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Posts posted by RGL

  1. The b&w photo is a generic one, not of the KGV, so I’m going off the actual photos of the ship. 


    The window to the left will will just be painted black as it’s very small. With the camouflage patterns a lot of this detail will not be discernible as it is overall the size of a human thumb nail. 

  2. Shapeways make them but these things are tiny. So, I started stretching some sprue, thinking I could stack some up, but couldn’t get it thick enough, then I found some 1mm brass wire, cut it to 8mm lengths and did stacks of 10 then wrapped them in .1mm brass wire after a drop of very thin CA to bind them. They look OK. 


    I have to use the flush cutters to get to get rid of the silly blob used by Tamiya to represent them, then add a few gussets. 



  3. So I’ve staryed on the main superstructure and bridge. Pontos has added some nice stuff like booms and a few doors but there is an enormous amount of superdetailing to go. I’ve added doors and portholes where the Kagero plans say, cut out some plastic that holds no relevance to the ship (mounds in front of plastic in front of where doors are), cable reels, more portholes etc. 


    this is going to have to be built on on such a way I can paint it in 3 or 4 sections as there is a lot of details to add on the decks, 20mms, signal lamps, search lights, binoculars, gun directors, cabling, life rafts and floats and on and on. 





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