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Posts posted by Vegaskip

  1. Thanks for that Lou. I've never been up that way, in fact I haven't been on the West coast at all unfortunately. So the location for the painting is made up from memories of films or TV programs of the area.

    I've  still got lots more paintings I can post. It is really nice to get comments and 'meet' people from all over.

    here is the watercolour sketch for the Mellon painting which is acrylic on canvas.



  2. Thanks Jason. The sweepers you mention were a bit after my time. It was mostly 'Tons' in my day, and they. Would be based at HMS LOCHINVAR (Port Edgar) opposite Rosyth.

    Her is another with the Edinburgh sky line.

    These are the ship served on by Edward George Bourne, (stoker).
    L to R HM Ships Iron Duke, Galatea, Icarus, Centurion, and in the distance Indefatigable in which he was unfortunately killed at Jutland.
    This was a commission for a lady who wanted it for her children, his descendants. The skyline of Edinburgh in the background 
    Acrylic on canvas 30"  X 14"


  3. This was inspired by Rudyard Kipling's poem about minesweepers in WW1


    Mine sweepers courtesy Of Mr Kipling 

    DAWN OFF the Foreland - the young flood making
    Jumbled and short and steep - 
    Black in the hollows and bright where it's breaking -
    Awkward water to sweep.
    "Mines reported in the fairway,
    "Warn all traffic and detain.
    " 'Sent up Unity, Claribel, Assyrian, Stormcock, and Golden Gain." 

    Noon off the Foreland - the first ebb making 
    Lumpy and strong in the bight.
    Boom after boom, and the golf-hut shaking 
    And the jackdaws wild with fright !
    "Mines located in the fairway,
    "Boats now working up the chain,
    "Sweepers - Unity, Claribel, Assyrian, Stormcock, and Golden Gain." 

    Dusk off the Foreland - the last light going 
    And the traffic crowding through,
    And five damned trawlers with their syreens blowing 
    Heading the whole review !
    "Sweep completed in the fairway.
    "No more mines remain.
    " 'Sent back Unity, Claribel, Assyrian, Stormcock, and Golden Gain."


  4. Thank you both for commenting, and yes I do sell some paintings, although I don't go out of my way to advertise. I'm too old for a load of hassle packing and posting especially international stuff. I sent a painting of a B29 to Hawaii. It was supposed to be first class airmail and take 3/4 days. Took a few days under 3 months and the tube it was in was folded in the middle.


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