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Everything posted by lb0190

  1. Good morning Bob. Happy B-day. Your build is looking very clean.
  2. Port side exterior bulwark planks are installed other than the top plank which will be added later, after painting. Next step is to start cutting out the gun/sweep ports. This method of installing planks over the ports to allow cutting in later wastes a lot of wood. I ended up using every piece provided. Not sure why, but I ended up having to install an additional plank to get the correct exterior height and to match up with the height of the inside bulwark (which complied with the print). I had to sand the edges of the planks more than normal due a a vertical wavey edge which I sure contributed to the outcome.
  3. I agree 100%. I dropped a very small cast part and looked everywhere for it. I'm sure it will show up one of these days, probably after I make and install it's replacement!
  4. Since it takes 15 entries to flip a page we need eight more posts after this one... Here is the countdown... 8 Almost forgot, Augie your ship looks great, can hardly wait toseewhat you do for a display case.
  5. In respect to my garage, the above means I should be happier than a pig in sh_t.
  6. I'm a ways off from dealing with the masts, but my plans are to follow the method Andy is using. Also like Andy my garage/shop is a wreck! I spent most of yesterday cleaning it up, other than my model ship workbench - it's an organized disaster!
  7. I hope to resume working on my ship today. I spent the day cleaning up the garage/workshop, it was a major disaster. Darn! That did not flip the page.... It was a late flip, one more to go...
  8. I wonder what the prize will be for the first person to make an entry on page 100? Suggestions???
  9. As my 8 year old granddaughter would say, "Are we there yet, are we there yet?"
  10. Oh yes..., the build. I do have a serious question for you Augie - regarding your build. Based on your experience with the Syren, did this build influence you in your next ship selection in regard to scale, wood type, manufacturer, POB, POF, etc... or was your next selection based on some other criteria? I'm really enjoying and learning from my current build, but it will definitely influence my next purchase from many aspects.
  11. I suggest we not let this thread die until Augie hits at least 100 pages...
  12. Andy, The rigging (and everything else) looks great! I'll reference your photos when I get to this stage.
  13. Augie, Congrats on finishing your ship - a true work of art!
  14. I've thought about suggesting a software enhancement that would do the following: once your on the build log of your choosing, click a button and the only posts you see would be the ones with pictures. We could call it the SJORS or the UNOHOO button...
  15. Augie, the buoys and anchors look excellent. What material did you use for the buoy?
  16. I've been sanding on the starboard bulwark side for the past three days and I'm ready for a change (no political message intended). The top plank is clamped in place for a trial fit and look-see, but I'll hold off on gluing it in place until after I paint the planks below. I had a problem with the fwd gun port where I filed too much and had to add sawdust/white glue mix to fill it back in. A little paint and the boo-boo will hopefully go away. I also tried to get a photo to show where I added a thin spacer at a gun port sill. The inboard upper plank needs filed down ~1.5 mm before the main rail will fit correctly. Do you think it's best to hold off on mounting the main-rail until after the cleats, deck and pin rails are in place? I really want to prime and paint the exterior bulwark but based on my results so far I'll simply scar it up. I suspect waiting untl the hull is completely planked is the best time to do this (???). Thanks for mentioning the off center gun mount holes. I wold not have noticed that until much later and it alerted me to sand the ports to size while at the same time trying to center the mount holes. Somehow I managed to get better close-up photos than normal. One of these days I need to read the instructions for this new camera. Point and shoot does not mean you get good results! Point and pray fits much better. Enough babble from me, it's time to get back to sanding.... SAWUST the stuff dreams are made of (actually nightmares) .
  17. Augie, the anchors look great and the idea to use shrink tube is innovative.
  18. Hey Augie, How goes the fishing. Are you catching enough to stock up the freezer?
  19. Hi Rich, My plan has been to drill for items such as cleats after painting and like all other steps evaluate the process as I complete the task. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions. I agree framing the ports looks very difficult, especially the sweep ports. I'm not very satisfied with the frames I installed around the aft gun ports and may replace them if I get better results on the starboard gun ports. My revised plan is to cut some very thin wood that hopefully fits the gun port opening at the top and bottom very well and then file off the excess to the contour of the bulwark planks. I may lay some thin tape on the planks to help protect them from the emery board. The sweep ports look almost impossible to frame, but maybe I'll learn from framing in the larger ports. I'm keeping the option open not to frame in the sweep ports if framing is simply beyond my ability (or patience). My son and two granddaughters said they would be by today. They want to fish from the lakes in our community (catch and release only). The lakes were stocked a few years ago and we're on at least the 5th generation of bass, blue gill and a few other types I've forgotten. The lakes (seven) range from one to twenty-four acres, but the local fishermen have identified which are the best to fish from.
  20. Hi David, Yes, only the vertical sides at this time. What are your thoughts on this?
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