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Posts posted by J11

  1. On 8/2/2019 at 5:38 PM, RBohlman said:

    I purchased the Mamoli CSS Alabama kit some time ago when I found it on sale.  In looking over the kit I was not impressed with the instruction plans provided!  Any suggestions as to where I might find better build plans for the Alabama?  Thanks


    I have multiple plans for her as my blog here does have some posted. Bluejackets CSS Alabama plans are excellent and i am utilizing them for my build. You can get them at BJ's web site under CSS Alabama kit. Their plans are very detailed and are the best ones out there IMHO for a wooden build. Mine is the Revell 1/96 scale plastic kit which I am currently working on. You'll also see how I have discussed the discrepancy in all the prints I have. 


    Here's the blog for your reference:


  2. Thanks to all the responses and likes, here's a current update as work continue's on this build.


    Plans, plans , plans ......  going over multiple plans for blocks and tackles along with rigging possibilities I have a consensus of historical lines for the masts and ship rigging. I will be adding multiple lines for her as to really accent the rigging work along with multiple colors and sizes to bring the definitions out. Here's some of the plans which will be incorporated:


    Also utilizing the Blue Jacket prints, a total of 11 plans along with Syren blocks and tackles. 

    The preliminary mast yards are complete and will be adding the blocks to each one with extra blocks for the sails to be mounted to also. I have been going threw the sail installation plans and will probably be adding them as some will be custom made which will take some time and adds a couple of months to the build but will look nice with all the sails and the boom sails added. I have been going threw the sail building procedures here at MSW which are very informative but I am going to subcontract out the added sails. They will run about $200.00 completed but will be detailed out and done from a professional sail maker.


    Here's a couple mast work images for comparisons:



     I have gotten a generic representation of the top mast yard mounting for the main mast which you can see in the upper left corner of the bottom image represented. Also another painting of the Alabama giving chase.



  3. Small update for the fore and main top sail studding booms and the fore and main top gallant studding sail booms also, touch up painting will need to be done on all of them along with added mounting hardware from BJ. All of the studding boom mast hardware are scratch built and all are completed for the associated masts. Then all the rigging blocks which will be awhile as research has some problems on placement and types. Plus scratch built gaffs imaged also.



    Early model of CSS Alabama made from one of the crew during her history.







  4. On 6/29/2019 at 5:55 AM, RBohlman said:

    Looks Great!  You are doing a very nice job on her!


    I just finished reading a book about her voyages written by Captain Raphael Semmes.


    I built the model back in 1966 when in High School but it was not as well done as you are doing now!

    Thanks, wondering if you might have any images of your model you built? Semmes was an honorable gentleman as he tried very hard as to not kill any of the occupants during his ship raids. From my research very few were killed during the Alabama's life, excluding her last battle with the Kearsarge. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CDW said:

    For future reference...


    Mr. Metal Primer is a very good bare metal primer. It has the consistency of water, it's clear, self leveling, and is an "etching" primer for metal. IE: it attains a very good bond to metal that does not flake off. It is very slow drying, about 24 hours drying time required. The bottle comes with it's own brush in the bottle cap and you just brush it on your bare metal parts, paint with a color coat of your choice after the primer is dry. I've had the same bottle for a few years. A little goes a long way. Sells for less than $7 per bottle.

    I'll pick some up, many thanks for the info.

  6. Got tied up with life responsibilities but here's a short update. Been working on the extension boom masts from scratch building work. Their a little time consuming but turning out ok. I have 4 more to go and then the mast work will almost be completed. Will add the wooden booms and the eight secondary extension parts also. I'll show a couple when finished with them completely.



    I'll paint them black as they are aluminum and probably have to prime them first. Might just leave them silver for extra contrast...what do you guys think? 


    Also "Happy Forth of July" for my American modeler friends. May we always remember those whom sacrificed all to give us our blessings of American life and liberty!

  7. 11 hours ago, Hubac's Historian said:

    We are all works in progress all of the time.  Good lesson to learn for us all.  I appreciate the intent of research and the willingness to share what you have learned.  Great build, and I am enjoying your progress very much.

    Thanks, I hope to have some more updates later today.

  8. 11 hours ago, CDW said:

    Jonathan, you are 'da man!



    CDW, these are from the 2006 kit release from what I understand. Glad to help as I have done a extensive amount of research on Kearsarge for a possible future build. Also BlueJacket does have their plans for sale at their website if you want to advance the build in detailing.  Here's build blog from MSW

    I do have some Naval Museum model images  if you want them. Amazing that the kit is still in such great shape for the parts and pieces, watch for cracking on some of them as my Alabama does have cracking on the hull and some pieces just broke in my hands. Looks like yours won't have that problem from what I see, so just a heads up as a possibility. 

  9. 20 hours ago, popeye the sailor said:

    ..and a happy Father's day to you!  {belated}.....that looks like an older kit Billing's kit of the Wasa.  having built one of these older kits {of the Nordkap},  and getting a second chance to built the Progress......I think you'll find a lot of enjoyment out of the experience.  you'll also have better control over the inconsistencies with the kit,  since a lot of the build will be scratch built ;)   what is the kit in the upper left........looks like a 1:150 kit.......another Alabama?


    nice work on the masts  ;) 

    Thanks, the other kit you are mentioning is just the box my Alabama came in which is in pristine condition and will moth ball it with all my plans and research when I'm done with her.


    The Vasa is going to be quite a build as so many parts does come with it, will be painting them for months for that build. If I decide to go for it next will be going over all the builds of the Vasa on here for reference's. Some great Vasa builds are here which helps in putting that kit together.


    I should have some more updates this weekend as most of the mast parts are finished except for foot ropes for the fore mast. Those are being worked on now. Seems fairly close to being finished as just the rigging and men are left with putting all the scratch built parts on her and the smaller boats. Then Glass time. :dancetl6:



  10. Well found more parts to scratch build for the masts, one main boom and fore boom along with a top mizzen studding mast yard from the 1861 prints of the original build from the Iron works. Also worked on the mizzen Gaff (Scratch) and will also build the fore and main gaffs. Got the parts for the extension booms for main and fore topsail yard and lower topsail yard which should have them done this week. As the old saying goes one step forward and two steps back when putting this ship together. Worked also on the dead eyes for the upper ratlines so I would have them in place. I'll have to make the gaffs mast attachment rings by scratch which will probably be made out of hardwood or I'll buy them from BJ. I'll add the hoop rings also for the sails also.


    Here's some updated images:


    Extra mast parts needed:






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