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Posts posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Thanks Craig,  with any luck the parts will  be sent. The original parcel took eleven  days to get here from Japan.  In the meantime  I have started to paint the other cockpit parts, I'm using Tamiya cockpit green as my order of Mr color paints not turned up  yet and I can get Tamiya paints locally. Checked it on a conversion chart and it supposed to match, but I don't think it will matter as long as all the other parts requiring this colour are done the same. I'll  get some photos on tomorrow 


  2. 29 minutes ago, lmagna said:

    I always wanted a real library like rich houses have in the Victorian movies, where you could go to the proper shelf and pull out the perfect book for the subject you were interested in at that moment.:D

    Yes one with the ladder on the track so you could get along the top shelves, and sit in the wing back chair to read the chosen tome^_^

  3. I've been tempted into doing this build after watching Craig and his many non-ship projects and picked the Dauntless as I like carrier borne bombers and fighters from the Pacific campaign. 

    Now it's been at least 40+ years since I did a plastic aircraft model so please bear with me, also its OOB, no mods or aftermarket stuff,  just plain as is.

    I'll be going with the US navy tri-colour paint scheme but they not arrived yet so maybe a while until I 




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