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Walter Biles

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Everything posted by Walter Biles

  1. I also found an MX 105 Waterline Marker. (Time: about 1.5 hrs.) I need to get some clear table space for picture taking. I want to do a review of each of these handy little kits, and explain how I modified each one a little to make it easier or slightly better. Mark, if you should come by this in the next few days, you can tell me where to do the review on the kit tools. I am not sure where it should go, but think it might help others who might be interested in the kits. Walter Biles
  2. Well, I got back to building something. This past week, I built a MS 105 Fair-A-Frame (Time:2.5 hrs.), for when I get into my E C Berry kit. I also built a MS 110 Ropewalk, (Time: about 2 Hrs). With these, I should be better tooled up for some boat building down the way. I found in the kit boxes that were given to me another little jewel. It had a loom jig for doing rope ladders. I am finding I had things inside other boxes that I did not even suspect. Pretty cool !!! Sort a like... Christmas or something!! I may even get a bit of boat building in there, somewhere. Walt Biles
  3. Gary, Bob, I saw that, and as a navy man, I cannot for the life of me figure how the captain or any body else could have lived and worked in that space without getting killed or seriously injured in that space during high seas, especially at night. I lean toward the idea that the deck must have been above most, if not all of those lines, IMHO. Someday, I may POF that set of plans to see if I could determine how they might have done it. I'd have to build scale figures to make sure there was enough space for any activity below that top deck. There must have been a way. It seems that that model must have been done from a variety of drawings, because a 3' doors and all those ladders and cannons hunched around the wheel just seems a bit too crowded. With there having been rumors of a variety of ships called by that name, I'd have to build it to see if it could be possible. I have been preparing a Fair a Hull kit to have on hand when I get around to starting the EC Berry, Bob. I'm bashing the kit a bit. Walter Biles
  4. Gary, You are sure doing a nice job on your ship. I finally got to re-read the early log. Considering the adjustments you had to make to get the kit to work, it is really wonderful. I have been a fan of "Fair American" for some time. I Have the plans from MS. Sometime when I can get to it, I would like to convert the whole thing to a POF, and do it that way. I would like to find out how it would look internally if I build everything in a frame. I cannot believe the cabin would have all those control lines running through the cabin and over the floors all over. In a rocking ship, it would have been a nightmare in that cabin getting around in the dark. I hope to discover some clue doing it in frame as to the correct routing of all those lines. Even though it has been tried many ways, there must have been some way that they made it usable. Walt Biles
  5. I got the first 1/8" of furring ribs in place on the hull of my boat. I have a second layer to go over a smaller area, then it would be almost ready to plank again when I can get back here to work on it. Pictures to follow when I can get to them. Walt Biles
  6. Welcome The Iron Prince, I read through it about 4-5 times. I am amazed that any navy was ever built with the trouble they had just getting 6 of those ships built. The on-again and off- again political issues just about did them in. It got me interested in the historical characters involved much more than I ever used to be. Funding the project was a nightmare for the people involved. Much less keeping it going. It prompted me to research 6-7 of the leading people involved. Enjoy your book. I think it was one of the most interesting I ever read. Walt Biles
  7. Here are my most recent updates to my drawings of Meridea. The lavender lines are the parts which have been resized for greater displacement of the hull. I had to build them down and outward. These adjusted formers are about how my latest draft show. (3/1/2016) I am still trying to get these things to work on the new 8.1 windows computer. I do not have the editing facilities on this one yet. Walter Biles
  8. I will be on indefinite leave from the site for awhile. I think I may have been misusing my buildlog space, and encouraging off topic postings. I have deleted most of my most recent off topic posts, to get this log back to basics of the build. Any of you which have responded so kindly are welcome to edit or delete those postings if you wish, but I thank you for your sentiments, anyway. I will get back on the build as soon as I can, but for the meantime if you wish to contact me, please PM me, and I will respond from there. Thank you to all who have been so nice to respond with well wishes, and I will not forget them. They mean so much to know you think so kind-heartedly of me and my wife. Walter Biles
  9. I have often had keys not work after an extensive life. Keyboards are not too expensive unless you go for the high grade stuff. When I've had enough sticky and/or missing letters, I look for a new keyboard. Works for me. Walt Biles
