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Posts posted by Vegaskip

  1. 21 hours ago, Louie da fly said:

    The only thing I can think of is to do an image search on tree class trawlers and see if there's enough information in those photos to get an idea of what Juniper would have looked like. Perhaps they were all built to the same design? If so, there should have been only minor differences between them.


    Best I can do.



    That’s what I did. Most were built as minesweepers, but Juniper was the only Anti Sub.


  2. There is a bit of mystery about this one, but first the story, for those who dont know.
    During the 'Norwegian campain, HMS Juniper a 'tree' class Trawler, was sent to escort the tanker 'Oil Pioneer' back to the uk.Their luck ran out when they met SHARNHORST, GNEISENAU ADLIRAL HIPPER and 4 destroyers!.
    Juniper turned towards the enemy, hoisted her battle ensigns and opened fire with her 12 pdr. She lasted 90 minutes and there were 4 survivors
    Now the mystery, I wanted to do a painting of this incredable act of bravery and defiance, so started looking around for a reference phpto of Juniper, I'm still looking, I have heard that some one has the copy right and has withdrawn all photos of her , which I find very strange.
    I welcome any information or comments or even possibly a genuine photo.
    With the greatest respect and in rememberance of some very brave men.


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