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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Rob, I was waiting fór someone to bring this Up. It was well tought out before i started. No harm Rob there IS no drowning of waterways , as you May check original flooring, there IS covering board on top of it alebo kg waterways. Firstly its same thickness than planks im laying nie so IT IS same height at the waterways level because coverboard is now replaced by proper Board alonng waterways in level on the floor. So its the same height AS coverboard was. Secondly. As much as i loved idea of laser floor ať the beginning, i started to dislike IT for my model for few reasons. I had to join sheets at the middle of deck, which looks plain ugly. You have it from one piece. Secondly. Even i cut squares around houses it doesnt fit right or right with them. and most important. Its oak veneer - producing very unnatural look - entire floor IS showing shades of oné Real plank, meaning half if IT IS lighter than test if your look from distance All this destroys IT. And another reason. For this i covered poop deck and forecastle already in planks - that decided gate of main deck. Now All is uniform. Another reason IS, why not showing these carpenters flooring AS supposed to be, when scale allows me to...even these are probably smallest scale fór clipper sizing to be doable. Well some folks Could do it even fór 1;96 im sure. I fancy these sort or works, learning right modeling joinery. Hope I could convince you with a reasoning... V.
  2. Thanks Pat, Its very straightforward process. I use piliera, 0.8 mm wire and tiny nails, smallest amati sells. I wanted to omit soldering. I just make half circle wire being at tip od opiera and finish round somehow. And ať another end same. Nails are firm enough to be pushed thru holes so ITs firmy. Im sure even smallers are possible withnsmaller pliers but eyes sore. Hope that helps. Good Luck V.
  3. Very nice work on rigging George. lines are tight. happy continuation.V.
  4. Port side floor laying. I begun laying floor from another side. Fairly, i cant see way how you are able folks laying floor from center to corners with nibbing strakes. I would rather maké center Timber of any size IT would seem end to fit. I will try to emulate this tricky process with photographs. on e floor IS laid i intend tocput some laquer on it so dust could be easily swept away and not accumulate in corners. i Also finished roof around big deck house, kind of weatheted apptempt. I think enough of productive today . Im Happy thet corners stake &curvature foundation of floor IS laid and now IT will be easy work maintaining straightness of planks ...and fitting fife rails masts and house into floor...i see light out of tunnel thanks for watching etc...
  5. Thanks for apreciation words Rich. AS you know me, I still have oné časť figúre naked so its never final agempt with me
  6. seems that her fate of neclect continues on...isnt there any sort of egyptian or in americas case aztecs curse hung over her ? remember - her built was presupposed on McKays inner head gamble to pull his out of his debts. with all buyoances etc... even so he boarded her on maiden voyage, creditors got him, and even her splendor and quality proved his mastercraft and seaworthiness, people after let her rot throughout that cemented her fate. maybe she is destined to be forgotten :)) and effort of few fanatics wont change that. - no, just kidding...its all written of quite a bit or journalistic sarcasm :)) im sure her time comes. no more same flying fishes. Glory will it be in modeling world :))
  7. Figurehead. This painful Topic for me evolved with time, after many attempts. I had to understand some Logic under minute scaling what Cam be accomplished and what not. i indeed praise Robs depiction on the theme, making it manuálly She strikes really very very fine outcome, naturally sit into the overall image and increase beauty of it. I suppose thats the goal of it. After few attempts i observed one thing. Within such Small scales of clipper, there IS really no point making natural Small details like eyes mouths, fingers. I mean detailing those IS useless. Eyes Can be Ford nose Can be slight outpush of materiál on head ets.....even Macro photographs on mobile phone would not be able to focus on it making it visible. It is such i mean such tiny. Sure mine IS bigger than 1:96 but still. When i compare with my 1:48 winchelsea, figurehead is still half of IT. What IS important are priportions meaning overal shape. AS i expreimented before i took advantage of fantastic pics of figurehead avaipable and I Made first 2d model out of it, and than simple 3D model. Naked. When i got printed scale result in 8 ft rescaling to 1:72 i was quite satisfied and was thinking what next. Should I use modeling clay and try with IT? I didnt jave Amy ať home but found modeling paper. That one thing AS hell folks use to make sails from them. Its stabilised after hrad IS applied on it. I tried to dip thin layers of paper in water and tried to make fabric folds, mimicking those carved in wood. building thin layers one upon another pouring second glue on it. IT hardened to some glassy stuff i Could shape with Dremel afterwards AS well. Work of experiments, and laboring with stuff. Its not shipshape AS originál, but i am quite satisfied , as body priportions are true figurehead ones. Few pics.....
  8. By the way, if i svet build something after glory , this is way i would like to proceed. Wooden unpainted half openes hull with painted black masting ...if ill ever be Up to IT. Just love uncoated cleanliness of wooden structures ..very very beautiful aproach...and work. Wow.
