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Everything posted by lb0190

  1. Hi Charley, Welcome aboard and your certainly welcome to follow along. There are many other current Niagara builders on MSW much better than me and I believe it helps to look at as many builds as you can. We sometimes take different paths for the same task and having several to choose from can be beneficial. The Niagara is a great build, but a bit challenging for me. When I purchased the kit, (my second ship build) I did not realize the added challenges it would bring due to no false deck and being single planked. There certainly no regrets on my selection, just more opportunity to learn! ;)
  2. Hi Augie, Thanks and I appreciate your (and Popeye) stopping by. I may have to slow down for a short amount of time. My plank bender died today - it was just a couple months old. I wrote to the vendor and I'm confident they will replace it. I took a foolish risk today in order to install a pank. I used my pencil torch with the solid tip installed to dry out the plank as it was clamped to the hull.... Hmmmm, wood..., hot flames = foolish risk. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
  3. I've finished the port side belt no. two. Both belt one and two have seven rows of planks with four to five planks per row. I'll move over to the starboard side next and start on belt two. As you can see there is some sanding to do and I need a little filler here and there, plus I need to remove the pencil marks so they will not show through the paint. There is a lot of areas that need some TLC, such as squaring up gunport corners, that I'm holding off on until I'm closer to painting. I just hope I do not forget any before the paint goes on. The planking is going slower than I thought it would, but I do not have a schedule and slower usually means less rework... I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
  4. Andy, I just caught up with your log... My sincere condolences to you and your family for the loss. I hope you get home asap...
  5. Hi Rich, We have moved a number of times over the years and I was always amazed at the things we would do to our home and yard for complete strangers and never for ourselves...
  6. Hi John, Thanks. It's slow work and the temptation to jump to other work is high, but as you said, it is enjoyable and it feels good to see her come to life. This trip will give me almost two weeks away from the shop which should recharge my batteries. Question At the stern, the planks have taken slight lateral outboard sweep. Should I address this with a stealer to streighen out how the next set of planks lay?
  7. Sjors, The full ship views are very impressive. She looks great!
  8. Hi Joseph, It looked like a great time on the Brilliant. THANKS for sharing! Your ship is looking good and I wish I was caught up to where you are. We're heading out to sea this weekend (floating hotel... :D ). I hope I can keep up with the MSW logs while we're gone.
  9. I glad everyone liked the video - I'm keeping it in my favorites. As I mentioned earlier, I found the James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti duet by accident. The Admiral and I have been watching “The Voice” with Christina Aguilera as one of the judges. I recognized her name and heard she was a great singing talent but could not recall hearing any of her recordings, so the great hunt was on. I found a number of YouTube videos with her singing but did not really care for the song choice or genre, so I kept looking and found this video of Christina singing the same song but she made it her song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hYi4bxaMbs&feature=youtube_gdata_player which blew me away (she starts 2 minutes from the start of the video - well worth waiting). So much power and control!!! Her video was linked to the James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti duet. Who in their right mind would wonder “gee, I wonder if James Brown and Luciano Pavarotti ever recorded together?” All three – great talents. Back to ship building....
  10. I could not help myself. I had to post it. All kidding aside, I found that video accidentally and really enjoyed listening to it.
  11. Well.., since you asked. I do not want to brag or anything, but here is an example with a close friend... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rCd5uGaM8s
  12. The pace of growth is amazing and beyond prediction - I think he'll hit 500 pages easily.... oh and something about the ship... uhhhh... beautiful work and craftsmanship :D
  13. Rich, your information was exactly what I needed. I measured belts B-D and the stack up was right on. Thanks again.
  14. I started looking at how Hull Planking Band B is laid out at each bulkhead. I thought I would simply take measurements off the prints for each bulkhead location, divide by the number of planks (8) to get my taper dimensions, transfer them to the bulkhead with pencil marks and verify with a temporary batten..... WRONG! Due to the curvature of the hull I cannot measure off the prints except for bulkhead H (given as 1") and measure locations at the bow and stern. My intent was to come up with a chart like the one in the photograph. Question: Should I use the above info (three points) to lay a temp batten, verify if flows OK and measure the distance at each bulkhead from the batten to the above plank for my chart to get the taper dimensions or is there another approach or two to consider? Am I making this more difficult than need be???
  15. Thanks Augie and Popeye. I already gave up on holding off on sanding and used a small sanding block to knock off the high edges. I feel better already... :D The belt sander comments is my kidding around but I have entertained the thought of using my small palm sander.
  16. Hi AJ, The stern was a challenge for me also. I cut mine like Rich said above and made a second cut after tracing a templete to get closer to the desired shape before sanding. If you l look at page one of my build you'll get a better idea of what I'm describing. I took photos of every step in case it would help others. I'm very much a novice at this but it worked out ok for me.
  17. All right planking band A is finished (minus sanding) on both sides. The pictures below show the port band and of course the close ups make the planking look worse than it appears in person. The bow looks like a few planks have sunken inward a great deal but they will require very little sanding to even them out. Sanding should easily smooth out the uneven planks and if anything left over gets a big gob of Balsa Lite Filler or maybe a glue and sawdust fix. I'll probably give it a light sanding before moving on to band B.
  18. Hi Bob, Looking back, I may have reduced the paint scratches if I covered the bulwarks with paintets tape or just something to offer it a little protection. Painting aHead makes a lot of sense to me but I just need to figure out how not to damage it as I complete other work. Your doing a great job on your build!
  19. Hi Bob, Your build is coming along very well. I'm curious to see how you manage to keep your painted surfaces clean. I just beat the tar our of mine to the point I somewhat regret painting so early in the build.
  20. Hi AJ, Looks like good progress. Your shop looks like it's set up and organized well.
  21. Hi Ken, Your ship looks great! I'm glad to see you working on her again.
  22. Very nice Sjors. The finish line is getting into sight!
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