just hope I can get close to this! We`ll see................... Thanks for showing! Good Morning Grant My admiral has indeed a good taste, she choose ME JUST KIDDING.... To be serious, This will be a new experience for me, there are a lot of things new to me! But I want to make this one as good as ever possible, not to disappoint her. Hi Mark Stay in and bring your friends, the more there are, the better will the mood be for all of us Regards, thank you all for watching and youe kind likes! Gerhard
  13. Hi Bob Not a really switch, the Cairo stays as my main project. The Baby is "ordered" from my admiral, she likes such fast and sporty boats. And, IF I build something sporty, it must be an eyecatcher! I found John Toms by searching for Steam engines, and found that plans beneath lots of others by coincidence. Regards Gerhard
  14. Hi Popeye even here! Take your seat, coffe is in the can, some Sacher Torte on the sideboard too. The plans are from John Toms http://www.john-tom.com/RCPowerBoats/ClassicModelBoatPlans.html, free for download. There are a lot more good plans to find! Regards Gerhard
  15. For the rivets I found only this photograph from the original boat from http://cdn.silodrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Baby-Bootlegger-30-Bragg.jpg, the rows of rivets appear as dark points in the shadow And one more from a model, made in Germany. Here are the rivets good to see, and the pattern seems to be close to the pattern from the photograph above. Pic comes from http://www.miniwerft.de/die-miniwerft/modelle-im-bau/ Regards Gerhard
  16. Hi Sailor If the rivets were, they will be on the model, thats a fact! If someone here has a close shot from them would be nice to show, even the pattern this rivets were set would be interesting then. The Baby was a really fast craft, no wonder with this giant Hispano-Suiza engine. More than 11 litres must have power.... Somewhere in the internet I found original drawings and the full handbook to the engine, so I might be able to rebuild it in measure, when my new milling machine is on the workbench! Regards Gerhard
  17. Hi everyone As my admiral commanded me, I will have to build beneath my historic old ships another. more modern boat, a BabyBootlegger will be made then. The plans came from John Toms free for download, lots of infos are to find in the internet. I found one really good building report at rc.groups http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1805606think I will try to stay close to this one. But not all that nails the builder used for his model, they were not there at the original boat, as photos from it show. I still have no clue what engine to use, maybe I make it electric at first, with an opinion for fuel drive later . Here the plans again, 4 mm plywood is at home for the frames and keel works. under planking will be made with 3 mm Balsa wood, visible planking with 1 - 1,5 mm mahogany wood. And one photo from the original, source was http://cdn.silodrome.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Baby-Bootlegger-302.jpg The model will be about 90 cm long and about 18cm wide. Regards Gerhard
  18. Hi Daniel I knew what you are doing at this microscopic scale. But you still get over it every time............. Regards Gerhard
  19. Hi Nils Great idea with the clamps! I`ll need that somewhen........ Fine progress made with the railing, so difficile stuff to make! Regards Gerhard
  20. Hi Nenad Dont you worry, thats what we call expirience............. Any mistake we make, is another step forward to more of "lesson learned" Keep on going, its getting better with every try! Regards Gerhard
  21. Seems it could have been just that! The folks then knew what they needed for their work, and made the ships for exact that reason. But a pity for us, not to know how they made it, and not to have any measure or plans. The pics are really good examples of boats I`ve never seen before, and would make great models, if we had any info about them! Regards Gerhard
  22. Hi Dave This is maybe the same problem worldwide i guess. Original plans or facts about the ships or used engines are really hard to find, some of the museums may have something. But thats just an expectation, in Austria is nothing to find about the workships that were active on the Danube river. Not even for the Bollinger Bagger i did mention before, the museum has nothing than the model, no plans or drawings, and no infos about the engine used. Regards Gerhard
  23. Hi Bob Had a good look in the internet, the best info about that valves are from the Bates book! Think this will be the best I have now, thank you for sending, again! Still no time for building or even make some drawings, home renovation must go on before all other things, as the admiral says Regards Gerhard
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