  9. Thanks ...Truth to be told, after some frantic period of work i usually loose interest in continuation but worse I loose goal and reason why doing IT or why to continue. I was thinking about IT and came conclusion as my iwn expectation are Raiaing its mostly because im not satisfied with work im doing. Its in many ways for your All folks but contribution but Robs and tours especially, ... wise gentle recommendations and encouragement folks, that I get to Deck again :)) a goal and new new goal to achieve to continue. I know in my inner self that i will not be able to model ať All few years after this. Because I am visually tempted to do something even more challenging and better - clean lines of wooden hulls only in frame building nature... And i know i wont do IT few years from now. Speaking if. Its probably fór sake if masts and yards i made last year that i am commited nôt to look ať IT in shelf but try to finish. But in this štáte of her I am myself 90 percent satisfied and I see reasoning . After my lovely tíme of hull woodmaking - which IS by the way my biggest pleasure and probably best skill of doing im very poor in other ways ...but thru cjanges and i believe refurb i ve done im nie in štáte that i love watching her. Kostoly fór reason im learning to value. That her built is accurate now and i improved a bit i Guess in other areas. A bit only. i have one wish i carry in myself, not sure if applicable, but I hope to manage somehow in future that You and Rob could see her in person in real at close not in pictures. i have every tome a moment of frustration and disbwelief after takong pic and posting it. the reaon is that 2 D reconfiguration of 3 D object radically impoverish any view real 3D process eye could master in thousands of second - its very poor deprivation and its even more so than watching paintings and so on because those are arleady 2D makings. but bajty of vessels proportions and bodies are in their 3 D glory and realations of any curvatures to the next others are crucial. therefore its always kind or sad event to post pics :)) but Some Moments of nostalgia i have today. Isnt She already pretty.? well poor 2D pic but I must admit i have special relation to her and good news IS that this week rest of the planks arrive and ropes will be ordered.
  10. Shackles shackles..shackles... boeing eyesoring work Will that do.? I suppose Now diminish it and make ať least Triple dozen of those .:( Evenings evenings.
  11. Four! 4 approvals from Rich in row. is it already chriatmass or are my diopters already blurry from making shackles? :)) ? :))it doesnt come by an day :)) just joking. thakns Rich im glad you see it plausible as well.
  12. Gentlemen, Thanks for comments. Interesting approach Rob. You know I hlave experienced only with wood never thought of some composite alternative but sure it opens possibilities. As far as rigging preparations id like to ask for advice you more experienced riggers With some calculations I came to conclusion that I will have to choose between two options. Either to stay true to blocks size or try to say truer to rope thickness....and therefore oversize blocks ( due tiny block holes ) unfortunately its clear that both cannot be accomplished, As holes of tiny blocks are limited to allow very tiny ropes. Therefore i have to pick direction. I Remember when rigging mammoth cutty sark in 1:24 sure it was different. But now totally different. I suppose I lean towards blocks accuracy as oversized blocks would ruin natural Elegant apearance of scale consistency around spars, deck, masts etc...much more than slightly thinner rope would. I suppose you may agree with this. however i intend to oversize tiny bit shrounds blocks fór sake of shrouds AS those are hell of a thick ropes, and to correspondence to that walking ropes are tiny. I hlave some pics of fantastic Authentic looking wallnut blocks i am about to use. But there IS múch of a calculation fór ropes to adjust...AS holes of 2 mm blocks are tiny. hmm . But in my scale IT would be free of them onizzen mast. Smallest block would be approx 3 mm of size. Thanks for any thought..
  13. this is impressive Pat. I guess I will have to proceed similar way with my clipper for not crying later on.:) Thanks for suggestion
  14. Rob, as far as them boots. Yeah trickiest stuff. If i remember correctly I destroyed few. Hard Wood like boxwood would be bulletproof but I managed with soft one, IT gets sanded easier- baswood. I drew circle around coin making outer shape than cut IT by half to get 2 halfcircles....sanded IT. After i Guess i drilled tiny holes inside along inner circle shape. Than I stuck profile into tape to ensure iT wont break and glued sandpaper on round Stick in diameter of inner circle and sanded inner very gentlyjust rounding Stick nôt pushing múch. After few attempts seems IT Worked. ... Hope makes sense. Still not perfect but usable....:) V.
  15. Rob, I found this in Michaels book. If revisions took place in 1872, I model her as of 1869 meaning im still in the game :))
  16. Its all fine and interesting, Thanks for pics and comment Rob. Yeah I see those skids. for this reason i plan corner beam of roof to step out and will try to remodel those skids. as for sliding doors of that sort. yeah ouch hm... hm too late but.i guess ..lets leave something for next generations :)) or ? is there something you dont know yet of that ship Rob? :)) just kidding...I relied on this pic. IS that photo misleading or cabin rebuilt after some time? V.
