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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hi Patrick, you`re very welcome, its nice to know you on board as well, stay tuned... Nils
  2. Good morning Denis, thanks for your words, unfortunately I did`nt receive the planks yet, would like to see how the pearwood shall behave under bending.. Nils
  3. fantastic modeling art work Amalio, its a feast for eyes and soul to explore the decks of your Pandora Many thanks for sharing your work with us . Nils
  4. Hi Kim, thanks for your interest in the Bohuslän Build. In answer to your questions as follows.... 1. The replicate hull rivet plating is done with self adhesive aluminium foil cut in stripes,and plates positioned and brought on to the hull. The rivets are ponced with a roll tool which is a handle with an old mantel clock wheel. The methode is described in my model build logs of the other ships also with riveted plates, (please ref. to the names in my signiture) 2. Some of the brass items were simply left in brass color in case there would have to be any soldering afterwards, and the painting forgotten later on, but I have no problem with that. Would like to see some pics of your model, did you do a build log ? When I built the Billing Bohuslän so many years ago, I was a young man and could`nt afford the adiitional fittings kit at that time, so all fittings were self made. The model went on a shelf for many years after that, and it was only a few years ago that I decided to plate the old lady as she is seen in the build log today. The "Elbe 1 light ship" is also one of my favorites and I can remember looking desperately for the Billing kit on the web. Meantime I have some very good information and also a build plan, so if its ever built it will be a scratch build on my yard... Best regards, Nils
  5. Carrying on with the mold making.... there is hardly any fine tuning to fairing / shaping the bulkheads, all is straking quite well and the planks will have a moderate bend. Now the bowpost and sternpost as well as the keel will be removably fastened to the mold.... Nils there are reinforcement lugs left and right, to where the centerbord will pass through the keel on the hull later on
  6. Thanks Vossie, I`m pleased you enjoyed my KWdG, It is standing in it`s glas case about 2 meters away from my work desc NIls
  7. Many thanks Götz and Vossiewulf, and to all the "Likes".... Götz, you`re right correct sharpening of the blade is essential for a good result, will have to get more practice in doing so...... Vossiewulf, I see from your comment that you have understood what I`m going for with this little hand plane. The clou is that it came only 8,29 Euro on ebay, so I could`nt do anything wrong with buying it... Nils
  8. Begin of building the mold every second bulkhead only is used for the hull / mold shape. After the white glue is cured, the the bulkhead sides will be faired down to outline contour... Nils the slotted profile bars (4 mm slots) are scrap parts I saved up from the recent built casing framework....
  9. Good morning Keith, thank you for looking in.... I`ll be beginning with making the building-mold. Pear planks have been ordered for the planking later on, and for the keel and bow / stern posts.... As an additional alternative to the chissel for shaping the plank-fits I would like to try out this little mini plane I saw and ordered from a web-shop. For making the molds "bulkheads" I will be using every second one of the frame section plan, and transfer the shape on to 4mm thick birch ply. Nils Frame section plan it may be a bit better to control than the chissel, due to the constant fixed angle for cutting /shaving, and the blade gets right into "sharp" corners Sorry for the fade pencil contour on the wood....
