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Everything posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. Wow Rob, im in awe. glory Will ( hopefully) be my first complete rig whatsoever. Studying your progress ( despite of Few differences of later years changes are Great source to me. Plaese do feel free to comment whatever you Will see strange:) v.
  2. Thanks Rich, lovely paint indeed. AS i started to study rig properly i Now understand "the mess" meaning a aj additional pack of ropes in case one considers sails comparing to without sails . Yes they are there but All the buntlines and so on yes they have to fit comfortably indeed question sa s whether i want them. But i leaning to sails probably similarly as in the paint. First i need to learn making those. Silkspan? Not sure yet. You know I am not doing on glory ATM, probably later in spring or summer..but when i start i Will let everyone know. I Will need to assemble ropes stuff etc...Will be long build. I see it fór autumn and that Will be intense work and i hope lovely rigging. Fingers crossed. Meanwhile i Will experiment with figurehead:) i Still think how to frame that fine sketch from you. I Guess when i start rigging Rob Will build Another clipper or two :D. V.
  3. I got the point Rob. Fully agreed thanks. its just reason i paintakingly digitally recreated entire ornamentals for no use though V .
  4. Thanks for input gentlemen. youre probably right. At some moments I miss or regret not having those elements authentically 3D outstepping of surface. but on the other side as you say its high tech against hand paint. I wont change it and will focus on figurehead to make it instead. slowly. Thanks much V.
  5. Thank you Rich apology i dont check my list regularly. There IS pauze now but just so you know, im Still thinking of figurehead to me Made somwhow and to get nameboard and hoods laser cut. And update. This IS proper height of her in scale after rescaling. First fine. So there Will probably be second attempt somwhow. Not sure how .
  6. Folks. After long thinking.This IS how im going to tackle center of deck. No full planking just coamings hatches and in between. I Hand knife cut rear hatches .i go this way Also in forecastle so stove Will be Fully visible and almost everything in rear and between.
  7. Rich yep I agree. Robs working around bowsprit and rigging at whole is better guidance than any book for me. as far as Figurehead goes, that Boxwood sculpture is beautifull indeed but i do find there one substantial anatomical flaw that doesnt do it for me. Men like proportion between waist and top of bac kand shoulders. no women in world have triange or men proportion - broader shoulders quite opposite exactly same. its my another hobby to paint portraits, i noticed thst immediately. Robs figurehead is closer to original and for me wins in that conparison . no matter detail, when a atomy is destryed nothing would save it. not trying to undermine it it. it is glorious work of a master that i admire in any other respect. ...
  8. You are still humble and hard on yourself that you shouldnt. It is beyond my comprehension how for gods sake you could elaborate even face details like eyes nose lips proportionally but there is also glipm of gesture. im sure you worked under magnifying glass but. i have cutty sark figure of revell in 1:96 and it is pure crap comparing to this . i can tell you. everybodys praise is well deserved.
  9. Guilty pleasures Rob. Fabulous photos. You fly now... Keep them coming. Impressive stuff atvthat scale. I call this jewellery. After She was dressed properly She IS getting earrings necklacess and suff to go dancing soon...:)
  10. Thanks Rob. Actually There IS one thing i Wish to ask from rigging working perspectives im not quite sure about. What standing rigging of upper yards IS fór? Topgallant and royal. I mean, yard arms are fixed to from three vectors an moved Up Down by haliards fixed in center on brace. What fór IS firm standing rigging from cross tree to both arms when yard IS movable vertically Up and Down on masť? Strange to me to be honest. Picture would be Better but im sure you know what i mean. Strange enough nor course neither topsail jas it... its additional support for more fragile thinner spars at the top of the ship where IT IS All more fragile and prone to break? Thanks. V.
  11. She was mighty gal, wasnt IT. Probably best thing i could do was to get to study rigging properly AS i am now to understand every bit that there IS. I was foolishly thinking watching plán of flying fish would do not even knowing of Howse rig. Gosh how baad . Its opening a new perspectives fór calculating and planming ahead what i Wish glory to look like and choices there are plenty. Either how much of roping mess i want or i am able to tackle however, Rob must laugh as in my scale there Will be plenty of space whether fór her to be Without sails - rigging IS set quite little differently, or All furled, or partially set meaning with Few sails unrolled. Amazing cinsiderations to plan think and to make. I Now even understand why damn main course yard IS Narrowed - fór loading 😉 you see ? Few more years and i Will reach some rank of newcomer sailor so plenty to learn every day
  12. Wow Rich absolutely beautiful photograph. I ak speechles.i share completely same sentiment AS you , fór such im leaving glory resting now, and being IT significantly bigger than Robs, i intend to accomodate her with best possible ropes that exist, ! With serving and trying to do All that stuff... shackles, chains and sheaves that Rob couldnt do because of the scale. No matter tíme and length of work. Although we see he is master of his craft there IS no scale problém for him as he managed to make it all fantastic even into 1:96 so .more than . Hat off..
  13. Good day folks. Both sides finished. I see i dont have carlings in the middle quite centered so I Will have to be careful when doing work there. Paper offset Will have to be installed fór sure ...waiting now fór parcel with ch. 9 to arrive...
  14. Its lovely Chuck. Could you please tease us unpatient fellas with what Will come next? :)) Will that be those precious bow "tusks" coming out of catheads towards figurehead?
  15. wow, fabulous stuff Rob. congrats. blunts and leechs, crazy packed stuff. i imagine even running rigging to add to it.. and shrouds to bottom pfff. i get now your nethod aou go basigaly opposite way as many - from top to bottom interestingly clever
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