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Posts posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Hi all, well the sun came out today so I took the Triton framework into the garden and made some dust, I didn't realise just how much wood needed removing but all bulkheads are back in the former and may need a bit of tweaking here and there. 

    I think that I will recut number 27 bulkhead as it looks wrong and when the test batten was placed it gave the stern a flare and not the gentle curve that my deck template has.

    Have squared up the bulkheads but still got to put some strengthened in and some filler blocks. 

    That said I have got ahead of myself with putting the timbers for gunport  in because if the bulkheads aren't squared they'll have to come off.

    That's it till next time 

    Cheers 👍😀



  2. Hi all, 

    A rainy Saturday and a couple of hours on planking. I've fitted the wales on both sides and planked Upton the sheer rail on one side.

    Had a bit of practice at forming a mould on the gunwale with a shaped scraper,  its only a half round pattern but will continue to practice with more elaborate forms.

    I'm letting the glue dry now and want to get on the full build tomorrow and fair the bulkheads so won't be back on the Xsection till sometime next week. 

    Cheers .

    Thanks for likes and comments 👍

    I can see in the photos that I need to tweak the gunport planking, looked ok until I posted the photo 🤨🤔😥




  3. I've received my delivery of Alaskan Yellow Cedar today, so hopefully will try and find some time to fair the bulkheads on my Triton this weekend and work out the planking belts,  but everything depends on life leaving me alone for a bit.

    It does look very nice wood with clean sharp edges, and didn't break the bank👍😉


    Sorry for the photo quality 





  4. Hi all, it's been a slow Sunday here so did some more on the X section.

    Finally got round to doing the last eight hanging knees and what a difference from the first attempt at knees! Only one edition required.

    As you'll see in the photos there is a Mk1 gun barrel, no turning! just carving and sandpaper, then some thin card glued on to make it look more cannon like. There will be a mk2 and a mk3 and possibly a mk4, but we'll have to see.😅

    Well that's it for now. 










  5. Thanks for welcome and encouraging comments Chad😀

    Regards to the gun barrels I have looked at Chuck's offerings and 🤤 yes would feel no shame in purchasing them but the shipping from the States to UK makes them a more expensive option than getting Caldercraft ones from CMB.

    I might see about some other bits and pieces, timber, blocks, rope etc to make the shipping worthwhile. 

    In the meantime I will have a bash at making my own 🤔

    WOW, I've just noticed Dirk has had a look in!!  Thanks for the likes @Dubz and @AnobiumPunctatum

  6. I'm back again,  managed to get a couple or three hours today, and finished making the gundeck stanchions, glued knee patterns to the wood ready to cut out next time. 

    Started planking the gundeck and placed gun carriages at the gunport to check for size, I think they are ok.

    Till next time 

    Cheers 👍😃

    Thanks for likes  and dropping by.






  7. Hi there everyone,  

    Just a small post this time, been really busy at work so not done a lot here.

    Managed  a couple of hours and made the ladder hatch and ladder, who knew that ladders were so fiddly to make 😬? Also started to make the rest of the gundeck stanchions. I've not forgotten about the hanging knees but wanted a bit of a rest from cutting odd shapes out of walnut. Have been  wondering if I would be able to make my own gun barrels instead of buying readymade, any ideas and tips would be very welcome. 👍😀

    Till next time 







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