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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Eberhard, more micro detail wizardry. The Wespe is really starting to take shape, how much longer do you think it will take you to complete her?
  2. It makes indentations in the tape to mimic nail heads.
  3. DB, have you considered using copper tape and a pounce wheel? If you MSW search you'll find several discussions regarding same. It makes for a clean look with a lot less work and a heck of a lot cheaper.
  4. Thank you to everyone for the helpful and supportive comments and to everyone for the likes. The mizzen topsail ratlines are done using the weaving method. I tried using a #15 beading needle to pierce the shroud lines but try as I may, I couldn't thread the needle eye. It would have been far easier to pierce the shroud lines but alas I had to use a #12 needle. I used 0.12 inch spacing representing 14 inches at scale. Sometimes the spacing got wonky but I'm determined to make sure this doesn't happen in the future. All I can say is that it's done and I can move on to rigging the mizzen topgallant and topsail yards before stabbing the mizzen into the deck for it's final time. I'll continue to use the weaving method for the remaining ratlines as I know I can have moderate success using this method. This first attempt may not look topnotch but maybe by the end I'll be able make something a bit more sparkly. Again, thank you to everyone for stopping by and being part of my journey.
  5. Gary, while the plug maybe the stepchild in the process, there's craftsmanship in the making. Your typical excellent craftsmanship is evident as are your detailed instructions.
  6. Dave, very nice. The stagger looks spot on. I pray you and your wife get well quickly.
  7. DB, nice hull, sweet.
  8. DB, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing photos of your Cutty in a build log.
  9. Deacon, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your Victory in a build log.
  10. SB, welcome to MSW. Please introduce yourself in the new member section, see the link below. I look forward to seeing photos of your father's ship. https://modelshipworld.com/forum/3-new-member-introductions/
  11. Marc, I hope you don't mind me posting Eberhard's build log. His technique for painting with inks and washes is pretty incredible. See post #572
  12. Dave, if you can cut your planks widths to 0.10 inch without issue it would be well worth doing. I don't have the means to do so, I'd have to go with a wider plank out of necessity.
  13. Rob, I understand. I think you or someone who glues ratline to shroud line successfully needs to look over my shoulder and see why I'm not able to manage this seemingly simple process. I know this, if I can't get it done on a test board, in an optimal working position, I'm not going to trust using the method on the mizzen where my angle of attack makes my hands shake more so than when working at the test board. I've got nothing against the method, for you and those who can use it without issue, I applaud you.
  14. Dave, in old photos of ship decks you can't/don't see tree nails. I think they're cool but not realistic. At 1:64 one foot = 0.1875 inches. That would make the deck length 10.4331 inches or 55.6 feet at scale. 30' = 5.625", 28' = 5.25", 26' = 4.875", 24' = 4.5", 22' = 4.125", and 20' = 3.75". Adjust plank lengths as required for the plank ends to fall center of the beams which are placed every fourth frame. The plank end pattern should fall on a different beam at least every third plank to spread the load. The problem comes when making the plank widths to scale, 6" = .09375". This is where authenticity and reality/practicality meet. Even making the planks 12" to scale (which they would never be that wide due to cupping) would only make them 0.1875".
  15. Docker, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing the l'Ambitieux come to life in your build log.
  16. Kortes, my heart goes out to you and your countrymen. I pray this madness ceases immediately, may God protect you and yours.
  17. Glen, I only need about two feet to accomplish what I need to do plus another foot or two for spares. If I bought ten feet I could send you whatever you needed up to six feet or only one foot if you wanted to play around with the stuff. This looks so small I bet I could I stick a foot or two in an envelope and mail it to you. Think about it and If I decide to make the plunge I'll let you know and if your interested you can PM me your address. If someone else has an interest speak up.
  18. While we're on the topic of products, I came across this surgical tubing today, 0.025" OD x 0.012 " ID. That's some super small tubing. It's clear silicone, no colors and it's expensive, 10 feet for $48.00 plus shipping. But I keep thinking there's gotta be some cool uses for this. Glen, can you use this somehow in your SIBs? I'm seriously thinking using it for Zip Seizing. https://amblersurgical.com/9010e-replacement-silicone-tubing-10-0-012-id-x-0-025-od-x-0-007-wall?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp6mm8pug9gIVKvHjBx0w-ArFEAQYASABEgJpMvD_BwE
  19. Tom, is this paint or glue? Do you have a link? I looked up Liquitex and didn't see a bottle exactly like the one you posted.
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