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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. With the deck done and finally just going with something approaching a quadrant profile for the waterways, I've moved on to the rudder. I had a mishap with topmost bracket on the sternpost, as in breaking it getting it from the fret🙄. With the hole in the counter drilled, I fitted the cabin benches. Also a start be was made on the gun port lids. Inbetween all this I'm also making up some eyebolts and split rings. I tried Glenn's (glbarlow) method for the eyebolts, not a great success for me, I could not make them consistent, so I went back to the twist method. Thanks for all the comments, likes and dropping by. All is greatly appreciated. Cheers
  2. I'm still plumping for the lighter grey. It must be said that, in the different light, the darker one does look a tad lighter. My two pence worth
  3. I'm with EG, the lighter one, I think the darker grey is too dark for a sea grey.
  4. Thank you very much for this very timely post! I'm just starting to make some the many eyebolts and split rings.
  5. Some very nice work on the seats and seatbelts Craig!
  6. Michael, welcome to MSW
  7. and welcome to MSW
  8. and welcome to MSW
  9. and welcome to MSW. It would be nice to see what you do with the model.
  10. Nice planes @AJohnson, I wish that I had room for some of the larger kits. I'm in for this Andy, you do some kind of magic with these 1/72 kits😉
  11. Ralph, welcome to MSW Your Bellona model looks great!!
  12. Thanks, I don't think I'd have the nerve to be a surgeon, that's why I became a bricklayer😁 Thank you! Watching you do your Cheerful, made me realise removal and replacement was all for the good.😉
  13. Thank you Jim, to say I am pleased with the result feels a bit of an understatement, but yes I'm very happy how it turned out.
  14. Stefano, welcome to MSW
  15. With the remove and replace work done, I gave the whole deck another good sanding. and a coat of WOP As can be seen (or not, as intended) the remedial planking worked. No unsightly overly dark planks😊 I still need to do the detailing of the patners and the waterway. I yet to find a satisfactory method of shaping the waterway. I shall try and get these jobs started over the weekend, then onwards to Chapter 5. Thanks once again to all who gave advice and removal methods, all of which helped enormously. Also for the likes, comments and popping in. Cheers
  16. Superb work with the PE Rob! It's looks great! Again there is that Steampunk look of the array while unpainted, very HG Wells
  17. I got several hours on Winnie, and removed the darker planks. I gave a few of the suggestions a try, but in the end the last plank was taken out by running a brand new no.11 blade carefully down the seams and drilling two holes large enough to take my needle nosed pliers, carefully applied gentle pressure and the whole plank came out albeit with the attached false deck. I have some ply of the same thickness to replace that. I'd not edge glued the planks, so they came out easier and didn't damage any of the adjoining planks The planks were cut, shaped and dry fitted glued in and given an initial sanding I'm happier with the result. Thank you to everyone who commented or gave some advice on how to remove the offending planks, I much appreciate the help and encouragement. Also thanks for all the likes and for looking in. Cheers
  18. Thank you to all for the tips and advice, I will probably try them all, when I get time on Winnie. The results will be posted here, good or bad!!🤔😊. Hopefully the former😶
  19. @VTHokiEE I'm going try running a razor blade down the sides of the planks, then very carefully tease them off the false deck. They are fixed with white glue so a drop of isopropyl will loosen the grab with any luck.
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