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Everything posted by cog

  1. Not yet mate. A one post build can beat me So I've heard ... must keep a sharp lookout(!) Hopefully his wingman shows up rather sooner than later
  2. Glueing it together is not an issue, mostly making the glue points clean so it will stick was my issue! Final result
  3. Cockpit. Yes it has very fine details. Even got some PE thrown in to amuse the builder, or try his vocabulary ... once you get the hang of PE, the size doesn't really matter, how to keep it stick is another point. SOmetimes it is easier to have it glued to your tweesers than the model(! ) didn't even forget the safty belts
  4. Right another small build for the intrested ones. This is one of Edurad's Dual COmbo, which means you get two planes at lower cost. It was, when I bought the kit, the only available version in 1/72 Box "art" The RLM colours are incorrect, but I wasn't prepared to buy yet more a.o. green paint. These came pretty close, so I worked with what I got It is a reasonable simple kit. Quite quick to build if you're not me. Had some set backs, amongst others, the AK Extreme Metal I used on the body (aluminium) looks smashing, but needs to cure before masking. The green and brownish colours are Mr Paint acrylic lacquer. Works fantastic in an airbrush.
  5. Let's stick to this great plastic Trumpeter kit. You pulled a rabbit out of the hat with that tower, Yves, magnificent, as has this whole build been so far ... any more surprises to follow? The lighting is almost a show to set off the sub. Marvelous!
  6. Something is bubbling for display ... hope it doesn't drown ... have to work it out ...
  7. At least you had a shot at it, I didn't even try!
  8. There is quite a lot to be found on the Dr I's The plane above with the yellow tail is from Ltn Arthur Rahn no 433/17 Jasta 19 - 1918
  9. But there is another one OC ... rigged and all Oeps, forgot tires ...
  10. White respray, looks good enough, pitty I can't use the chipping fluid's capacity anymore. Back to manually inflicting damage. Few more bottles on order. Forgot to order three for this model. Added the missing colours for the next at the same time, saves postal charges. Won't be long before I'll start that one.. Planning a scratch build too. I found an interesting 109 the BF 109Z. Requires two kits, and a lot of scratch building ... model bucket list + 1
  11. No but you could take it out and pump it to the right size for a BBQ Very realistic Patrick. Don't hurt your back moving the ship with the additional weight
  12. Nice builds Ernie, people should relly see what you have accomplished Another small one, rigged the front, need to do the rear as well Boxed in Jasta ...
  13. Actually he builds at two scales 1/1500 and 1/1000 see his website
  14. Vallejo 73.613 or 73.604 (bottles) but I wouldn't recommend to spray it. Until now, I am not impressed by Vallejo airbrush primers, their ratle cans are as good as Tamiya oddly enough It is indeed MIG and Badger. MIG is 20% cheaper here in the Netherlands. € 6 vs € 8, bottle size is equal, 60ml. A bloke at Britmodeller tested it on a kit which he first primed with Badger, and after that with MIG, it seemed to blend in perfectly ...
  15. I'll leave my heating gun in the cupboard!
  16. Probably a coat of clear lacquer ... solves most paint issues
  17. As I feared ... pulled off some white, despite the fact that I put the masking tape onm my tjeans a few times, before masking ... at least I've got the red and the base coat on as well. Now a way to keep them on ... Lost some of the preshading with the red and the base coat. I had to cover as predictedby Ken ... thanks mate ... shading and weathering in a unplanned way. Challenges, challenges ... who doesn't like them ...
  18. So what you say CDW, you pay a premium price for resin, PE and guy to fly the thing, whom is fidgeting with his helmet ( )The Roden kits are not the best, but currently the only one at 1/32
  19. Exactly my thoughts, it does oxidise, and discolourizes to somewhat brownish, but it doesn't look like metal rust
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