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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. congratulations Peter, you can with pride look upon a beautiful built ship and a wonderful and inspiring build log.... Very well done ! Looking Forward to the final pics and shots for the gallery Nils
  2. thank you Crackers, I do`nt mind tieing the ratlines, at least if there is enough Access to do so, what brings frust is when by mistake the wrong end of the line is snipped off David, my wife always says that I drink too Little, but I`m sure she means water Thank you Piet glad you like it Nils
  3. innovative technique Bob, bringing the microwave into the game..... amazingly good result, I like Nils
  4. Thank you Popeye, I know these knots from my two tallship ratlines.....,must have been hundreds of them B.E., nice comment, Thank you very much, I would have liked to have such a fantastic looking taraffel (eyecandy) as you have created on yours, so I gladly return the appreciation of your work Thank you for your answer Bob, I have`nt used PVA on the knots yet, but I`ll give it a try Nils
  5. Martin, thank you very much, Yes you are right, the first tied lines came on a bit slack, but then the learning curve set in...... Nils Jason, thank you very much, here again the little sailors are of help to find the propper vertical ratline distances in 1:64 scale Nils
  6. Update Build log part 74 today first ratlines put on (port side mizzen mast, lower shrouds.... left hand cowshitch, 2 x clove-hitch, righthand cowshitch can imagine what Bob (Rafine) just went through by doing it very well on his "Essex" one of the swivels points through the shroud-network first set done, the sailor is already practicing the overclimb of shrouds, futtock shrouds, mizzen platform Nils
  7. Michael, what a smart tip, thanks for sharing this one. Guess it will also work when strapping the little paint can to the tip of an electric reciprocating jig saw for mixing up the paint. Will try it out next.... Nils
  8. Hi Scott, many thanks, your fine comment is highly appreciated Looks like you are having a bit the same Approach to the model building Hobby as I had at that age, also with two kids and "hundreds of ideas in the head". Your technical background experience is just right for doing your own made steam driving equipment, and I`ll be eager to drop into your log from time to time. Ist only a Feeling from seeing the pics of your kit introduction, the scale 1:50, the size of the model and the tubing for the intended Boiler outer tube......., Presume that you may have a Problem with space and the too high Center of gravity with a Boiler full of water, but I trust you may find a good solution on that. Wishing you all the luck and good success with your project Nils
  9. Sure Bob, I can Show all the parts, in fact I am curious myself to see how they did, (wear, tolerances, etc, and condition of the Pistons and cylinders and glide bearings) For the crankhousing, cylinderhead, and anchor bolts of a number larger engine housing, here is a sample in advance, (same principle as the smaller engine). this one was I started for a even more powerful Motor, but its on hold. For weight reasons it is made from Aluminium (six cylinders from 18 x 1,5 mm tube, 15 mm boring and 20 mm strokelength) Nils
  10. thats right Bob, it was fun, going to the lake, firing up the Boiler, to Launch her, and watch the smoke / steam track from her funnel whilst steaming her rounds and manouvers. It realy puts me down a bit, that a new Boiler will have to be made, before the revival of this performance can take place. Think I`ll start with dismantling the V-6 engine for General overhaul when my Pegusus is completed Nils
  11. Congrats Ian, thats a fine looking ship and beautiful sail rigging I like Nils
  12. Thanks Patrick, at time of design and build the boat was taylored around the steam plant, and more a functional platform to experience the Performance of Boiler and engine. Thats why it was rather concidered a functional model than a detailed scale model. I am including some Pictures a had taken a couple of days ago of the deckhousings (a bit dusty though), you may notice the amount of necessary openings and hatches required for burner air and Ventilation of the machine room...... Build log part 2 "Lorbas" was chartered to a diving company machine room has six moveable skylight openings open wheelstand rain wind and weather (for old seabears) foremast can be flapped down for passing river bridges (but watch out for funnel...) anchor winch (used old toothwheels) anchor fishing davit only on stb. side entrance to machine room at righthand, slide vent hatch for boilerroom funnel enblem ( my own initials...) the name "Lorbas" I adopted from the former East-Prussian nomination word for smart, sly little kids, like Huck Finn or Tom Sawer were
  13. very nice framing Udo, its going to be a beautiful hull Nils
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