  10. wonderful progress on the model Dan, it looks like you`re doing it well in time, congrats.... Nils
  11. Thanks Peter, I`m also happy to hear from you again... The German term for fast hiking is "fasten-wandern", (fasten = to fast), meaning one week without eating food, only drinking......, but drinking teas, vegetable drinks, and fresh pressed fruit juices. Besides that there is an animated gymnastic exercise every morning, outside on the lawn of the hotel, and after the first vegetable drink for breakast, to decide partipication either in walking 12- 15 Km at quite a pace, without walking sticks, (hiking) with one group, or alternatively bicycle riding with another group for about 15-20 km. The drinking and accomodation is provided by the Hotel, especially equiped for fast hiking groups I lost 5Kg in that week, my wife 3 Kg in weight.... I do`nt think I´ll do it again Nils
  12. Thank you very much Denis, unfortunately I did`nt order any planks yet, I intend to use pear wood 2 x 15 mm and place them onto the mold in one length pieces, but I do`nt have any experience with pear wood to date, especially for the bending behavior...in comparison to pine wood planks I usualy use... Nils
  13. Many thanks for your words Frank and Eberhard, Frank, rather nothing of the boat to be seen yet, but I`m gathering information and upfront trying out things with test dummies...., stay tuned for more... Eberhard, thanks for your information and link to the "Arbeitskreis Forum", though it can only be opened to registered members, but I think I probably saw that one on the web some days ago in the "Wettringer Forum", a beautiful build !!, built by a very talented young man named Mathias Nils
  14. Nice progress Nenad, love it that you`re making all those small fitting out details yourself... (a true scratch build) ! Nils
  15. Wonderful build B.E, as usual and known from your shipyard, neat tidy, well built, wood handling and superb color giving... The ships boat looks great ! Nils
  16. Thank you very much B.E. for looking in, yes, its a small craft this time, should`nt be too difficult, but a broad range of new technics to investigate and for myself to try out.. Nils
  17. Many thanks for looking in and for your kind replies,..... to Chris, Dan, and Gary... also for the "likes"... Moin Chris, its not very large, although it will be a rather large scale, but I hope to make something I can be pleased with myself Dan, you`re very welcome, stay tuned.... Gary, thanks for your good wishes, much appreciated.. Nils
  18. Hello freinds and fellow members, today I would like to introduce my new project comprising a model of an traditional working- and fishing boat, as used in the German Baltic state Mecklenburg- Vorpommern in the region called "Darss" with extended national Parks, many decades and years ago. These beautiful wooden boats today are being much cherrished, restored by knowledgable boatbuilders with love and are mostly owned and sailed by enthusiasts for heritage wooden craft with red/brown gaff- und lugger sails. Some have been motorized. There are several regattas on the Bodden waters now an then, a most lovely sight.. Around easter time this year my wife and I decided to do something for our health and we experienced a 7 day "fast hiking week" in the Darss region at the seaside, together with a group of 26 persons and with a trainer. During the hiking tours we also came across little fishing boat ports, and here is where found my inspiration for building a model of one of these lovely boats. In actual they bear an FZ....... registration number on their main sail and they are determined the category "Zeesboat". They are planked either karweel or clinker type and have a swivible centerboard. Mostly they are ketch rigged or single masted with sloop rig. The lengths differ between 9- 12 meter Before beginning there will be a preparation phase, as I mostly do, for the model in scratch build, as I unfortunately to date have no experience wih clinker (lapstrake) building, and some of the idias spooking in my mind have to be tested first, in order to do a near to original lapstrake planking. I intend to plank over a mold / plug and to reinforce the hull later on with separatly added frames, after the hull is taken from the plug. The scale will be somewhere between 1:20 and 1:32. Planking will probably be pear 2 x 15 mm, held together with blackened brass pins and mini clench-discs on the lapstrake inside (resembling the riveted plank boatnails along the horizontal seams) I beleave that there is at this time no other Zeesboat model presented in the MSW forum yet. For doing this model I even decided to postpone the intended model of the seagoing "Hainan Junk" to a future project Nils Preparation Phase it may take some time from now to kick off the begin... pin diameter 0,6 mm, head 1,3 mm, The washer hole 0,6 mm, OD 1,4 mm, 0,3 mm thickness Typical open Zeesboot with open rudder stand and working cockpit and small deckhouse before the mainmast ... seen in the little port of Wiek old boat, new restored, cabin added to the cockpit Boat "Marie Luise" using some srap planks 2 x 12 mm and camfering the upper edges of the forelast plank for the landing surface dummy.... connecting the planks with flat head brass pins (slight countersink) interior side of lapstrake resembling (in lack of suitable clench washers) the clenching with small pieces of plastic tube.... have just received a sample of mini brass washers, that will do perfectly for "clenching" to the pins... clench washers size in relation to the pins here the planks are chisilled for fit and smooth flush transition to the dummy bowpost. The brass pins are here chemically blackend.... this will be my basic building plan... (out of a publication I recently bought from an antiquariat) Nils
  19. Hi Gary, beautiful work, both fishing trawler and boat workshop diorama... Nils
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