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Everything posted by Jaxboat

  1. Awesome galley. Here is a publication you might be interested in regarding your galley: there was an article in the latest issue of World Archaeology (#65) about the discovery of the battle site of the last sea battle of the First Punic war between Carthage and Rome. They have recovered 12 bronze rams so far and one still had shards of wood lodged in the front which came from an enemy ship that was rammed. Best Jaxboat
  2. Surprisingly and inexplicably, Bob Hunt told me, Halifax did not sell too well. The finished model is beautiful and building a plank on frame kit teaches you so much about how these ships were constructed. Look forward to following you further Best Jaxboat
  3. Exactly. Just thinking about the math involved makes my hair hurt Halifax was a real treat to build. Not too easy and achievable for anybody patient enough to follow Bob's practicum. Best Jaxboat
  4. Nice job on the windlass. I have built this ship and that was certainly one of the more challenging tasks! Best Jaxboat
  5. Great ideas from the crew here. I would chime in and ask you where you store your paint. Keep it in a cool dark place. Heat will increase the rate of oxidation Best Jaxboat
  6. Hi Vince, I don't think the bleach will hurt the wood. The bleach just reacted with the tannins in the walnut. It is a great effect and I intend to do the same with my RM deck when I get to that point. Thanks for sharing your excellent build log. Best Jaxboat
  7. Too bad there will be no sails. Maybe later ? Best Jaxboat
  8. Thanks, Sam, for all of your work on the redesign. It must have been very frustrating for you. Best Jaxboat
  9. I contacted ME via their community Face Book page on their web site about obtaining retooled parts for Essex. I have one of the first kits they sent out. I guess I should have know there would be issues when the box label indicated the model had a machine carved hull ! I received a very prompt response indicating I should contact Frank at Parts@modelexpo-online.com for a new parts list which I should compare to the original parts list and then send them a request for the new retooled parts I needed. The revised parts list is to be ready in 30-60 days. It would be a lot easier if ME provided a list of the modified parts but... whatever . Best Jaxboat
  10. Druxey: Betty Ford Clinic has a twelve step for you! Best Jaxboat PS,: So many good books, so little time!
  11. OK Cap'n I may have found the answer to your problem in a build log in Tamiya Modeling Magazine. Builder was using Humbrol Matt varnish and indicated he had to stir it every two or three minutes with a high speed mixer to keep it from "Icing" as he described the whitening.. He also applied it "quite wet" with his airbrush. You did not mention how you applied your finish. Admiralty does not make their own paint and it could be that Humbrol makes it for them. Hope this helps Best Jaxboat
  12. Looks great! I built Halifax as my first model. I think you learn a lot from POF. Halifax was a wonderful build. Enjoy! If you bought the kit from LSS you can still access Bob's forum. which he maintains even though he no longer produces the kit. Shame about Royal. They were nice kits Best Jaxboat
  13. IMHO: You did not stir the varnish enough before applying it. Mat varnishes have flatting agents in them . Best Jaxboat
  14. Intriguing idea. This might work If set up like a car comparison in Auto enthusiast magazines. It would be most useful for models of the same vessel (e.g. HMS Victory) or at least like vessels. Best Jaxboat
  15. I would think the, umm, "Alligator" clips are now widely available in Colorado. :P Best and thanks for the giggle Jaxboat
  16. RE Bees Wax: As a result of Druxey's comments about Beeswax, I was curious as I sell Beeswax into the personal care industry. I consulted one of the worlds top technical Beeswax and wax in general experts on Druxley's comments . My associate confirmed that microcrystalline wax was preferred by art conservators for all of the reasons Druxley mentioned. Beeswax is a truly amazing natural product that contains a plethora of chemicals besides "wax". Those other components can be neutral, beneficial or harmful depending on your application. Microcrystalline wax is carefully extracted from hydrocarbon streams and is very uniform and virtually 100% wax with no pH issues. Also, I know of no reasons why microcrystalline wax won't dissolve in Terps. I suggest trying it. However, terps like Bees wax is a natural product. It is recovered from gum rosin harvesting from pine trees among other things. There are truly odorless mineral spirits now on the market that should fill your need. Hope this helps and thanks for bringing up the subject. Best Jaxboat
  17. Congrats on a beautiful build , Ulises. You did great job on the Vasa and thank you for sharing your wonderful build log with us.. Looking forward to your next build Best Regards Jaxboat
  18. HI Chris, The vessel the Romans subsequently used was called a "Liburnian". It was indeed lighter and faster. Ironically it was designed after Med Pirate ships at the time. Smaller versions of he Liburnian design were also used as riverine patrol craft on the Rhine and elsewhere. On another topic: any new from the front On Victory? Thanks for sharing your work with us Best Jaxboat
  19. Chris, Thanks for clarifying about the Corvus. I almost sent you a question about it. Interesting to compare the style of this Roman galley to the earlier Greek models. The roman vessel is quite a bit more robust. Regards Jaxboat
  20. Wow! Never saw plastic get that brittle at room temp. Thanks for the warning. Best Jaxboat
  21. Couple of comments. I think the majority of Roman merchantmen with Swan Necks were the large grain carriers that ran from Egypt to Rome. The other interesting thing is that after Actium, Roman galley sizes actually got smaller. They made use of a design called a Liburnian which was modelled after the swift boats coastal pirates used. It made sense because, for at least 300 years after Actium, there was no other notable naval power in the Med or "Mare Nostrum" as the Romans called it. Best Jaxboat
  22. Planking looks great, Auggie . I am just about finished the port side on mine. What a job! I will be interested in what you do with the lower planking. I am thinking of just using wipe on poly You are right on the copper. Brits were using it by then but the colonists really did not have any access to plates at that time. This kit is so much fun. Chuck really did an awesome job designing her. Best Jaxboat
  23. Hi Sam Can you give us a report on your Essex fix Best Jaxboat
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