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Posts posted by Mirabell61

  1. Update

    the first 3 planks per side are on now. looks like  there are not enough red cedar planks for the whole length, so I might need to use the cut off ends and stick / shaft them together.






    planks are 1,5 x 6 mm




    this is one of the pedestal spindle counter press in nuts




    the frames deckside beams will need some trimming and adjusting in order to get a smooth deck lay on

  2. Bob,

    many thanks for forwarding the vidio you found on u-tube. After that I found  quite a couple of other clips relating to the ship.

    Frightening to see were the kids on board, having their childhood playground on a length of appr. 25 meters, and all without lifejackets nor safety harnesses in the masts and the rig. But you`re right, there are many good samples for the schoners historic fitting out. Being built and launched as a pilots work ship I`m not sure if there were an engine fitted in the beginning, probably not. The restored current vessel has been equiped with 2 props.



  3. Update.

    the hull is under way, the frames fit and glued to the keel, stringers are placed and now it is ready for planking....





    The frames are made after glueing on the tranparent paper templates to the 2,5 mm thick 5 layers aero-plywood. per good old jig saw cutting





    preliminary keel and stringers are for aligning the frames in centerline corresponding to the mounting board




    the third last frame had to be replaced ( here cardboard template)




    the outcuts for the stringers are 2 x 3 mm and possibly need to be slightly adjusted to straking and fitting the stringers flush with te frame outer contour



    the wooden baseplate is a leftover of my Pegasus build, provided with new distance logs for the ELBE 5 frames




    stringers fit to the frames, they are staking quite well and leave minimal touchup trimming. The keel will be brought to shape at a later time



    there are two slots in the keel that take up the spindles of the pedastels later on. To allow sufficient countering of the spindles above the keel there are logs glued in between the appropriate frames



    I fitted 14 frames at a distance of 40 mm. Here can be seen how filigrane the contstruction is. I use watertight white glue



    The brassDSCI8348.thumb.JPG.c9c068746af1ab1554d1ee602ccc8298.JPG


    the two brass pedestals made for old candle holders (flea market) and the zinc galvanised  M3 spindles

    The  braced on short U-profiles take up the keel.

  4. On 2/5/2022 at 9:39 PM, Bob Cleek said:


    Hello Bob,

    with geat interest I read your lines about the schoners history under name Wander Bird. Many thanks for your input here, and for the nice pictures you provided. Its been a pleasure in building the model so far to date, and you will see I`m just beginning with the planking. The hull is a lightweight contruction, and the red cedar planks I`m using are leftovers from my earlier Chebeque build

    Best regards



  5. I`m starting a new project on this forum.

    I fell in love with a two masted pilot schoner, that operated on the Elbe river, Elbe-mouth and german bay. The period about 1890. I`m adding some pictures I researched on the web, and information from marine paintings.

    The enclosed print of an wonderful oil painting, was created by the marine painter Carl Becker, who died in1926.

    The picture, adopted from one of my own books shows the pilot schoner "Elbe 5" before the elbe Estuary. The small pilot transfer boat brings the pilot back, now that the steamer in the background has presumably completed its journey down the Elbe river and is just about enter the Elbe mouth and onwards to the open sea.

    The model will be scratch built and POF, equiped with gaff sails and appropriate  rigging

    The chosen scale will be 1:50 and the estimated build time 12 months from today. The displaying shall be on brass pedestals in a glass casing .......


    the models rating will be:

    length over all                          725 mm

    hull length                                 524 mm

    breadth over frame                117 mm

    Hight main mast from

    decks railing                              504 mm

    copper cladding below the waterline


    The original schoner has already changed it`s owners many times in life since the 1890 days, has been lovefully cherrished an equipped with up to date nautical- and safety equipment. After sinking to the river bed some years ago after an accidential crash wih a trader motorship it has been raised, restored and is now  being operated by  much enthusiated members of an association of maritime oldtimer ships and live museum craft. in Hamburg. They are also offering tourns on the Elbe river when the weather is suitable again.







    print of an oil painting by Carl Becker (died 1926)







    Elbe 5 in moderate breeze on Elbe river







    below is showing the template of one of the 13 frames for the model. The frames will be cut out of 2,5mm thick multiply with 5 layers



  6. On 8/31/2021 at 10:08 PM, mtaylor said:

    Translation:   I would like to thank you very much for this opportunity to look at it. There is hardly anything to add to the admiration for the perfection in craftsmanship, text, documentation and your pictures. A huge thank you, Gerhard


    Gerhard,  Dies ist eine englischsprachige Website. Bitte verwenden Sie Google oder andere Websites, um zu übersetzen und zu posten. Dankeschön.


    Many thanks Gerhard,

    I`m very pleased you liked the build, thank you for your kind words...



  7. 20 hours ago, Blue Ensign said:

    Thank you Nils,

    They are an eclectic mix of sitting figures purchased from Deans Marine.

    Having separate arms and torso helped the 'conversion' to Royal Watermen of the early 18th century.

    Unwanted detail was removed using the Dremel, and the tunics were added using  Artists modelling paste, Milliput, and styrene strip.


    These stage photos give you the idea.














    20 hours ago, Blue Ensign said:

    Thank you Nils,

    They are an eclectic mix of sitting figures purchased from Deans Marine.

    Having separate arms and torso helped the 'conversion' to Royal Watermen of the early 18th century.

    Unwanted detail was removed using the Dremel, and the tunics were added using  Artists modelling paste, Milliput, and styrene strip.


    These stage photos give you the idea.













    Good job B.E.

    and thanks for your explaination....



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