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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. Jack, Noticed the wood runners is that the norm, do they perform better than metal, and does the width have to do for performance, speed and turning???
  2. One more JD700 variable speed nail manicure machine, with a foot control peddle, set of dentists bits. amazon has machine 40 to 65 dollars.
  3. Have a series of Dremel's up to 4000, flex shaft, all have different uses and I find I am not swapping accessories all the time. But my go to is the 8050 have abused the devil out of mine, the charge only failed me once after heavy sanding on high speed for a long period of time. For those of you that are old enough to remember its like a Timex watch it takes a licking and keeps on ticking (according to John Cameron Swayze nightly news reporter 1940s to 1950s)
  4. Welfalck, Tongue and cheek reply to your hoping to move on to bigger from closet. Posting on January 14.
  5. Went back and reviewed your converting that room amazing a man after my own heart, you took junk refurbished it dolled up the room fantastic job. On the cheap can be good. Hopefully you will give Welfalck some heart and he can get out of the closet.
  6. Dan, This one zipped by me. How can you work that paper at that small scale and keep it so neat is beyond me. How do you avoid carpal tunnel. Excellent work as always. Believe your having a paper model orgasm. As many as you have punched out I would have braces on both forearms and hands. Kudos
  7. Very good Grandpa Phil, that wee bit of tiny work is a warm up for the ratlines. Vic is looking good.
  8. CDW, Caught up, absolutely fantastic build. I am very impressed how you and others can handle PE on such a scale. I'm afraid I would break or bend all out of shape. Whoever invented the phrase fiddley parts was right on. Kudos (since I responded properly to this post the only good fish is a dead fish!)
  9. Patrick, Caught up all I can say is well done. Really like your methodology attacking problems, wish I was that focused. I'm a flitter flit here flit there then forgot where I flitted last. Kudos
  10. Probably be a hell of a lot cheaper.
  11. Great news Lou, you still have to put up with those accusatory dirty looks from folks, good opportunity for her to milk it for all she can. If we weren't friends I would give her some advice.
  12. I might add how deep are your pockets, money no object tools not a problem. I might add if your pockets have run aground and your temporally stranded in the shallows there are a lot of comparable tools that run the gambit of pricing. Since I stay stranded in the shallows I spend a lot of time at Harbor Freight for saws, sanders, scroll saws etc. E-bay and garage sales, amazon, craigslist, and have a nice collection of cheap but adequate tools. One day someone will espy my upside down flag and render assistance and my pockets will get deeper. Enough of my drivel,
  13. G.L. Great Subject looking forward to this build going to be a big one. Like the idea of a cutaway. I have a great respect for fishers of all nations "those that go down to the sea in ships" hope I quoted that correctly. (psalms 107) Deja Vue Last night watched 1937 movie with Spencer Tracy Captains Courageous great flick excellent video for the time fishing on the Grand Banks.
  14. Lou, Sorry about Laurie best wishes for a quick, painless, and full recovery. Your second career as nurse, chief cook, bottle washer, pet groomer, scullery maid, keeps you young at heart and very spry. You may have enough skills to open a Daddy Day Care. Looking forward to seeing the painted hull.
  15. Neat link to the flea fleet for the little ones
  16. Dan happy birthday celebrate it with gusto:cheers::36::champagne-2::champagne::champagne-popping-smiley-emotic

    1. Dan Vadas

      Dan Vadas

      Thanks John, I will :D.



  17. Jesse, Still have power, what better way than to build and get the mind off the storm. Kudos.
  18. Patrick, Didn't think you could surpass the last one you did, well brother you crossed the mountain. The Mega yacht is above and beyond mighty impressive. Have absolutely enjoyed the birth and progression of this one. Kudos 10 times over.
  19. Peter, Very nice, like the way you added the bridge fenders when you add the tie cables it will be a nice added touch. Rivers in an estuary that have a tidal flow actually have tide lines like offshore that have color changes due to fresh or salinity of the water, they can be very defined like what you have. Depending on what part of the polluted planet you live on these delineation lines can be defined further by floating trash or fresh and or salt water grasses or pods of floating duckweed. Regardless this is a very fine build Kudos
  20. Hang in there your work is excellent under the circumstances. Well done 2 Kudos!
  21. JesseLee, Ratlines hanging perfect, had to redo mine twice and got a good dose of carpal tunnel.
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