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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Status update..... as the complete rigging shall take some more weeks from now on, I have here some status impressions as intermediate pics for those who like to follow the build log. I noticed that due to the bracing yard positions some of the buntlines, leech- and reeflines have become a bit too taught, so they will have to become worked over again Nils Stern view on aft QD view to the decks, from keel to gun deck. Many supporting pillars are placed beneath the overhead deck beams bottom hold with storage area for anchor cables, all sorts of containment barrels. One elevation higher, intermediate deck here with fresh water drum and long spoon on port side of sail room Mizzen cross jack yard with Mizzen top sail, The white ensign shall be made new by using ink-printed transferpaper ironed on cotton cloth impression of mizzen mast main mast lower plattform captain is checking out the rigging progress of his new ship in command sailor standing on bulwark hand rail main course braced to opposite side for better access to attaching the upper ratlines (mainmast) some of the stay sail sheets attached to the foremost and aftmost shrouds, lines lead down through thimbles to the appropriate shroud cleats
  2. Amazing work Ed, it its a fantastic built ship through and through... Nils
  3. Very nice work Kees, deck housings and all fiiting out details are beautifuly done, a super model Nils
  4. Beautiful work Lee, ist a pleasure to watch your work at this scale (1:64 !), clean and tidy work, I love it Nils
  5. Wonderful work Patrick, it is amazing me every time I look at your Progress in this mini scale Nils
  6. Hi Garry, sorry you`re having Trouble to enlarge the pics, do you face this with other members log pics as well ? As all pics are in JPG Formate, a single "left click" on the pic should open it to appr. screen filling Formate, it should work, at least I had no issues on this behalf from other fellow members Cheers, Nils
  7. Thank you very much Patrick, your kind words are well appreciated, although what I`m modeling is in my intension how I normaly do it, as long as it suits and pleases my obligational set planings for the individual project A fellow builder at MSW once wrote in a quote comment....... "While I admire others in this forum for their extremely clean and almost clinically precise builds I also like that just slightly handcrafted look your work still has"..... I like this comment and think this is reflecting quite well what I had in mind when building these models, rather than going for the attribute of "precision and order". With the Pegasus build it can for example be noted in many details, that there are quite a lot of deviations from the Amati plan, let alone the kit, that may perhaps cause some fellow builders to think that he`s not taking it so historicaly authentical, I just do it my way as long as I´m satisfied with the results and by receiving all these appreciating kind comments and "likes" Nils
  8. Thank you very much Bob, I`ve been thinking of it many times, if not easier doing ratlines before the yards and sails come on,........and yes, I feel I´m making it myself difficult, but the reason was that I had anxiety to shrink in the access space for using long tweezers verticaly for tieing lines to the belaying points. Now looking backwards, I trust it could have been done as you suggest, Shall do it that way, if I ever hapen to build / Rig a 18th century square rigger again. Love the rigging of your "Essex" to date, which I just had a look at Nils
  9. Update Build log part 76 the progress is a bit slower in the moment (lots of hitches to be made), but mizzen ratlines and port side lower main mast ratlines are done Nils some aft views......... cow-hitches at the ratline ends and clove-hitches in between.... lower main mast, port side ratlines attached, including futtock ratlines shroud cleats are integrated every 5th ratline elevation goes over all 8 shrouds, in between only over 7 shrouds
  10. Truss- and jeers tackle look super Ray, the whole rigging to date is beautiful and a delight to look at.... Nils
  11. Matija, those cut into shape corners of the cockpit frame look great, also floorboards, deck and fitting out, very nice model Nils
  12. congrats, you did it Lee, what a treat to see your port side planking in this beautiful way, you`re setting the mark..... Nils
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