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Retired guy

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Everything posted by Retired guy

  1. Do have the Bugler book and all the drawings and have seen that diamond shape in it, if you do find it on the deck try and take a good picture 👍 Regards Richard
  2. Hi Michael, sorry for being so tardy in keeping up with your build, so now all caught up with all your brilliant kit bashing added lots of likes, don't you just love scratch work I find it so exhilarating. Like your new gratings and I think you should change the Bowsprit but I know you will because Regards Richard
  3. Hi Malcolm, Use to live 35 mins away in Poole before coming to Canada, and have been on the Victory many times and would agree about no treenails in deck, all you see is the plug which is made from the same wood as deck so in 1/72 scale you would have to have a .017" or #78 or #77 drill bit but as you say its the choice of the builder. REgards Richard
  4. Thanks Jonathan its what I wanted in retirement Hi Arthur how's the Bluenose coming along, and yes you are correct this is Mrs Victory have had since 2004 but been working on and off for the last couple of years. Thanks for you kind comment and the background gives me great viewing for hockey games 😁 Hi Ben it took me until I was 61 to build the shop how I wanted you saw what I started with. Thanks for your kind comment regarding the Bluenose its coming along. The lower tables are for my wife, made all mine 40" high it was a lot of fun building the room. Will need to either buy some rope or make it myself, do have Chucks rope walker but I do see your rope and wow that does look go. I bought rope from Morope back in 2004 so will look at that first but do want the best when time comes to do rigging on the Bluenose. Do apricate all the comments and also for all who hit the like button thank you. Regards Richard
  5. Have done a very small update, added the draw handles and made the captains door Have been a bit distracted with another ship Until next time Regards Richard
  6. Thanks for kind comment and looking in on my build and as you say it is a beautiful vessel. Regarding achieving the level of confidence and skill it just takes practice, practice and more practice and lots of patience. Regards Richard
  7. Nice start Tim, and glad you found the modification to the fair a frame it was not going to work to well without it, I see you added a strengthener which makes perfect sense. It was a sad ending to a beautiful ship. Don't be to intimidated with this build it does turn out to be one nice looking model, but I would say just follow the instruction manual . Regards Richard
  8. Just caught up with all your brilliants' Keith just outstanding 👍 Regards Richard
  9. Nice to see your build here Kev and nice planking job. Regards Richard
  10. There is no disadvantage, but if you bevel bulkheads it's a lot easier to do before installing / gluing and you can see them line up with the bearding line while being flush with keel in the middle Also it gives you indication that a bulkhead is out, did have to add thin strips to build up Best regards Richard
  11. Hi Arthur did write a reply to your question on my Bluenose hope you saw it and here are some more tips. I read the instruction manual and went with the stages, they are very clear and I had no issues. Make sure you add the reference line to the Keel pieces also the bearding line, and then add reference line to all the bulkheads ( this will help to see if you need to adjust any height issues) and at the same time trace and mark all bulkheads with side bevel on both sides and then sand these before installing this really does help down the road. These are all the tracings I did You can see the reference lines in this picture Hope this helps and have fun Regards Richard
  12. Your workmanship is absolutely brilliant Gary, also your subtle weathering which make it look so real 👍 Regards Richard
  13. Hi Arthur thanks very much for your kind comment hope what I have posted helps all Modelshipways Bluenose Regarding the keel pieces they do not fit one another and it is the middle piece, lay the keel pieces on the drawing and line up the top if you have to adjust the keyways between all pieces do so then you will be adding some wood to the bottom of the middle keel piece. From the picture you will see how much was added and also the left keyway you can see I added little stipes as well Hope that helps. Regards Richard
  14. Hi Per thanks for your kind comment its quite tricky to make but just take your time. Thanks Joe she's coming along slowly Thanks for looking in Gary took awhile to think how I was going to do the scroll, but it has turned out how I envisioned, Captains cabin is coming along just not sure if this was how it was in the Bluenose. Regarding the work area, it is very comfortable work area, started with this Then made all tables Hi Dave thanks for your kind comment Thanks Bob they have turned out how I wanted them to look Hi Gary thanks for looking in, do like thinking how to make, then making/soldering small items Thanks to everyone for you comment do apricate it very much and also for all the likes Regards Richard
  15. I was wondering how I would do the scroll around the hawse pipe, I tried to carve the scroll but the kit supplied wood is no good for this so thought about painting it but trying to make both the same 🤔 So came up with making the scroll from .018" brass rod, using a pattern from LB Jensons book, in the book it does say ( these were drawn free hand cutting in with a chisel and painting with gold leaf) and also says scrolls done in summer seemed to have more knobs than those done in winter, being in flower, so to speak. This is the start of the two scrolls as you can see there were some very small parts to solder together. One completed and then I filed it down These are the tools I used. Now got to finish the second one and then paint yellow same as cove. Thanks again to all who comment and for all the likes do apricate. Regards Richard
  16. Thanks Gary was playing about with a 1/32 scale Lancaster changing the cockpit area but still doing small parts to the Bluenose. Regards Richard
  17. Just caught up on your excellent build (Wally) Harshil brilliant job. Regards Richard
  18. That is some very nicely laid planks Keith don't see a gap anywhere 👍 Regards Richard
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