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Everything posted by cog

  1. How can I get rid of this brownish depressing theme, and revert baclk to the blue, grey, and white? Can't sem to find the "button"
  2. What did the description say ...? Can't be to careful with these things, you'll always get some nasty surprise or other ... Glad you didn't have to sand it off!
  3. These picsies I can work wih EG. I think it is quite logical you loose the metal sheen when you cover it with lacquer. It's like modern car paints, you don't see a gloss lacquer, you see varnish. To me it seems you are comparing two different substances/materials. I don't think you will get the same lustre with pigments and clear gloss lacquer/varnish as you would with "metal" paint
  4. Not to shabby a job, Mindi. It actually turned out rather good
  5. Model drawing at artschool ...? Exfoliating ... you are a versatile man, Steven. Do you sand by hand or use some rotary tool?
  6. I have never carved so many armless bodies, but I have drawn plenty more ... does that count?
  7. No, not really, but I know they're there
  8. No worries EG. It would clarify things though, especially if you get another bloody foreigner like me
  9. The wooden deck looks a bit like cheap wood, if you don't mind me saying. It could do with one of your upgrades mate
  10. So much for the first out of the dual combo box. Nieuport Ni-17 build 2 Since I am waiting for a few parts and decals for the Messschmitt Bf 109G-6 Swiss scheme, I took the box for the Nieuport of the shelve. Since it is a duocombi you get a second plane to build. Eduard has some nice kirs like it. Some interior desig ... Not a lot of PE, but what's there for small pieces is hard enough to work with and after that getting the paint on the fuselage, and wings. I will build this one in the colours of the Escadrille N.57 as it was in December 1917 The plane will be painted all aluminum. I will use AK Xtreme Metal paints. Giving it the Black base colour ... Aluminum cover I like the way you can just poor the paint in your airbrush and paint straight away. I have used Vallejo metal paints but those didn't give the same metal look as these AK paints do. The Vallejo metal paints look rather artificial, eventhough they are quite nice to use especially with a brush Paint: AK Black Base & Light Aluminum Airbrush: Bulson double action 0.2mm nozzle Airpressure: 18 PSI
  11. EG I don't know which part you are painting, because I am not savy about armour, besides there is a lot of reflected light on your test piece, or is it white paint? Furthermore, you turn the piece around a lot which makes it impossible to compare previous versions, as the light differs that way
  12. Well you do have a flute player, but what about the need for speed!! You need some muscle music, and a wench for the ultimate rower
  13. Ken, those are redy to spray paints. No pigments. The advantage is you can work layer into layer when still wet ... but then you need to use a brush (without the air)
  14. AK has a range called Xtreme Metal. They use a glossy black base coat, after which you can apply most any metal colour they've got, and it looks good. Even when using a hand brush. I use it on all exhaust manifolds at present, black base coat, burnt metal, pale burnt metal, metalic smoke, pale blue... that's about it. Hardly see it, but I know it's there. Getting a Nieuport (1.72) ready for spraying, which will be all aluminum. That will be painted in Xtreme Metal too, first the black base, then the alu
  15. You really hit the jackpot with that floor Mindy, as the British would say: "Smashing"
  16. That's my experience too EG. That is to say, untill you have a somewhat complicated painting scheme ahead of you
  17. So it looks, but if you are done with it, send it over, so I can have a closer look. A lot of Eduard details ... Not my type of plane, but you seem to be moving along very nicely EG
  18. Plastic, wood, metal. It all comes down to the right varnish, and dilution for you. I for instance do not like the airbrush varnishes from Vallejo, I prefer mig or Tamiya, and will try MrColor when it comes in next week. Preparation is another important element. You might want to give this chap's handy work a look: https://youtu.be/1zAmzmnDJoA
  19. It's funny but I get the distinct impression a lot of French and US airplanes find their origin in German research, design, and development ... not just the jet engine (V1, V2, .....), but also e.g. the flying wing ... and now it seems aerodynamics too ...
  20. looks like it can only de-/ascend and is pulled forward ...
  21. Lovely all those different planks, good choice, Mindy
  22. Huhg improvement on the lettering, Eric. It really changes it from nice to wonderful. You out did yourself again. A pitty the next build will not be a river boat ... I have enjoyed the journey tremendously and will certainly take the route again. So much to see, read, and learn
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