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Posts posted by J11

  1. Thanks  popeye the sailor, Yep been doing research on them and have come up with some good reference's but not a example book with quality drawings. Found some U-T videos which are also helpful and looking for more.


    I'll have some updated images by tomorrow as the rigging lines are slow and feels like a turtle doing a race to get them done. Still on the fore mast ratlines, ten done and eight more to go.  :pirate41:

  2. Progress images and a closeup of the anchor work. The fore mast completely broke in two different pieces as I was doing a tightening with the last two port shrouds. Luckily I was able to quickly fix it before anything snapped on me. I'll have to sand down the extra CA and repaint for touch ups but it turned out alright. Waiting for them to dry completely before I start the other shrouds. I'll be following the sequence image below for all of shrouds to produce a nice detailed look on them.






    I'll have some more updates soon. She's slowly coming along. :dancetl6:

  3. Enjoying your blog. The studding work is intense for detailing. I might try to tackle that on my "Vasa" when I start her after my current project which will be a few more months to complete. I assume you just clipped them off level with the planks as you went and then gently sanded them down?

    Very unique detailing procedure really adds to the rustic historical look of her, simple but very time consuming; excellent work!

  4. Thanks popeye the sailor, I've been working on the anchors and should have them done today will post a couple of images later on. Then rat-lines work will commence. I'll be making the rope coils also for them (anchors) and will post a image of that also.


    They had found the HMS Terror here's the link, great condition. They should raise her, what a museum it would make!!



  5. Thanks @CapnMac82

    This information will be useful for the reef points along with determining the sail material to use. Really appreciate all the help with these sails as I haven't done them before but with members help it will be easier and make this a very unique CSS Alabama model representation .... one of a kind!! It will take much more time to complete but in the long run will be well worth the competed model.


    I have redone the fore mast for a better angle and with rat-lines being installed they will secure the angle a little better for all the masts. I'll be working on Rat-lines today and at this scale will be using two different rigging sizes for them.


    Here's some images on the corrected angles for the masts and the Bow-spirit also has been straightened out now.




    These rigging lines are drooping a little; so when I add the rat lines I have some play to finish tightening them down. Here's also the before image showing the straight mast which had to be corrected, and had to bend the plastic to make this right as it kept popping back straight.



  6. Well as time goes by and model work get dormant you have to "swab the deck" :


    Works really well for dust and woof's hair that seems to just drop onto the deck. Here's a couple of closeups on the Bow-spirit almost finished, just a little touch up paint. Then anchor chains and some putty filling which I'll work on today. 




    I'll get that bend out also as the plastic just love's to bends with the slightest of tightness on them, the main mast was mounted at a angle and will have to redo it also because of plastic bending and the deck warping when the other lines were taught making it straight. Arrgghh; plastic can be a pain but it is what it is. 


    Here's also a old woodcut of the Alabama showing the four sail spars for the fore and main mast:



  7. Here's a reference image of her actually showing more of the reef points, modelspan seems very easy to work with and will have some ordered soon. Working out the procedure of installation of the sails and rigging:


    1. Build the booms and gaffs.
    2. Make the sails based on the plans.
    3. Attach sails to the booms and gaffs as appropriate.
    4. Install and rig the booms and gaffs.
    5. Add the additional rigging for each sail.
    6. Touch up paint.
    7. Add bee wax as individual rigging lines are installed.



    The question I have now is do all the sails normally have reef points? Instead of the example shown? Also it seems like the studding boom sails will all have reef points from my research. 

  8. Thanks Hubac's Historian for the clarifications. I have found patterns by using the BJ's plans for most of the sails, so I'll trace and duplicate. The reef points will be added from other model sails and some drawings. For some reason i can't PM, the option isn't there, I'll post to him later on this week and get some specifics from him. Really appreciate the help.

  9. Going over his sail making Technic, it seems pretty straight forward. Hubac's Historian the tassels on his sails are what does confuse me. How do you figure out how many tassels goes on a individual sail for the ship? 


    Luckily I do have one good image of one completed with sails as a reference:


    Mine does have four sail booms instead of three, so a few extra sails will have to be made as I also need the studding booms sails. What exactly did he use to color his sails as some details were abbreviated? Also how do you attach the tassels to the sails? I going to assume sewing them in?


    I would like to have some diagrams on the tassels as to length and size rigging to use also. With the image above at increased magnification it's not very clear for fine details but I can work with it. So far I haven't found a CSS Alabama with the studding boom sails actually mounted on a model representation so I'll be carefully working toward this end as not destroy all the other work involved. This kit is very fragile and is breaking in just basic rigging, so it's a very slow process. Hence my reason for asking so many questions so I can figure out a good installation procedure so not to back track and have to remove something already installed or break something in the process. 


    Here's a couple images of the smaller added boats which will go on her in the finishing parts and piece's:



    Help on the sail making endevour would be appreciated, so any more Ideas or diagrams would be great. And of course I'll do research also. I should have the Bow-spirit done for basics by today and will post some more images soon. Might have to re-do my main mast rigging as it has pulled the mast strait and it needs to be at a better angle. Plus I'll be doing touch up painting. This model build will be a lot slower that what I originally thought so stay tuned and bear with me. :dancetl6:





  10. Excellent Hubac's Historianand many thanks, will go threw this and have a go at it. Hopefully I can make some good representations as the total sail cost was going to be at 325.00 which included everything. Hadn't pulled the trigger on it yet and glad I didn't.


    Here's a couple quick images for progression:



  11. Many thanks CapnMac82 for the information on the club spar. I had searched for many a nights trying to find out what it was called along with how to mount it properly. I'll have to use the small rope representation as shown in this image. (upper left corner)20190710_121302.thumb.jpg.7724519ef2bce8a8e8d23e4c7744194d.jpg 


  12. Been busy with life's responsibilities, Popeye you are correct on the mistakes from the prints. There's a bunch of discrepancies in all the prints and I do reference what they say as to show the problems with them if someone else decided to build an Alabama for reference. With the copyright problem I won't be able to show all of them.


    This plan does come from the CSS Alabama Builders, Captian, and plans: Charles Grayson Summersell book:


    The upper small studding boom on the aft mast is what i was talking about for mounting. These are the only plans that show this small studding boom.


    I'll have some images soon for continued work and thanks for all the great comments and likes. 

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