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Everything posted by cog

  1. Thanks all for the likes, and comments I did paint on stripes Denis. As it would be rather silly not to. In all honesty, Initially I forgot and had them painted the base "belly colour", but realised I should have painted them with stripes. Checked the paint scheme, and added them by hand. By the way, I changed the prop from fixed to a turning one. That's why it's still not mounted. I did a wee bit of weathering, painted the exhaust (nearly forgot as well) ... final layer of varnish/lacquer ... would satin be the propper choice or gloss?
  2. I couldn't resist the open door, Mr Louie, not to start about that surname, which is quite appropriate in this context Nice to learn something about Sydney though. Must be a hell of ride with such weather
  3. That's nice, gives away the innards of the ship, a taste of what's to appear. Will be hard to copy at 1/350 ... Nah, mate, although you make it seems so easy ... Seydlitz, I can see her from my desk whilst working, but need to get my head on straight. I can't do much more than a spit or a fokker at 1/72 presently. To messed up because I'm working where I'm modelling too. I've been in the same room for over 8 weeks, feels like a straight jacket, and makes(?) me a mental case
  4. Thanks Dennis, it starts to look better. Finished the nose cone, propellah, and landing gear. Added some decals, still a few to go before I'm done with that. The remaining ones are really small, between 1 and 2 mm sometimes I wonder if I did put some of those on!
  5. This one I will certainly not build when I look at the runway ... nice replacment you scratch built, although, a bit of a cover up when I look at the work you did on the interior
  6. Roman time bus I presume ... I'm missing the driver ... some didn't catch the eight o'clock bus it seems ... still places left. (love the joke, Steven)
  7. If I recall well from reading, the drag of a wider beamed boat is less than a narrow boat/ship. There is a set back, though: You can't deal as well with strong winds as a narrow beamed ship which has far more volume beneath the surface, hence, the search for the ideal beam is an ongoing adventure
  8. Mike, either an electric, battery run, mini compressor directly attached to it, or a pressured cannister. I've seen them, but it looks rather clumsy to me. I prefer the pencil shape without the encumbrance of an "airpressure unit", however small, attached ot it
  9. Luponero, Marvelous work on the sails. The yards (what you call flag poles) look beautiful. Cannot wait to see how she will look once the sails are up and trimmed.
  10. Eric, a lovely trip on the making of Arabia. Lots of learning done, enjoyed every bit of it. Thanks for sharing and the journey Have you thought about the material used to make dioramas for your sediment base? Like pigments, and such. That might just give the result you are looking for. Try "mud diorama" in google, gives some fascinating possibilities
  11. looks a lot like the one I'm building well, but for the striping that is
  12. Our everlasting struggle that is to say, for most of us
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