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Everything posted by lb0190

  1. Just color me green with envy on how nice the deck structures look, no wait, that's my natural color (thanks Sjors).
  2. Hi Rich, That is great news regarding the interview!!!! The NWC would be a cool place to work. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you...
  3. Found it!!!! Still a few front row seats remaining... please pass the popcorn
  4. She looks awesome Augie and thanks for a great ride! Looking fwd to your next build, which I'm sure will be even better.
  5. Sjors, It's good to have you back! Hopefully you can start building soon. I'll probably be laid up for another 3-5 days.
  6. Augie, the case finish looks very good. Are you using standard glass? Someone mentioned to me if I use glass I may want to consider plexiglass or lexan for the top piece due to damage the glass would cause to the ship in the event of breakage. I ended up using plexiglass for all five pieces which turned out to be very flimsy and difficult to install. I'll try another material the next time. I asked about shatterproof glass but was told it would some show some distortion.
  7. Andy, Your ship looks impressive! Stay safe on your upcoming work rotation.
  8. The structure looks very good. Sometimes fate is on your side, cutting an opening in the deck too small is much easier to deal with an opening that is too big...
  9. Rich, the deck furniture looks great and it's making your ship come to life. I've been fighting urges to build more of mine, in effort to keep myself focused on planking the hull.
  10. I have not accomplished much over the past few days due to my back acting up again, but maybe enough to provide a quick update. I've read a number of articles regarding hull planking and initially thought I would first install the garboard plank, but I'm still not confident on the process yet, so I'll start the hull planking elsewhere. I installed the a temporary planking batten on the straboard side for planking band A, and started adding planks from the stern. In order to try and keep the plank tapering and butt placement correct I made a chart to reference. If you reference the chart in the photo, you will see numbers that represent the distance from the temp plank to the installed upper plank for each bulkhead. There should be eight planks for the band, so the next number down is the calculated width of the plank at each bulkhead which is simply the width divided by the number of planned planks. I also added a diagram of the planned butt placements for quick reference.
  11. Joe, I'm right behind you. I'm reading up planking hulls and hope to install the garboard plank today. Your ship looks good. Congratulations on completing this milestone!!!
  12. Sjors, sorry to hear you were feeling ill. I hope you have a quick recovery. From your post I can tell your a ways from being 100% again - let me see if I help you... Augie - Pictures please.
  13. I knew you did my friend. My guilty conscience made me write that...
  14. Hi Rich, Thanks for the help. I thought the same regarding the bowsprit, it looks challenging but doable ( hopefully). So far, I'm simply soaking planks in hot water for 20-30 minutes, clamping in place and letting them dry overnight - a very slow process. I need to move up to a real steam bender like yours or I'll never get done.
  15. Patrick, It's good to hear from you. take your time and above all the Captain is the one who must be satisfied with the build. Maybe Burger King said it best :)
  16. Thanks Patrick. I was hoping I removed nough paint, the wood has to be getting thin by now. I'm glad I coated the back of the planks with glue. How are your fingers doing? Have you been able to work on your ship lately?
  17. Welcome aboard Grant, we'll make room for you. Maybe Augie should consider making a little extra on the side with an entrance fee... :D
  18. Time for an update and a few photos. I've fussed with the gun and sweep ports to the point I'm done with them, at least in regard to cutting them out and squaring up the corners. I need to install the 1/32” gun-port end pieces (just not sure when is the right time to do this, in respect to painting) and for right now, I'm planning on not installing them on the sweep ports – that is always subject to change and probably will numerous times. Other work accomplished: Reworked the aft gunports due to their being too small, plus I was never satisfied with how they turned out. I also sanded off most to the black paint on the aft planking. Originally the paint looked pretty good to me, but I nicked it up and repainted so many times it simply looked horrid to me. I'll repaint this area when I paint the rest of the hull. Question: I have not removed 100% of the paint – do you think enough was removed??? I would appreciate your opinion by referencing photo 2046 below. Installed the counter planks but still need to clean up the ends and finish the rudder shaft hole. Cleaned up and opened the bow area where the bowsprit will be located. The simulated bowsprit is there for the photo op.
  19. Awwww come on Sjors, you know I'm kidding . A friend of mine from long ago told me "what are friends for if you cannot nail them to the wall every once in a while." Here's to you my friend
  20. Augie, I purchased a case from model expo for my Washburn tug. Other than size it looked just like yours on delivery. The only thing I would do different is make sure the slots are open enough to allow for how ever,any coats of wipe on poly or whatever you plan on using (I usedthreecoats). I used 1/8" plexiglass and the slot fit was very tight to a point of being a pia at some locations. Overalls I thought the case was a great deal for the price.
  21. Am I lucky or what? I have a front row seat to see another great build, plus a seat next to Anja and a seat next to..., next to.., a seat next to Anja. .
  22. Augie, Congrat's on ordering the Confederacy. Reserve me a seat right next to Sjors. In regards to the aches and pains experienced later in life (not saying either of us are old ) "Getting old ain't for sissies."
  23. Augie, Sorry to hear you were ill. I hope the issue is under control and your on the way to a full recovery.
  24. Hi Rich, Like always, your build continues to impress. What are your next planned steps?
  25. Thanks Joseph! I completed both gun and sweep ports this morning. The process I used was not too painful - I just felt like complaining a bit Today I also worked on cleaning up the bow planks and started reworking the aft gun ports. I was never very satisfied with how they turned out so now is the perfect tie to sand off the paint and make a few adjustments with the file.
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