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Tim Moore

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Everything posted by Tim Moore

  1. Thanks Jean-Paul! I like to switch things up so for the winter I’m going to the dark side for a bit and will be doing a 1:12 Fiat 806, a vintage Grand Prix car from Italeri. Allows me to stay inside the warm house as it’s a plastic and airbrushing project as opposed to woodworking. After that I have a few boats in mind, inspired by some work I’ve seen on MSW, naturally. Tim
  2. My rendition of Fifie ….finished! And on my birthday. A colourful and happy fisher boat as I’ve done her, with lots of detail. This is a faultless kit that results in a substantial model, bigger than it looks. Lots of scope for adding your own custom bits. Don’t really like sails up on my models for some reason so set mine down, despite doing all the detail on it. At least I know it’s there I suppose. It’s rigged properly so can be pulled up. Those in the know history wise on this craft may recognize the name and number. Best wishes of the season to everyone!
  3. Ha thanks Lyle. I’m really just putzing around now micro-modeling this little rowboat, haven’t had much sustained time in the cabin and don’t want to start my next model victim until the new year anyway. Egads! Shortly after I took these pics my collie Trixie nabbed it off the coffee table but thankfully I extracted it before any major damage.
  4. All done except for the rowboat which I almost forgot about. I’ve edge glued the 1mm material along the temporary bulkheads and then pinched out the mdf formwork.
  5. Yes, I am still working on the Fifie finish…rigging is in place and I’m just fashioning a sail. Always a new skill to master or in my case butcher in ship modeling.
  6. A great rendition of Endeavour, Rock, congratulations! The Corel Endeavour was the first complex build I undertook many, many years ago and still has pride of place in my home. You have taken it to another level in your excellent build. Good luck on your next one. Tim
  7. Wow substantial build Yves, excellent work as usual! I love the way you go big. Nothing wrong with that planking. How is the house addition coming to house your models.
  8. Thanks for the gluing advice Gary, I actually saw that really thin stuff in our local supply shop last time I was there so will try that.
  9. Thanks Bruce, Gary and Richard….I will get my backside in gear to finish her and take a few decent pics. Appreciate you looking in and the kind comments. Kind of like the structure these build logs give to a project so may well sneak one about the Fiat in the unauthorized non ship section.
  10. Hello all finally just getting back into the model cabin now that a busy construction season is almost over. The Fifie is pretty much done, I will post the finished product shortly after I finish off the lifeboat and the minor amount of rigging. Been thinking about my next victim for winter production. On the marine front I am pondering possibly the Endurance now that occre has that model, which I’ve always wanted to do. The Amati Grand Banks and their large scale Endeavour americas cup contender also appeal, although the former seems not to be available at present. I usually like to switch things up so as not to do two similar subjects in a row, so to start off I’ve got something completely different coming next week - a 1/12 italeri kit of the fiat 806 Grand Prix racer. Always been an F1 fan so looking forward to what I can do on a vintage racer with my new airbrush. I enjoyed scratchbuilding an engine in my mahogany runabout some years ago so should be interesting. Been ages since I worked in plastic, forgotten what adhesive strategy is best. Tim
  11. Hi thanks and sorry for not seeing this message earlier…the buoy materials are provided in the kit and fashioned from wooden balls which are drilled to accept an eyebolt and collar. I blacked the fittings and stained them an assortment of colours, some I painted.
  12. Hi Lyle! Yes looks like you are doing the stem and keel black; I wish I had done that, in my case in the ebony stain like I did for the wales. The black will be a good contrast with your weathered oak.
  13. Really nice work on that walnut Lyle, and a great idea to veneer the ribs. Looks perfect. Going to be a great model of Bounty.
  14. Really nice work…particularly impressed with the deck and of course your accomplishment on that coppering is fantastic. Tim
  15. No actually I’m just finishing up a Scottish Fifie fishing boat by Victory models…not sure what my next project will be this fall, still mulling that over.
  16. Impressive job on the Bounty planking Lyle - really meticulous work, you’re going to have a fantastic result.
  17. Just finishing up some colourful deck paraphernalia on what has been a creative and enjoyable build. Really just the lifeboat to do and then the masts and rigging. Not a lot of time working in the cabin lately, but really I’m happy to stretch out this build over summer since I don’t plan on starting my next one until late fall. Not sure what area of the model kingdom I’ll tackle after Fifie yet.
  18. Well done Dave! Congrats on pushing through all that rigging.
  19. Thanks Popeye! Work has kept me away for the last couple of weeks so haven’t been able to spend much time in the cabin...just started on some of the various deck fittings and pilot house.
  20. Your America is a really fine piece of work Gary. I particularly love the rich treatment on the hull. Looks like it should be on display in a historical museum somewhere. Really well done!
  21. Hi Trond & Lyle: when doing the single planking on my Bounty, my basic process was: 1. back sand the edge of the plank I am fitting slightly along the length so the face fits tightly against the existing plank 2. working at about three frames at a time, glue the plank to both the frame and the plank above with tiny intermittent drops of CA, and pin in place. 3. move along to the next 3 frames 4. fill any unavoidable small gaps with dark walnut or ebony coloured wood filler.
  22. Hi Diver. I faced the same situation last year. Wanted to get a good general purpose airbrush for ship models and too much granular information probably more useful for graphic specialists. I ended up getting a Paasche Talon TG-3F, the kit with all three (size 1, 2 and 3) heads. Decision was based on apparent quality, and cost and availability here. The only extra I purchased was their 10’ hose with a water stop. I attach to the pancake compressor I use for my nail guns. I usually use Vallejo model air paint and a drop or two of their airbrush flow improver each time. I don’t plan on using any solvent based paints because I have no interest in a messy cleaning routine. My studio has a slop sink which is perfect for running lots of water through immediately after which is all I do for cleanup most of the time. Results have been very good, really fine finish once you get the hang of it, which isn’t too difficult. There are no doubt many other good options, just wanted to pass on my own hands on experience.
  23. Thanks Jean-Paul, Bob and Clive! This pandemic is really helping with my productivity model ship wise, although I am very soon going to have to get into some construction jobs. Meantime I’m pressing on with the companionways and other deck installations. These are fun bits and pieces, each a small project. The hatch coverings’ ring and post assemblies don’t go together that easily. Should really have drilled out all the posts to make assembly easier. Having said that, I’m finding pretty much everything on this model to be a satisfying undertaking. Nice change from HMS Bounty which I have to admit was a bit of a slog at times.
  24. Thanks guys...really appreciate the comments and you checking in. Bit of a hiccup after deck was done as my kit was missing rudder hinges. They had only put one set in my kit instead of 3, so had to mess about fabricating something similar from what I had lying around. Not perfect but good enough. Used some leftover walnut as decking on the platform for the cabin. I relocated the scuttles on the fish deck somewhat so they connect with the space I created below decks. Not sure I’m going to try to drill through the sub deck for the holes since it’s mdf and could get messy.
  25. The first picture is the replica Bounty. The name usually goes under the windows as per the illustration with the flag.
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