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Posts posted by MESSIS

  1. Thank you again Tom. This is what I said to my self.... "why dont tie to the driver boom and so forget that they had a flag". But I guess that a flag was tied to the gaff only when the ship was coming in the ancorage or port and so then there wasnt any hard sailing manouvering taking place.


    Another thing : I saw in a few pictures of Hermione's replica that there was a second block tied to the cleat on the taffrail and then the haliyard of the flag was going up to (passing through) the other block on the driver gaff. And it made sense, dont you agree Tom?



  2. Dear vaddoc, 


    My babys (boy and girl) are now adults.... so am free to dink anything I like, at any time. But believe me I would have given  away all the best whisky of the world if I had babys again in the house! So NJoy.... enjoy it its wonderfull.




    Ps I said so my daughter..... and she is thinking of it.... you never know, a grandchild on board surely its a fine thing!

  3. So coppering has begun. Am thrilled.... its the first time I do this. I think it comes out better than I thought.  I use plastic gloves but still have some minimal glue stain problems which am dealing with aceton. And if at the ende is needed may be Ill go for a "lemonade drink". 


    I figuread out that it will take about 450+ plates (17x5mm) each side. I got two pktes amati plates 256 plates for each side, so it seems am ok . 


    So slowly I feel the ship coming into life!"Its a great feeling looking her taking shape and colour.


  4. So after two light primer coatings I did an acrylic mat white paint (two coats also). I could go more but I stoped because I wanted to let the planks to be seen, but only as fading out lines


    Ofcourse now a pale  yellow is going on the top of this white in the area of the gunports and a blue in the upper area. Below the gundeck planks a black will be painted to the point of the waterline. And after that downwards the copper plates will be installed.

    So maybe after the next one or two coats the plank lines will disappear. I hope not. I would  like the modell observer to be aware that the hull was planked. So the fading out lines of the planks are disireable.


  5. I did some reading and some asking around in the blog. Its nothing difitcult. 


    The thing is that I decided doing it because Hermione was coppered a year after she was at sea. And if am going to use the french flag which is in the kit... and its a very nice material also, then it means am picturing Hermione after the revolution. Note that the flag used in america with Lafayette was an all white flag. Or before and after america during Ludvigs time she curryied the flag of the monarchie (same with the emblem on the back of our model..... the three golden lilys etc).


    Anyway, I also dont fancy the white hull. Its too plain.😊 And last but not least,  coppeting adds work and time to my psyhotherapie..... because this is what I do in my effort to adapt myself in my pensions life😀

  6. Just arrived by post  today. The Amati copper plates, 259 left and 259 right and the plate dimension is 17x5mm. Great dimension because is within the sizes that the french navy used those days.


    Very nice copper plates with their bolts showing very realistc, but now I realise that they wont be enough. My calculations showed that I ll be needing about 350 for each side.  I have to buy a.second packet... shipment to Cyprus etc will cost me another 35 euros. But... I need them.


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