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Everything posted by RussR

  1. I started this build July 9, 2018 and finished it July 22, 2019. I didn't start a build log because I wasn't sure I would finish it. It is sure frustrating when someone starts a log and just walks away without finishing. This my second build I finished if you count my 18th Century LongBoat 1/48 scale. I did take some photos along the way but wasn't as religious about it. For every ones amusement, here we go.
  2. thibaultron, Instead of Epoxy you might try to fix the mounting lug by building it up with J-B Weld. Then drill it out. A friend of mine had a VW Beetle with a cracked case. He cleaned it off and globed some J-B Weld on it and drove home on leave from Paris Island to Arkansas and back. Then drove a few more years and sold it that way. It won't look very pretty but it might get the job done.
  3. Here is a couple of helpful YouTube videos on silkspan sails. and
  4. I have found that I can buy models faster than I can finish them. I wasn't able to pass up a "good deal". Then I realised, there will always be a "good deal". I have since sold all of my stash. Someone else got a "good deal". I have to keep my focus on one thing at a time but I do sub assemblies while waiting for parts or glue/paint to dry.
  5. I use to work for an electric utility and I had to work off of large D size drawings. Sometimes I would take them to a office supply like Office Depot and get them reduced. It didn't cost but about $5.00 a sheet. Russ
  6. For me the best way is to clamp several planks together and use a No. 2 pencil on the plank edges (one side only). You don't want to over do it. Same for making T-Nails. I ve seen some models that looked like it had the measles.🙂
  7. Doris, You are probably in the top 1% of the true artisans on the site (in my opinion). I for one can only hope to aspire to your level of work. Thank you for bring us along. Russ
  8. I am currently building the AL Hermione and have to agree with everyone else. My main issue with this kit is the "stinking" PDF instructions. There is a lot of "by guess and by golly". To do your rigging you are given a low resolution image to go by. This will be my 1st and last AL build. I only have eight more sails to go and that will be the last of AL for me.
  9. If you are a beginner like me. You may be interested in this YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW3NE69flcGe--VV9kiicjw/playlists Unlike most, this guy takes you from start to finish with his many builds. RussR
  10. Jeff, I started my Hermione July 9 last year. This is my 1st larger model. And have made a lot of errors with it. I have been temped to make kindling wood out of it. I am now in the process installing the yards and sails and hope to have it finished by the end of next month. I have learned that I can buy'm faster than I can build them RussR
  11. I am happy your situation is improving. I think I would continue work on your Hermione may be a better choice. You already have two unfinished kits. Do you really need another? ☺️
  12. With all this great advice, you are probably more confused than you were when you started. The HM CUTTER SHERBOURNE (CALDERCRAFT 1:64) would be a great choice.
  13. Another thing to consider is what ever you choose it has to hold your interest (wouldn't want something that you get bored with). The HM CUTTER SHERBOURNE (CALDERCRAFT 1:64) wouldn't be a bad choice. It has a reasonable scale, not terribly expensive, has all the elements you are looking for. For me a better choice for a 1st build would be something like a AL 1805 Pilot Boat. One can be had for less than $75.00. And if you screw it up your not out a lot of money but you will have learned a lot. Heck, you may find out model ship building isn't for you. If you ask a dozen people, you'll get a dozen different opinions. Do what makes you happy.
  14. Kurt, I received my copy of "Chaperon - Building the Kit - by Kurt Van Dahm" today. This will come in extremely helpfull when I start my Chaperon build. Thanks, RussR
  15. Here in Oklahoma and Texas, USA there is a store called Woodcraft they sell Teak Veneer. I am sorry this dosen't do you any good. https://www.woodcraft.com/products/teak-veneer-2-x-8-10-mil
  16. I know this is an old thread but thought it may still be of interest to some. There is a guy from Germany who lives in the Philippines that does commission work. And has a YouTube video that demonstrates bending planks across grain. The whole video is very good but the bending part start at about the 3 min. mark. Link:
  17. I don't know what A2 and A4 is. Yes, sometimes the instructions will be out of sequence. That is why it is best to read through the instructions to get an idea how it is to go together and decide the best way to go about it. I never use nails because I found out the hard way that you run the risk of splitting a bulkhead. One could pre drill them but still the risk is there. Like not drilling them straight or missing the mark all together. But that is the builders choice. I am sorry you feel that way. I am a relatively new myself and have found great support here at MW. But I don't expect it to come right away. RussR
  18. That is a good idea. It is easy to build a huge stash that you will never build. I did that and decided to sell everything except what I was working on. It is hard to do when someone is offering a big discount. RussR
  19. I did the same thing. I just left it off until later in the build before I glued it back on. RussR PS: If this is your "big mistake", stand by for more to come. I've had some real "whoopers".
  20. Thank you for the reply. I have to but, my experience has been that Sharpie Markers will bleed over to the adjacent areas.
  21. Does anyone use paint pens for detail work on wood or metal parts? If so, what is the recommended brand/type? I am concerned about the paint bleeding over. Thanks, RussR
  22. There was four solded on Ebay (USA): Aug. 12, 2018 Aug. 16, 2018 Aug. 29, 2018 and the last one Oct. 06, 2018 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Aeropiccola-Torino-Ralt-RA-5-Plank-Bender-Molding-Iron-Model-Boats-Ships-Italian-/392139232350?hash=item5b4d51d45e%3Ag%3AS-oAAOSwy2pbt7ps&nma=true&si=hOz8Y6lAHha6lnImNBzgRglaE1o%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 One has to be patient for when one comes along.
  23. Thanks, Kurt. This is probably what I am doing wrong. And I am not following up with a water rinse after the acetone soak. RussR
  24. How do you paint photo etched and metal parts. I have cleaned with alcohol or acetone and sanded to rough up the surfaces and the paint won't stay on. Is the trick to get some enamel paint for metal parts? I am using Vallejo Acrylic Primer.
  25. Great job on the model and video. I like the music selection as well. Yours is the 1st completed Hermione that I know of. This helps to keep me motivated to finish mine. RussR
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