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Posts posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hi Uwe,

    you mentioned sharp keel by means of brass profile and to withstand rough driving...It looks very nice

    Are you intending to RC control the steamer on the water ? I did this with my boat in the beginning but had to relialize that moisture was creeping into the planking under the paint indicating several mini-cracks so I refrained from that and have a stand model instead since then



  2. 12 hours ago, KeithAug said:

    Lovely deck view Nils, lots of eye catching detail.


    12 hours ago, KeithAug said:

    Lovely deck view Nils, lots of eye catching detail.

    Hello Keith,

    Thanks for you words. I`m quite through with the basic ship and am looking at the manufacturing of the sails set.

    The foremast gaff sail is to  bear the lettering ( "5  ELBE) on both sides in larger black letters. I would start with this one. For doing so I need a working ink jet printer and a way to mirror the lettering (with Words program functions.

    Momentary my printer does not take any paper by the infeed shaft neigther for normal paper and especially not for transfer foil I`m intending to use, and I`m looking for a way to solve that. I need to find a solution on that. I hate to invest on a new printer. At least by now I practiced to mirror with the Words function.....




  3. Update


    when looking at the boats bow-and sternposts I always had the relating coment, some mails ago, by Wefalck nagging at my mind. So I decided to overwork the boats model for casting accordingly. Now the "clinker planking" ties up with the rear side of the thinned out posts, I provided  a cast  rope-fender (tawling ?) all around, and reinforced the visable frame ends inside the bulwarks. My casting tool was adjusted and a new silicone mold was made....The first results are pleasing for myself





    the overworked model



    fender rope attached



    first cast results







  4. 12 hours ago, wefalck said:

    Do you really want to spoil your model with sewn sails ? I would think twice about this, because they never look right. I would rather go for something like silk-span (Japanseide), glue and paint. There are various examples for such sails her on the forum. They look much more to scale.


    I`ll try with one sewn sail first and see what it looks like....



  5. Update


    made the sprit spar netting and the belaying rail for the 3 for-/spritsail downhaulers....

    I ran out of rigging rope in the moment and expect the delivery for this week. It looks like all my leftover blocks were just in the required quantity to suit the needs



    a piece of leftover mesh from my Pamir netting



    the wooden strip is to prevent too much glue on the netting inside. The outer will be cut off after curing






    belaying rack for the sprit sail setting lines


  6. Hi Jon

    Hi John

    I thank you both for your kind comments. I`m at the time of installing some details, before I start making the six sails. Finaly I`ve found a way to decline the lettering for the tail name and home port.

    For the companion ways I decided to show one (open hatches) and the other one (closed hatches). The two gaff spars and their rigging will be next in the pipe.

    The anchor attachment is also done as well as the two main sheets with tripple sheet blocks, so all is coming on quite well....


    There was the question in the beginning, why the odd scale 1:51, but now the model turns out 740 mm length over all, which turns out to 37000 mm for the actual ship, who`s rating is 37 meters and therefore the scale is now corrected to 1:50




    I onls put one admirals typ anchor with rigging at the stb side. A smaller one (emergency) will be placed at the inboard front bulwark later on



    the forward placed companion way with closed hatches and doors. The formast boomtackle differs to the mainmast boom tackle, probably to hook it out more easily when opperating the boats



    aft companionway and skylight. I chose an 8-window typ in order to allow more light down into the ship



    there is a slight problem with the forward sail sheet when the boats are in place on deck. I trust this must have been the same situation as with the actual boat. The boat tackles rest (hooked in) at the davits when not in use



    tail lettering and attached tail lightDSCI8588.thumb.JPG.0f0e3f40546f8ef9e59f37d87a5089ce.JPG



    the upper rudder shaft will be shortend later on


  7. Update


    fitted the skylight, the mainsail sheet and the two uncompleted companionway hatches....

    I`m trying to get the aft name sign and the port name reduced to the right size. The windows / excel tool allows to get the display in a rounded, bent shape, but only in a too large size. This is to compensate the tapered aft-section. I intend to print them on transparent self-adhesive foil and cut out the text for bringing it on to the hull surface. It looks like my printer has no built in decline functionDSCI8582.thumb.JPG.5eb467c7e056f6f8da8275b3edd18ab4.JPG












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