  17. Thanks folks you are so generous to me. Well, I admit that precise measurement IS key aspect of this work regardless quality or aesthetics of work. Speaking of, even 2 milimetre change of object dramatically affects entire neighbourging Area, or distorts overal shape aesthetics and more IT Can ruin years of precise work not mentioning intention of real builder of original vessel. Some continuation but i am about to rest now for 3 or so weeks as my Woody suplier postponed me with floor continuation and i dont want to mix batches. I will try to make few Iron elements so to speak - rudder boats,Iron eyes, cleats..working on Iron pulleys assembling setving machine will také me tíme etc....so i will Keep myself just Mildly busy. But finally no more making dust!etc, but thats IT most likely. By now I hlave All blocks and ropes and chains list completed and its quite a bunch I Can tell. Surprising - or not so múch ? I opted definitely fór version without sails, and without All leeches and buntlines and their blocks - ...- so IT will be slightly ommited of thouse countless yards. Pretty much similar way as EdT modeled his young america. Therefore i intend to build masts atop from the bottom Raiaing one by one. I intend to try each element AS possible meaning setving ropes etc. Will see how it will go. This decision put some ease to my mind regarding difficulty and complexity , space between lanyards etc. Before christmass I should have All ropes at disposal. .those are the plans. AS to deck finishing, I decided to ditch Kitchen Coop Small house, for two reason, first i dont like IT second now back ending on Bug cabin with twoo Doors will be visible and overal place on deck will not be such busy. So Once I have planks i will finish floor assemble fife rails ( however im not sure ill be able to shorten main one; will see) ... And than rigging Could begin Thank you All fór support comments advice etc. Few pics. I had to round hopuse roof .straight flat roof i first intended to use was simply not authentic and i tore IT Down making round. You Can see both on pics now. IT was quite work. fun. Top with planks still missing but it will have to wait. Its visible from previous pics that i Also had to widen house by staggering 5 milimeters ! AS i previously measured boot of the house nôt house itself. So according proper size and you Can now observe how big meaning fat and rather wider than tall those structure was occupying big portion of deck - providing comfortable space to crew. from pic takej abaft of main deck house racing forward you Could see similar view AS in the book with the Boh from vety behind nie forecastle looks like being same height AS of house. Which IS misleading because deck raises towards front. In reality forecastle IS still amaller but IT its Raiaing point IS indeed Higher up so its top more less the level of rooftops if the house. im Happy only now... even some aesthetics elements got injury i will probably leave Doors natural, Its not big deal to me. after fcastle properly heightened to 25 MM, and cabin ( originál wife 18 ft- 1:72 =76mm) i believe All crucial elements are nie of Authentic size and my rebuild ends with planking míne deck to reach continuation point where I stopped. - rigging. Oh I installed few belaying pins.... Thanks fór watching i will finally have tíme to look to others work to get amused V.
  18. Thanks a milion Rich. Truth is im mediocre lousy aprentice repaing again and again. But humbly flattered. Im Happy when your aprove
  19. My Lack of patience and skill determinates me being rather repairman than modeler ouch Updates. AS template i used bw photo with child, with ultimate goal mimic groove in underrof paneling. It IS 0.3 mm think. Heck. Im quite satisfied with outcome. But i hate painting. Ľudia Rob with event amaller scale. My goodness. Some elements of process are shown i changed fairlead position AS part of fcastle now. Funny thing is IT was there originally. I Dubno why i changed IT. So 3 changed. But it Can be done so neatly no one would Guess IT was there. Doors still missing on house. Chainplates colored black. Bumkins were Made into poop deck. Steven rail was tilted inward around mizzen plates. next is to cut door openings and make doors, securing boats anchors and finish flooring. Rechecked height of fcastle deck and house in main deck. All Well. Was SMall Kitchen house part of original installation? If not i will omit it its removed while flooring continue.
  20. Thanks for inputs Rob i will look into IT. Some of them mentioned Rich AS Well I will jave to look ať photographs. All considered and thanks fór bringing it. I know your scale didnt allow tiny details. That was my main reason to build her bigger to be able to show suché details AS lanyard eyes on stanchions below main rail..etc. to be frank, i dont care múch fór rigging event i hlave All yards Made Prior i get some things better truer and nicer. IT IS big learning pointfor me AS e.g. for planking IT IS still very tiny work. IT Can be fór every scale depends what oné decides to portray. Learning learning. But loving it, bettering glory.. No Rush. Moving fairlead closer to fcastle IS easy peasy. Etc....what photo shows them still within forecastle Area please? .V.
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