  10. Gary, I was reading through your log and some of the pictures from the first two pages are missing. I like how it is coming out. Good job Walt Biles
  11. Wayne, most of your pix on this log through PAGE 6, # 81 are missing. Thought you'd like to know. Walt Biles
  12. Beautiful job, Bob Glad I stopped over to get a closeup view of things. Your brass work is great. Walt Biles
  13. Popeye, What are those little badges for and why are you drilling holes in them? I think I missed something in my perusal of your log. What is the emblem in each one. I could not tell from the pictures. Walt Biles
  14. Jay, If you have an older version of DesignCAD and are looking to upgrade, I just went from XP with ver 14 to Windows 8 and bought an upgrade for about $60 on my new system and decided to get Ver.23 DesignCAD Max 3D training disk that only cost me $40 to make sure I could learn any new commands. I actually find it easier than the old version 14. Version 23 came out for Windows 7, but has worked just fine in Windows 8. There is much that is familiar from my older version, but it is more user friendly. It is also made by IMSI. You can do curves in either type of formats, and they can be saved as lines if you wish. I can scan in BMP, Tiff, or Jpeg and possibly more. You can choose what sort of file you want to save your drawing to such as DCD, or a variety of other types of drawing files. I usually draw the plans full size and then print them to the scale I want. I get around fairly well in 2D and am working on learning how to do 3D. If you call IMSI and talk to Bruce he can help you get into an upgrade if you should decide to do so. Otherwise buying the new program is about $200+. Walt Biles
  15. Through grain of the thickness that makes the strip or sheet break easily is a quality issue to me. It should run through at an angle that diminishes this if at all possible, IMHO. I assume you are talking about each dimension being packaged and marked for size by package. Is this correct? Walter Biles
  16. Sherry, appreciate the good weather while it is here. Walt Biles
  17. Vivian, Glad to see you back aboard. Hope you are feeling much better. Walt Biles
  18. I want to thank you all for the likes and nice comments on this log. I really appreciate you all Bob, Popeye, Mark, Ed T,Michael, and Rich. My son helped me find out my shortcomings on my new computer, and I got in IMSI DesignCAD ver 23. Eventually I hope to be able to start making progress on my model again. The new CAD will help me make the corrections to the plans for my boat. It needed more displacement, so I am filling out the beam both out and down, to help it sit up in the water where it should. That means a correction to each station along the way. I don't mind the double hull, it may have it's advantages. Since it will be sealed inside and out, It is like floatation, right? I have taken some time to read some build logs when I had a chance. All the best to you all. I hope to get back into the swing of things after a bit. Walter Biles
  19. Glad to see you back at the table Bob. Keep working away at it. Hope all is well with you and the Admiral. I have been busy with other things these past weeks. Of course XP was all of my systems, and the only one upgradable was too broken down and slow to put more money into. Then the New in-expensive Windows 8 has already gone into the Shop condition-wise, so it wasn't so inexpensive after all. My son, on my pleading, is coming up next weekend to hopefully fix and stabilize the new one. He has been in that business for many years now, starting with Microsoft just awhile out of school. Anyway, I have been too busy to do anything on my boat(s?). I have been doing some reading on the Constitution book. There is an awful lot in that Anatomy of a Ship book. I was doing some CAD updating on my boat, but that is about all. Keep up the good work, Bob. Walt
  20. Hi Bob, I was just catching up in your Lettie C Howard log. Most of your pix are missing from what I could see. I thought you'd like to know. Best of the day to you. Walt
  21. Tim I was reading through your log. Starting about page 8 you are missing quite a few pictures. The depth charges your friend helped you with were the first missing I believe. I thought you might like to know. Walt Biles
  22. Bob, I believe I will make a bit of a test batch of that fiberglass to try out how much to add to the amount I am used to using up before it sets. I've seen the suggestion by several different people about TESTING different things, and I think that is the advice I'll follow. I still need to finish that buildup of the hull cross section to get closer to the displacement that I'll need to float at the waterline. If I could do math like I used to, I might have been able to figure that out, but I have to work how I am able. I think my hunch of about how much I'll need will probably work. I just have to get it done without changing the hull lines too much. Also I will have to use my shape tool to adjust my plan cross sections so my plan will be pretty well on if I am successful. I have been kind of busy since I got back from the trip. I hope to get back at the work station soon. Walt Biles
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