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Retired guy

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Everything posted by Retired guy

  1. Hi Per thanks for looking in and commenting on my build, I do love to highly detail my models and it has taken a few years to get to this stage, and I do agree with you regarding learning from others, have learnt from many 👍 Welcome to MSW Paul, look around the site and you will see a lot of amazing builds going on and please do not be intimidated by what I or others make, as I said to Per I love to figure out and make detailed pieces. And thanks very much for your kind comment. Totally agree you have to have tools to make parts as I do, but also have the knowledge to work the tools and this comes by practice, practice and more practice and a lot of patience Weathering does bring out the model and have done it on plastic models but have not seen any done on wooden ships 🤔 so will have to experiment on some old parts which I have made before trying on the Bluenose. This is what I did to my 1:24 scratch built Jeep, was worried that I put to much weathering on it but I think it came out not to bad. Regards Richard
  2. Block looks good to hold wood from not moving, but I use feather boards bought from Micro Mart, I cut a piece of Blood wood to slide in grove, used a counter sunk screw to hold, I find I do not get any kick back, and they work great also it gives you both hands to work with and feel how the cut is working and last I use a push stick once it goes passed top feather board just another way of ripping planks. Regards Richard
  3. Thanks very much Keith and your build is absolutely exceptionally good as well 👍 Hope it helps you in your build Richard Thanks Robin did make with a few knocks as I see in the pictures, still thinking of maybe doing a bit of weathering Thanks Michael that is very nice of you to say Love the metal work as well Joe, but also I do love doing the woodwork isn't it a great hobby You are right Richard the kit supplied white metal parts are not up to par which is a shame Thanks Mugje Thanks a lot mate just trying to get it to look right really. Again thanks for your comments and to everyone for the likes Regards Richard
  4. Couple of small updates starting with the guard to go over the windlass gears, does not look much but I suppose it stopped fingers/hands or rope/chain from jamming 🤔 Sheared .003" brass sheet bent to shape and then soldered the top bracket on, was just a little short so soldered a small piece to the bottom, after that drilled four .011" holes so that I could add some .4 mm Philip screws, will blacken it later. Next up was the windlass brakes so started with the brake beam used this picture and drawings provided to come up with the shape, machined the base out of 1/8" sq brass bottom is .014" and sides are .010" then made the beam out of 3/32" sq brass, drill the hole for the mount first then machined the side stiffeners after that I filed to shape, filed ends so that I could fit 1/16" sq tubing these were cut to .098" long and then soldered to each end also cut a piece of tubing and that got soldered to the mounting hole, once this was done I cut the small reinforcement bar at each end were handle will go from 3/32" brass tube and soldered them on and gave it a go clean up. Made the small brackets for connecting links from .10" brass then made a jig so that I could soldered them on Held it down so nothing moves and bingo it worked Will blacken it later, pic with kit supplied part Next up is to make two of these ratchet quadrants then shackles and links Thanks everyone for all the comments and likes much appreciated until next time. Regards Richard
  5. Its the Bluenose 1921 do have a log going, thanks for the comment 👍 Regards Richard
  6. I like the supple deference's between the Benjamin W. Latham and the Bluenose Joe, and very nice details on your cabin 👍 Regards Richard
  7. They are brilliant received mine back in June will be doing more carving on my next build, Mikail was very nice to deal with and even showed me some of his carvings they are absolutely outstanding, a master carver. He also gives you how to sharpen and with pictures. Here is one of the pictures Bob they are not a special order you just pay more. Very satisfied customer 👍 Regards Richard
  8. Hi Mr P not sure either but now think they go to number 42 and 43 you will see it under fore topgallant sail Regards Richard
  9. Hi Mr P just looking in the AOS Endeavour book I have and here are some pic's of the area you ask I think they go to B (Bits)which is for Fore topsail sheet I have to finish my Endeavour and still got that to do Regards Richard
  10. What a fantastic cabin, the wood work is so exquisite and the person who took the pictures did a great job 👍 will look forward to what you come up with. Regards Richard
  11. That's a nice picture you have of the corridor and stairs Keith, and they look very fancy and elegant, your stairs are looking brilliant too 👍. But if you did as per Pat and leave the above deck companion loose you could lift and show someone if interested 🤔. Have been playing in the main cabin myself, but only have a sketch from LB Jenson which is not of the Bluenose, but I assume it would have been very similar for a Fishing Schooner of the period, will be leaving the Companion Way loose. REgards Richard
  12. Very nice engine telegraph pedestal and GPS box and stand Do you have a 1/35 figure and take a picture of it standing on your brilliant stand by the wheel. Regards Richard
  13. Hi Wally you can get some Swiss Pear at A&M wood specialty in Cambridge Ontario and Boxwood And pear at Gilmer wood in Portland US Regards Richard
  14. Hi Jim will be sending the whole saw back to you for an update in the next couple of days😁👍 thanks a lot. Received the slide plate and other goodies today looks excellent and will try it out once I get saw back. Best regards Jim Richard
  15. Lovely pictures Robin do want to visit Lunenburg one day hopefully after this virus disappears 👍 Regards Richard
  16. Its only 997 Km or 11 hrs 27 mins that's a bit an't it that would be a lovely motorbike ride. Home made fruit scones jam and clotted cream yummy 🍺 and lucky for us on the Island we have only had approx 150 cases of the virus 😷 😄 Regards Richard
  17. Hi Jim, Going to send just the table assembly or maybe 🤔 I should send the whole saw back with the new switch which will be here tomorrow and if possible you could machine the hole in the front for the switch what do you think? Would you still have to go through NFTA because that adds another $100 plus dollars? Best regards Richard
  18. Hi Jim, Would like to get one please, just wish I had known, sliding table and other parts are coming Monday 😃 can you tell me how long it takes for the turn around I am using the table saw quite a bit lately. Regards Richard
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