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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. very nice project Karl, I wish you good success in all sequences.... Nils
  2. Many thanks Eugene, for sharing those wonderful pictures of the Avos model, and also those of the Brigantine "Phoenix manuals". I am much impressed of the well thought through construction details of these Korabel kits Nils
  3. Wonderful mini scale modeling Patric, its always a delight to study the many fine detail-work.... Nils
  4. Lovely work on the 3 funnels Dan, you`re on the end straight with the model, wish you all the best with the remaining fitting out Nils
  5. Hi Siggi, congrats on modeling those lovely figurines, I just love them..... very well done ! Nils
  6. Nice Progress Dan ! yes, those superstructures are not easy and you`re doing that job very well..... Nils
  7. Hi Kees, beautiful, the fake riveting, and I also like the 3 figures you turned into the fishing crew... Nils
  8. Well done Javier, your Lugger looks great, lovely work Nils
  9. Very interesting and well performed build technique Antony ! Your attention to details in timbers and joinings is amazing... Nils
  10. Beautiful work Woodeater ! thanks for sharing your build log pictures..... Nils
  11. No Wefalck, not member of the German Forum, it would be too time consuming for me with two memberships, but thanks for the kind words.... Nils
  12. Many thanks for sharing this video Kevin.... Nils
  13. Hi Igor, these 1/72 figurines out of the treasure island theme of Falconet look lovely, a pitty they`re not available in scale 1/48. Nils
  14. Hi Zack. sometimes it takes a longer time to search for figurine sources. But we`re lucky to be able to use the WWW today. When cosidering the scale for a new project I usualy have a short research if there would be appropriate figures available in that scale, because self-carving is not my thing, and on the other hand in my opinion a model without crew is too naked. Here a few examples of scale 1:48 crew figures (origine of metal cast or plastic). In case of the rowing boats crew there was a slight surgery to figures arms (one side) in order to to grab the oar end properly, fitting some self made tricorn hats, for individuals, etc...., enjoy... Nils
  15. Happy new year Doris, fantastic work with that so realistic looking mini furniture.... Nils
  16. wonderful progress to see Antony All the best for the new year... stay healthy and enjoy the modeling hobby Nils
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