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Posts posted by Vegaskip

  1. Thanks Pat. I did this for a friend who worked for a while,taking Timber to the beach on the Island of Mull, wher it was loaded like this.


    One of my favourites. If it wasn't for these guys 'The Few'would have been even fewer and flying Gliders!


    Keeping the Spitfires flying
    HMCS Chilliwack heads for a burning tanker in a North Atlantic convoy. The supply of oil was vital for the war effort
    Watercolour 16 X 9 inches


  2. Thank you John, my pleasure.

    Here is what I'm working on just now, nearly finished. Called 'Foul Deck'

    WIP. This is HMS Hermes, 1960's. a Sea Vixen has just landed on. Up Hook, up Flaps, Wings folded and is being Taxiied off the Landing area. Unfortunately not fast enough as his tail was over the safety line (Foul Deck) and the Gannet on 'Finals' has been 'Waved off' to go round again.
    Still needs more people, plane guard Helicopter and Port Cat and some FD details. ( The Director has just passed the a/c over to you the viewer!)

    w/c 15" X 10"

    (No not a Searchlight, 984 Radar 'dustbin')



  3. HMS Suffolk Sights Bismarck.
    a quote from 'An Eyewitness Account of the Sinking of HMS Hood' by Lt D. N. Paton 
    'Suddenly, at 7.22 in the evening of 23rd., one of the look-outs sighted Bismarck and Prinz Eugen emerging from a snow squall between Suffolk and the ice. There could be no mistaking the vastness of the battleship at the point blank range of seven miles, though the somewhat inappropriate remark of a midshipman – “Hood and Prince of Wales, I suppose” – subsequently became legendary. The enemy ships were moving fast in a S.W. direction parallel to the ice.'

    When I read something like that, it makes me want to grab the brushes and paint it. Like here. Much more satisfying than the 'Eye candy' of the one above.


  4. Thes two paintings were presented to the Governer of Arkhangelsk Provence, and the Mayor of the city, by the British Ambassador to Moscow. The presentation was to mark the beguining of the celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the first Convoy to Russia in WW2. (Operation Dervish)

    Both paintings are of the arrival of SS Llanstephen Castle at Arkhangelsk from diferent angles. 

    Photo of the presentation (Grey beard is the British Ambassador, the other is Governor Orlov)






  5. Thank you Chris, you never know, I'm always looking fo events to paint.  Size, Tourist was about as big as I do, it was Acrylic on stretched canvas (24" X 13")  I don't do the bigger one so much as they are a nuisance to store. Now I mostly use Watercolour on A3 pads about 16" X 10" . I usually leave then in the pad, much easier to store.


    Fairmile C class MGBs waiting for the morning mist to clear




  6. Empire Tourist was returning from Russia in Concoy RA 57. She was torpedoed by U703, her cargo consisted of timber and coal, which may have helped in the survival of her entire crew. The survivors were picked up by HMS Gleaner while the destroyer HMS Milne hunted the U-boat. L to R Destroyer Milne, Liberty Ship Philip Livingston, Empire Tourist, HMS Gleaner,with other convoy ships in the distance, including the Escort carrier HMS Chaser.




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