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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. Gahm, They were included in an inner sheath in the CSS Alabama Builder captain and plans book I posted earlier. University of Alabama Press 1985. Its available on line Amazon. If you purchase guarantee the seller includes the plans
  2. The plans I have are copyrighted. There 1/4" to 1' using these plans of the lower deck the model would be roughly 28". Also included deck plans and profile. Detailed all Mast and spar plans are 1/8' to a 1'.
  3. Probably a neighbor fishing, or it maybe holding the bowsprit together. Again masterful build waiting to see your dredge assembly.
  4. Duff, Two must have books both available on Amazon CSS Alabama Builder, Captain, and Plans by Charles Grayson Summerall about construction of Alabama and a nice set of plans I think you could scratch build from $ 19.98 to $ 409.00 very nice book. Must have- Memoirs of Service afloat during the war between the state Admirlal Raphael Semmes CSN Captain of the CSS Alabama. Details all his encounters with Northern shipping extremely detailed book. Amazon $ 9.50 prime. Brother gave me both knowing the Alabama is in the distant future for a scratch build when I attain more experience. Looking at the included plans in the first book I believe they can be used for a scratch. Following your build.
  5. Admiral Semmes home on Government Street Mobile has been restored, there's a nice statue of him on the waterfront. He was a sly old devil. Have to research but I think they wanted to try him as a war criminal, but as noted he always gave notice to abandon before he sunk the vessels. He hurt them bad.
  6. Frank, Just magnificent, what function does the 8oz? fishing lead weight held in place by 4 wires on the bowsprit do?
  7. EJ, The wood in the palm of your hand box, bass. looks fuzzy. This is one hell of a build so far Kudos!
  8. Lou, Nice progress I believe it will turn out much better than what you perceive. No such animal as a Hobby Shop, Hobby Lobby has a little bit of something and a whole lot of nothing, Hobby Town might have a couple of Constructo models some basic tools, paint, glues, etc. I asked the guy at the local one (I had found some 2mm brass rings 1 packet) when he would get more. He said that was it and when what meager accessories he had were sold that was it. He said he made more money on the R/C. Model boating supplies took up to much space for a lower return. I do understand the marketing aspect of these stores and it is to make money on profitable items. The last time I went in 2 employees and owner were grouped around a large Drone explaining to a customer how it worked, I asked for some help they said just a minute after 5 minutes there trying to sell this guy I walked out. I don't think they even knew I left. My point after this long diatribe order on line get free shipping, no aggravation. Do not know but the big cities may have decent shops.
  9. Mark, That statement was meant for those of you that have contaminated bodies. I myself being uncontaminated and pure of heart barricade myself in a home where the temperature remains at a constant 72 degrees. The Boss being tougher than me ventures out for necessities.
  10. Y'all a bunch of woosies enjoy the heat, it purges all the contaminants that have accrued in the body and expels them via sweat glands. A total purification of the old bod. Enjoy and embrace the the heat indexes.
  11. Fernando, You have a good eye, the different woods or staining of provides a great contrast on a scale of 1 to10 a 12 and makes your build POP, Kudos
  12. Al, Form, follows shape, follows function? Its emerging from the skeletal remains of a beached whale, this is going to be a big one. The frames themselves, the curves, the number of, the stern quarter with the right background would make a nice photo prior to any planking. Very well done going to be a beauty.
  13. Graham, I really like the set up with the 2 meter track that's pumping more line than any of the others posted well done.
  14. Lou, My 2 cents from a nobody (still an apprentice). Lay the one on 1 side lay 2 on the other see which one is more pleasing to your eye. Just a light tack can be readily removed. (if you need more wood tear up one of the bosses wooden utensils.)
  15. Lou, Nicely taking shape, It will get there. We all get discombobulated or get the blue funk when Karma is going the wrong way. I have done nothing but stare at what is laying on the table, and tell my self "self there's tomorrow" . I can see the shape of the hull coming alive it looks great considering what was in your minds eye. Keep on keeping on!
  16. Is she publicly maintained, corporation, a trust, or historical society she is magnificent. Which ever one it's first class.
  17. Fernando, First class, the planking on the hull is perfect, deck furniture is spot on A1. This one is for you.
  18. Karl, Have been following silently, just brilliant. Your carving skills are awesome I stared at the rudder for a full 5 minutes are you using all boxwood on your carvings? On a scale from 1 to 10 15 Kudos
  19. Frank, Followed since the first post could have commented on each and every post others stated what I felt. This build is so spot on it is awe inspiring from the smallest details to the metal work both you and Keith Aug are masters with no equals. Kudos belongs in a museum.
  20. Lou, All good ,psychologically the first plank works the brain whoa I need to lay another, and another. Now your cooking. I have trouble with pics also, it seems I always fall back on my phones' camera that usually takes better pictures.
  21. Okay Lou a lot of yada yada, we need to see some boat even just a little bit of a boat or your middle name will be AESOP you know the fable guy.
  22. Have been vexed by this problem and nothing I have done until now has provided a solution-enough space, out of the way and still view with out playing like a monkey up and down and all around Go to 4 corners maps, I just purchased the Overlay Roller Map Holder $ 159.00 quite a deal and out of the way my solution.
  23. Roach, A very in-depth, interesting, and educational approach to a build log. It appears the Chef is picking up a lot of Sous Chefs on this journey. The end will be interesting!
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