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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. Another research book: These galleons are starting to grow on me. I have a feeling that I will end up with at least a couple of them. I still want some of the floating palaces of the Baroque era though. Those ships are downright beautiful!
  2. https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/saucy-jack-barking-well-smack/ Chris Watton’s Vanguard Models have excellent instruction manuals and the owner of the company is on this forum. He made a bunch of fishing boat kits, like the link I started with, that would make a great beginners kit. Also, there are excellent planking tutorials on this forum too.
  3. I learned to paint, and got most of my modeling skills, painting wargaming and role playing game miniatures back in the 1990’s. I tend to use the same paint techniques for my ships or other models. I like to prime with black and then layer up my paint to create the illusion of depth and lighting.
  4. Many acrylic primers, at least that are easily available in the States, will not adhere to non-polystyrene plastic models or brass detail parts.
  5. It is for acrylic paint and primer adhesion. Depending on the material, the paint will flake off, or just not stick in the first place, even if cleaned properly to remove oils or mold release agents prior to priming. Sealing with an acrylic sealant gives the primer something to adhere to.
  6. My whipstaff: And the platform: They were part of this group of pieces.
  7. One finished ladder: Everyone has a fitting that is challenging to them. Ladders are that fitting for me. I am very pleased with how it turned out.
  8. I seal metal and non-styrene plastic with acrylic sealant prior to priming and painting. Mod-Podge works very well for that too, but if you use Mod-Podge for anything with a lot of detail, thin it down.
  9. Test run: The setup is a little tricky, but no worse than making a jig. Assembly was super easy though. And the steps are to scale. I think I just found my new way of making ladders.
  10. I want to try a slotted ladder. I am going to copy that and glue it down to some more card to make the doubler and see what happens.
  11. The thumb is good! Thank you both very much! Here is where I am starting out: I still need to finish installing some deck beams: Here is my next round of parts:
  12. The build booklet that came with my Victory Models plan set for the Revenge, which is the same that comes with the kit, is phenomenal.
  13. Glen, Nicely done on the longship! The Kraken is looking amazing! Excellent sculpt job!
  14. Making progress: I made a fillet of thumb when my scalpel slipped while trimming the transom. I made balsa alignment pins for a couple beams: Time to trace some more parts and then get ready to make a ladder.
  15. I always use PVA glue to attach card to wood. CA can easily cause discoloration in card if not used carefully. I learned that the hard way.
  16. Thank you very much for the information! The bow deck is on! Making progress!
  17. I just found most of the Rif Winfield books for $4.99 apiece for Kindle on Amazon.
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