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John Ruy

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Everything posted by John Ruy

  1. Tom, You know all the time is worth it. Your whaleboats are absolutely mind blowing. Beautiful work. 👍
  2. Details Bulwarks inboard… Fair Leads for Balloon Jib and Jib Downhauls. Fair leads P/S for Jib Sheet. Snatch Blocks P/S for Balloon Jib Sheet Cheers 🍻
  3. Main Rail… Monkey Rail… Buffalo Rail… Deadeyes… Shoutout to @David Lester for your research and build logs. Stern… Bow… Finishing up deadeyes… Painting out to top Rails… Placing eyelets and belaying pins She is getting there… All this fiddley stuff is tedious. Time to take a break and scan over the drawings. I don’t want to miss any of the hardware on the inside of the bulwark, before I start on the deck furnishings. I know I still have some eyelets, rings and things to do. Cheers 🍻
  4. She is a beautiful model, you will love the detail at this scale. Can’t wait to follow your build. Cheers 🍻
  5. Missing details… Oops… I forgot the Reefing Lines on the Main Sail. 🤨. This would have been a lot easier before the mounting of the sails. Reefing Lines complete… Also noticed that I hadn’t placed the Spinnaker Booms. 😜 Now I can say she is FINISHED! As long as I walk away now. Darn OCD. 🤣
  6. Nick, You are correct, she is a beautiful model. Unfortunately, some of the building details are left to the builders. No templates here… Below is a link to my build log, I covered the details pretty well. Maybe it will be of some help. You might call the boom and gaff yokes hand carved. 😎
  7. I’ll follow along as well. I have the Amati Santa Maria new in my stash. I am hoping you give me lots of detail on planking technique. Every thing I’ve done so far has been painted. I’m looking forward to seeing your approach to the planking. Do you have a build log on the Santa Maria? John
  8. FINISHED!!! Hoisted the Italian flag 🇮🇹 on the Mizzen Mast. She is done… @rshousha Thank you Rick for the opportunity to complete this beauty. Cheers 🍻
  9. Hull details continued… Airbrushed Hull Copper Red on bottom of the hull. Applied white vinyl stripe to waterline and finalized with Clear Coat. Hull completed and mounted on the kit supplied walnut wood stand. We can only go up from here. 😆 Cheers 🍻
  10. Sails completed… Added a bit of a fair wind in her sails with Fabric stiffener and a hair dryer. Ready for railings… Cheers 🍻
  11. Pintyplus Spray Paint, Matte Varnish Clear. GREENGUARD Gold Certified, Waterbase, Low Odor, Low GWP Propellant, 10.9oz Sold at Walmart
  12. Mike, Thanks for your comment, it’s really nice to know my build log is useful. 😆 As for MS rigging plans they can be expensive, that’s up to you. There are several MSW builds of the CWM that might be useful. The resource I referenced to complete my rigging was @David Lester build of the CWM. Also @toms10 is currently building the CWM from scratch using the MS Plans. Both of these build would be good references as well as mine. If you have specific questions as you go through my build. You are welcome to PM me and I will try to help. John
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