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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. We welcome another red-neck, Roll Tide or Tigers. I'm still a noob but this is a great site.
  2. Welfalck, That little tidbit of formation worth a million dollars, thanks for posting.
  3. My standby, a soup can, veggies, paste, different sizes. Put a candle inside can is horizontal. soak wood can gets super hot can bend 4,5,6, strips quickly superfast. Cost can free, steal Bosses candle and a match. I am cheaper than Mark
  4. Lou, You are good to go, looks great second layer will fall into place. Looks like very little filler. On my first planked model I used so much filler it was bow heavy and had a 30 degree list to starboard. Kudos nothing wrong with the planking, she has eye appeal very pleasing lines. Kudos Mosquitos are attracted by perspiration, after shave and perfume. I am a sweat hog, people want me in their area and see me as the human bug zapper (misnomer) I am the one getting zapped. This morning I retrieved the paper 20 foot walk from the front door returned and lathered on the hydrocortisone cream got hit approx. 15 zaps. I'll keep skeeters you can have grizzlies.
  5. I guess we will call you MR. Tibbs (related to Sidney?) I agree your build will be much nicer without the exposed guts. Not very appealing unless they showed more like crew quarters or engine. Good luck should be a killer build.
  6. Frank, I look at your build, and always see something I missed, and when I compare it to the pics of the real thing I am amazed every time I open this site. Your attention to details is just spot on even down to the small cracks running up and down the mast. Absolutely superior craftsmanship. There are a lot of skill sets your passing down us builders in training or should I say apprentices, or wanna bes'. Kudos.
  7. Frank, In a past life were you an engineer, my brother in-law is one and displays the same organizational skills. He visits and sees my workshop and cries. Do wish I was that organized would have saved me a lot of time on redo's when I lost a piece. Kudos.
  8. Fright, Looking forward to your build. The black line above the waterline is to low for a fendering system I think, the ship bows out above that from appearance on the box. You will probably identify what it is from internet pics. Or one of the shipmasters on this site.
  9. Russ, Just a personal choice. For myself I do not like shiny copper plating on models. It looks hokie. That being said I am in the minority and venture to say 90 to 95 percent of modelers on the site copper plate. As I have said in the past whatever cranks your tractor do it.
  10. CDW, Man do the B-25s Doolittle and his crew had a huge set of cojones, one of the best raids of WWII. History needs to be remembered lest we foget
  11. I hate to be a wet blanket and Facebook has a place but it is a gold mine for those wishing to do ill to others. I started an Investigative company after retiring from law enforcement focusing on comp, disability, and medicaid fraud. One of our best tools for initial background information is Facebook. People tell on themselves without realizing it. My warning is you open up your world to the bad guys, where you live, children, schools they go to, where you work pictures of family, house, automobiles. You also give access to all your friends posted on your pages. You post when you go on vacation and how long you will be gone. I could go on with a long laundry list. Facebook has a place but be well aware of what to post and what not to post.👿 the devil he be out there.
  12. Ditto to all, congrats on finishing treatment. The Boss finished hers but still has the pet scans and infusions every 90 days but as you say it beats the alternative. Grandkids will go crazy over this one
  13. Danny, Am interested in trying one, small scale is intimidating for me, all I can do is attempt if I screw it up we will watch a Viking Funeral. My question is you appear addicted to these paper models did the bug bite you on the first one your into to it big time, after seeing yours and what Doris has done there fantastic. Never thought of paper medium could render such a fantastic builds (stupidity lurks in the dark recesses of the mind).
  14. Danny, It is an absolute pleasure to travel thru your build. Your skill set (as some other modelers) to work at such a small scale is truly amazing. The final results are stunning. My hats off to one of the masters. This Fosters is for you.
  15. Bristol fashion, clean, neat, and pristine!
  16. Beautiful lines, couldn't tell if it was laid up in a boatyard, pure perfection.
  17. Greg, Cannot add much to what has been said. The pains you went to in painting your ship was masterful, just masterful. Kudos X10
  18. Alde, You have to have the faith my brother, with something that looks that good Karma is on your side. Close one eye, turn your head slightly to the side squint threw the other eye and slowly cut away! Not that I am all knowledgeable but it looks like you have enough planking in place to hold all together.
  19. Alde, It's going to be a thing of beauty! Sadly I still have to cut twice because I only measured once. Have the pile of miscues to prove it.
  20. Patrick, Keeps getting better, cannot wait to see finished build.
  21. Amazing just an amazing build research above and beyond. The research is as enjoyable as the build, fantastic. Kudos
  22. Popeye, Good question have no answer that was waht was written on mast and spar plans, also reducing feet to inches on all spars and masts Example: Mast Deck to Hounds 59 ' Head 10' Housed ABT 88' Overall ABT88' Would have a mast at 27 inches it describes all mast yards and bowsprit in the same manner and what they would be reduced to including gaff and boom.
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